

Got the T-Shirt


Air Ops Pro
I watch Boardwalk Empire on HBO.

According to that documentary, the decline of America and, conversly, the rise of crime, gangs, and drugs, is the sole responsiblity of New Jersey.

I don't know about you guys, but I'll be just fine with blaming everything on New Jersey.



golden ticket member
I wonder if they will use UPS or USPS to send them all to Mexico ??!!

[h=2]California Democrats Introduce Bill To Confiscate Every “Assault” Weapon In The State From Their Law-Abiding Owners…[/h]

Which comes out to roughly 166,000 weapons that would be confiscated.
Via Mercury News:
All semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines would be banned, all guns would be registered and no ammunition could be bought without a special permit in California under a sweeping list of bills rolled out Thursday by state Senate Democrats.

The 10-bill package constitutes the single largest gun control push in decades in the Golden State, which already boasts some of the nation’s strictest gun laws. It joins equally controversial proposals from Assembly Democrats that would regulate and tax ammunition sales and consider taking the state’s 166,000 registered assault weapons from their owners.

This first unified California plan comes less than a month after New York adopted its own sweeping package of new gun controls and President Barack Obama announced a package of executive actions, all in the wake of December’s Connecticut schoolhouse massacre. Even as this plan emerged Thursday, House Democrats’ gun violence task force was announcing 15 “policy principles,” including protecting Second Amendment rights but also instituting universal background checks and reinstating a federal assault weapons ban.

“We respect the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families. But loopholes in California’s tough gun laws have been exploited long enough,” state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said Thursday.


Staff member

We respect the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families. But loopholes in California’s tough gun laws have been exploited long enough,” state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said Thursday.

This man is a liar. He has no respect for you OR the Second Amendment.
But I bet he has an armed guard to protect himself.


nowhere special
Another reason to avoid registering your guns. Registration is the first step to confiscation. And of course I am sure all of those law abiding criminals will register their weapons too.


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they will use UPS or USPS to send them all to Mexico ??!!

California Democrats Introduce Bill To Confiscate Every “Assault” Weapon In The State From Their Law-Abiding Owners…


Which comes out to roughly 166,000 weapons that would be confiscated.
Via Mercury News:
All semi-automatic rifles with detachable magazines would be banned, all guns would be registered and no ammunition could be bought without a special permit in California under a sweeping list of bills rolled out Thursday by state Senate Democrats.

The 10-bill package constitutes the single largest gun control push in decades in the Golden State, which already boasts some of the nation’s strictest gun laws. It joins equally controversial proposals from Assembly Democrats that would regulate and tax ammunition sales and consider taking the state’s 166,000 registered assault weapons from their owners.

This first unified California plan comes less than a month after New York adopted its own sweeping package of new gun controls and President Barack Obama announced a package of executive actions, all in the wake of December’s Connecticut schoolhouse massacre. Even as this plan emerged Thursday, House Democrats’ gun violence task force was announcing 15 “policy principles,” including protecting Second Amendment rights but also instituting universal background checks and reinstating a federal assault weapons ban.

“We respect the Second Amendment right of law-abiding citizens to have guns for hunting, for sport, for protecting their homes and families. But loopholes in California’s tough gun laws have been exploited long enough,” state Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, said Thursday.

Its official, California has gone into full :censored2: mode with gun control. I would suggest that someone who is a law abiding gun owner in that state consider moving to a free state where they won't be persecuted for the actions of the law breaking element of our society.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Speaking of California this has been HUGE news here for the last day and half... LARGEST MANHUNT IN CALIFORNIA HISTORY!!

Ex-cop hunted over California vendetta killings

A fugitive former police officer accused of declaring war on law enforcement in
an Internet manifesto and wanted as a suspect in three murders eluded a manhunt
for a second day on Friday in the snow-swept mountains east of Los Angeles.

He's eluding 1000's of police/FBI etc. and is well equipped to do battle, he has been planning this for a long time and has Navy/LAPD experience.

Massive Manhunt Continues In Southern California

He also sent what CNN say is a "very disturbing" package to the network's Anderson Cooper:
"Inside was a hand-labeled DVD, accompanied by a yellow Post-it note reading, in part, 'I never lied' — apparently in reference to his 2008 dismissal from the LAPD.
"The package also contained a coin wrapped in duct tape. The tape bears the hand-written inscription: 'Thanks, but no thanks, Will Bratton.' ...
"The coin is a souvenir medallion from former LAPD Chief William Bratton, of a type often given out as keepsakes. This one, though, was shot through with bullet holes: three bullet holes to the center and another shot nicked off the top."

The first two people killed were the daughter of the man who represented Dorner when his case was being heard by the police department and her fiance. They were found shot to death last weekend. The officer who died was among several cops who Dorner allegedly fired on Thursday.

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Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Oh, he ain't finished...


Christopher Dorner Vanished, May Have Very Powerful Weapons

Watch these videos if you dare, scary stuff!!

From San Diego to Las Vegas this guy could be anywhere and this started on Superbowl Sunday when he murdered an inocent young couple in Irvine California. With today's technology and his face plastered all over the place.....Where could he be and how long till they catch him?


golden ticket member
Oh, he ain't finished...


Christopher Dorner Vanished, May Have Very Powerful Weapons

Watch these videos if you dare, scary stuff!!

From San Diego to Las Vegas this guy could be anywhere and this started on Superbowl Sunday when he murdered an inocent young couple in Irvine California. With today's technology and his face plastered all over the place.....Where could he be and how long till they catch him?
He should hide out in Searchlight or Pahrump. Nobody knows you are there unless you run for office.