

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Did you ever have a loved one commit suicide?

If so, do you think a few minutes of your precious internet time or a kind word may have saved a life?

You are a cold person.

True colors


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Really? Have you ever had a loved one take their own life?

Are you the final judge?
yes I did. And would you say the same thing to 6 kids and 20 grandchildren? They didn't do enough??????? No I am not the final judge, but I have seen the pain of those children, grandchildren, and wife. Actually it was my ex. And I stood with all his children and his wife, through the days and months after. 30 yrs after we divorced. I don't throw people away because they make a mistake. I forgive and move on with my life. I love them, they love me, and I am really pissed at him for what he has put them through. I have heard the agonizing heart wrenching crying over a man they kissed the ground he walked on. And it breaks my heart to see it. he had many problems, none of them caused by his family. If someone said something this uncaring to any of them, I would have to regroup, before I beat them to a pulp. Its no ones fault if someone wants to die. You are so wrong.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And he had 3 guns. I guess he wasn't real good with guns, as two misfired. And he kept pulling them out, til one worked. Does that make me hate guns? Nope, just stupid people with guns.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
yes I did. And would you say the same thing to 6 kids and 20 grandchildren? They didn't do enough??????? No I am not the final judge, but I have seen the pain of those children, grandchildren, and wife. Actually it was my ex. And I stood with all his children and his wife, through the days and months after. 30 yrs after we divorced. I don't throw people away because they make a mistake. I forgive and move on with my life. I love them, they love me, and I am really pissed at him for what he has put them through. I have heard the agonizing heart wrenching crying over a man they kissed the ground he walked on. And it breaks my heart to see it. he had many problems, none of them caused by his family. If someone said something this uncaring to any of them, I would have to regroup, before I beat them to a pulp. Its no ones fault if someone wants to die. You are so wrong.

I disagree.

You are rambling and make no sense. Is that an insane thought?


golden ticket member


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I disagree.

You are rambling and make no sense. Is that an insane thought?
Rambling? My enter key wont start a new paragraph, if that's what you mean. Otherwise its your thought, on my post.

A child who is bullied should not be labeled as 'stupid'.
Who was bullied? My ex, hardly. And yes it is stupid. Make it look like an accident, if you are hell bent on dying.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Rambling? My enter key wont start a new paragraph, if that's what you mean. Otherwise its your thought, on my post.

Who was bullied? My ex, hardly. And yes it is stupid. Make it look like an accident, if you are hell bent on dying.

I beklieve we are talking about different incidents. I was alluding to the Middle school student who thought life wasn't worth living, not your ex.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
If "access to guns" is the reason for school shootings, then why werent school shootings commonplace in the 1950's?

Back then, there were no background checks. No waiting periods. No magazine capacity restrictions, or silly feel-good bans on so-called "assault weapons."

Back then, you could buy guns at hardware stores. You could buy them at flea markets. You could buy them at Sears, JC Pennys and Montgomery Ward. You could order them through the US Mail. Nobody checked your ID or took your fingerprints.

Back then, many high schools had shooting teams that competed against other schools and clubs. It was commonplace for team members to bring their rifles to school with them on match days. It was also commonplace during hunting season to see deer rifles in the gun racks of pickups driven by students in the school parking lot.

By any objective standard... guns were far easier for students to obtain back then than they are now, yet school shootings and massacres were unheard of.

Given this it then accurate to blame guns for the problems of today? Or is blaming guns just an easy copout for people who cannot or will not face up to the fact that a much deeper and darker sociological phenomeon is at fault?


Well-Known Member
Rambling? My enter key wont start a new paragraph, if that's what you mean. Otherwise its your thought, on my post.

Who was bullied? My ex, hardly. And yes it is stupid. Make it look like an accident, if you are hell bent on dying.
" My enter key wont start a new paragraph, if that's what you mean"

Question Tooner. Are you on a PC?

What version of Browser are you using. IE 10 did that to me.


Well-Known Member
If "access to guns" is the reason for school shootings, then why werent school shootings commonplace in the 1950's?

Back then, there were no background checks. No waiting periods. No magazine capacity restrictions, or silly feel-good bans on so-called "assault weapons."

Back then, you could buy guns at hardware stores. You could buy them at flea markets. You could buy them at Sears, JC Pennys and Montgomery Ward. You could order them through the US Mail. Nobody checked your ID or took your fingerprints.

Back then, many high schools had shooting teams that competed against other schools and clubs. It was commonplace for team members to bring their rifles to school with them on match days. It was also commonplace during hunting season to see deer rifles in the gun racks of pickups driven by students in the school parking lot.

By any objective standard... guns were far easier for students to obtain back then than they are now, yet school shootings and massacres were unheard of.

Given this it then accurate to blame guns for the problems of today? Or is blaming guns just an easy copout for people who cannot or will not face up to the fact that a much deeper and darker sociological phenomeon is at fault?


As usual I am sure people will disagree --like when Murphy Brown and the Left ripped Dan Quale regarding the family "unit"

With the complete destruction of the family unit in Minority communities starting back with LBJ'S Great society --when housing food and the basics were provided --as long as there was no man in the house --has had a devastating effect on society.

I highly recommend the Documentary "Runaway Slave " That provides historical FACTS that are impossible to refute --people can have their own opinions --but they are not entitled to their own facts.:wink2:

Fits right in with the movie "Courageous" and how important the FATHER FIGURE is --not just to the child and wife --but to the greater good of society.:peaceful: