

golden ticket member
Reid advances NOTHING ........not even for his own party

Via Politico:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) said on Monday that a controversial assault weapons ban will not be part of a Democratic gun bill that was expected to reach the Senate floor next month.

After a meeting with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Monday, a frustrated Feinstein said she learned that the bill she sponsored — which bans 157 different models of assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines — wouldn’t be part of a Democratic gun bill to be offered on the Senate floor. Instead, it can be offered as an amendment. But its exclusion from the package makes what was already an uphill battle an almost certain defeat.

The ban is supported by more than a dozen Senate Democrats and the White House, as well as gun-control groups.

“My understanding is it will not be [part of the base bill],” Feinstein said. “It will be separate.”
Asked if she were concerned about the decision, Feinstein paused and said, “Sure. I would like to [see the bill moved], but the leader has decided not to do it.”

“You will have to ask him [Reid],” she said, when asked why the decision was made.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

So if he had no intention of obeying the protective order and no intention of obeying the laws against committing murder, discharging a firearm within city limits, breaking and entering etc...what makes you think he would have obeyed the law that required him to turn his guns in?

Next question...the woman he killed was unarmed when he shot her. Even if the police had confiscated all of his guns and even if he had been unable to illegally obtain another one...what would have kept him from entering her home and stabbing her to death with a knife or beating her to death with a baseball bat?

Third question...will the same politicians who advocate confiscating firearms from people who have protective orders filed against them also advocate allowing the potential victims of these people to carry concealed firearms for their own self defense? I find it odd that many of the politicians who claim to be "advocates" for abused women suddenly change their tune when those same women want to start arming themselves for self-protection.


Well-Known Member
So if he had no intention of obeying the protective order and no intention of obeying the laws against committing murder, discharging a firearm within city limits, breaking and entering etc...what makes you think he would have obeyed the law that required him to turn his guns in?

Next question...the woman he killed was unarmed when he shot her. Even if the police had confiscated all of his guns and even if he had been unable to illegally obtain another one...what would have kept him from entering her home and stabbing her to death with a knife or beating her to death with a baseball bat?

Third question...will the same politicians who advocate confiscating firearms from people who have protective orders filed against them also advocate allowing the potential victims of these people to carry concealed firearms for their own self defense? I find it odd that many of the politicians who claim to be "advocates" for abused women suddenly change their tune when those same women want to start arming themselves for self-protection.

My thoughts exactly. If the gun grabbers can't get an outright ban enacted then they will work on other means such as restricting who can own a firearm based on arbitrary restrictions. It will begin as a restriction on war veterans suffering from PTSD, and eventually cover everyone who ever got a bad grade while in school. Constant vigilance is the only way to keep these scoundrels from getting their way. If we let our guard down on any front for any length of time our natural rights will be trampled upon in an instant.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
Does unreasonable search and seizure make even a lib mad?? This story should piss everyone off:

Picture of Son Holding a Gun Prompts Visit From Police

He looks like a well adjusted kid to me, nothing wrong there. When I was his age I didn't have a bb gun or .22, my dad gave me a .30 caliber M1 carbine with an evil 30 round high capacity magazine. I don't know how I made it without shooting up my Jr. High when I took it to school and showed it off as part of my Battle of the Bulge history project. People had common sense back then, the present society has gone to hell.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
My dad was on the high school rifle team. He would ride the bus to school with his .22 rifle, and then leave it in the principal's coat closet once he got to school. After school, he and his team mates would get their rifles out of the closet and ride a bus to the local armory where the shooting matches were held against other schools. My, how times have changed.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I got my first rifle, a single-shot .22, for Christmas when I was 11 yrs old. My mom took pictures of me opening the box. No one ever called Child Services. Life went on.


Amatuer Malthusian
My dad was on the high school rifle team. He would ride the bus to school with his .22 rifle, and then leave it in the principal's coat closet once he got to school. After school, he and his team mates would get their rifles out of the closet and ride a bus to the local armory where the shooting matches were held against other schools. My, how times have changed.

My thoughts exactly.


golden ticket member

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My dad was on the high school rifle team. He would ride the bus to school with his .22 rifle, and then leave it in the principal's coat closet once he got to school. After school, he and his team mates would get their rifles out of the closet and ride a bus to the local armory where the shooting matches were held against other schools. My, how times have changed.

YA, the good ole' days of the USA. Guns back then were about competition, something to practice and be proud of. No hate involved. Back then, i am sure you didnt ride the bus wanting to shoot your classmates right? I mean, sounds like "dad" taught you to respect the gun? Right?

So tell me, in todays america, which is different than your days as a youth, how are you different than this kid and his father?

Teen gets life sentences in Ohio school shooting; wears 'killer' T-shirt, insults families at sentencing |

He and his "dad" went shooting together as well. They talked about guns and shooting and ammo and protection, but they also talked about Blacks and Hispanics and welfare, and big goverment and Obama. His "dad" is a white supremist, and he taught this young man all about guns too.

His "Dad" like your dad, didnt lock up guns or hide them. Like YOU, he took a gun to school, along with ammo, but he didnt put it in the principles office. The only competition he participated in, was the "mass shooting" competition that plagues our country.

He killed three students and showed no remorse for his crimes. He gave the finger to the parents of the dead kids at his sentencing. He told them that he masturbates to the images of their dead children.

So I ask you, isnt todays america a more violent place because of guns, than when you were a kid?

This kid was an animal, along with his parents who fed him a healthy diet of Ni--er this, and Bean-r that.

Isnt the solution to school shootings laws that punish the GUN owner? If you are a parent, and you have unsecured guns in the home, and your child takes one of those guns to school and shoots anyone, and they die. YOU should be sentenced to 1 year in prison for every death.

If your kid kills 15 students, then you can expect to be in prison for 15 years. Failure of parents with guns is something that this country cannot tolerate any longer. IF parents were held responsible, then I guarantee you parents would lock up weapons.

Tell me, how does your story with your dad some time ago, apply in todays america given stories like this one?




golden ticket member
A teen decides to take a permanent action to solve a temporary problem and somehow that's my fault ???

Gun, pills, poison, car, etc......if a teen is hell bent to do himself in, then the mushrooms in your lawn will do.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
So sad. No empathy at all. Do you really think mushrooms growing in the snow would have so easy?

It's access to guns that is the problem. Guns are easy, especially when there is an unlocked one in the home.


golden ticket member
Only a fool thinks plans don't get followed through on just because you take a gun away.....hanging ring a bell? Dug o.d ring a bell.

Yeah, just take away all the guns and there will never be another teen suicide. Foolish thinking!!