

Pees in the brown Koolaid

As usual I am sure people will disagree --like when Murphy Brown and the Left ripped Dan Quale regarding the family "unit"

With the complete destruction of the family unit in Minority communities starting back with LBJ'S Great society --when housing food and the basics were provided --as long as there was no man in the house --has had a devastating effect on society.

I highly recommend the Documentary "Runaway Slave " That provides historical FACTS that are impossible to refute --people can have their own opinions --but they are not entitled to their own facts.:wink2:

Fits right in with the movie "Courageous" and how important the FATHER FIGURE is --not just to the child and wife --but to the greater good of society.:peaceful:

There are two distinct phenomenon involving guns and schools.

You have the problem of urban gang violence, which statistically tends to involve minorities more than whites.

You also have the problem of lunatics committing horrific mass murder in public places such as schools and movie theaters. With the exception of the Virginia Tech massacre, which was committed by an Asian, virtually every mass slaughter that has occured since Columbine has been perpetrated by middle-class Caucasians.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
He killed three students and showed no remorse for his crimes. He gave the finger to the parents of the dead kids at his sentencing. He told them that he masturbates to the images of their dead children.

So I ask you, isnt todays america a more violent place because of guns, than when you were a kid?

This kid was an animal, along with his parents who fed him a healthy diet of Ni--er this, and Bean-r that.

Todays America is indeed a far more violent place, but the supposed "easy availability" of guns has nothing to do with it.

There were far fewer restrictions and gun laws in place in the 1950's than there are today. It was far easier to obtain guns in the 1950's than it is today...yet school shootings were unheard of.

I dont claim to know what the answers are. In this particular case, the child who committed these murders is a mentally ill animal. His parents are mentally ill animals who apparently tought him nothing about respect for human life. It is illogical and naive to think that his parents would have even bothered to obey a law requiring them to lock up their guns, or that he wouldnt have been able to procure another one even if they had. Guns, like drugs or alcohol, will always be available to those who illegally seek them regardless of any laws to the contrary.



Well-Known Member

I do not disagree with the facts you presented.

The only problem I have --and this could -- be Racially motivated by media --EVERYDAY in the Minority communities there are deaths by gun --thousands per year --no media attention.

The White or Asian events you speak of over the past 20 years have resulted in no more than a couple of hundred deaths. Sure I know People like TOS will jump all over that comment.

But I ask ---is the Major problem 20 deaths a year ?---OR ---hundreds of deaths per month ??? I know we all know the truthful answer.

It is just when a bunch of White children or people are murdered that Politicians INSIST on gun control --yet the Libs say I am the Racist ?????:sick:

Common sense would tell us --to look at the solution of gangs and illegal gun owners to solve the MASS murder problem.

We do not need more gun laws in Oregon OR bUM --UCK Iowa ---we need severe action in the inner city Ghettos ---the gangs will obey no backround check laws or any stupid limit on mags !!:peaceful:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Thank you for quoting an idiot. The point remains, one child is one too many.

I agree with you that one child is one too many.

The reality, however, is that we dont save that child by listening to idiots who make up the facts as they go in order to pass empty, feel-good laws that serve absolutely no purpose but to infringe upon the rights of the law abiding.


golden ticket member
re: post #5375
Why do you skim over the fact that "idiots" (your word) like Rangel are still in congress??
They speak in exaggerations and are demented!! Any member of congress over the age 67 needs to be put out to pasture!!!
re: post #5375
Why do you skim over the fact that "idiots" (your word) like Rangel are still in congress??
They speak in exaggerations and are demented!! Any member of congress over the age 67 needs to be put out to pasture!!!
Anybody serving more than one term, needs to be put out to pasture! Who are they serving? Besides themselves! One and done, dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!!


Well-Known Member
Anybody serving more than one term, needs to be put out to pasture! Who are they serving? Besides themselves! One and done, dont let the door hit you in the arse on the way out!!

I disagree but also disagree with lifetime politicians. Serving just one term means you barely get up to speed and your term is over. Serving beyond 2 terms means you have forgotten why you took the gig in the first place.
I disagree but also disagree with lifetime politicians. Serving just one term means you barely get up to speed and your term is over. Serving beyond 2 terms means you have forgotten why you took the gig in the first place.
I agree with you part way.The only problem I have with a second term is, You spend over half of your first term on the campaign trail!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
re: post #5375
Why do you skim over the fact that "idiots" (your word) like Rangel are still in congress??
They speak in exaggerations and are demented!! Any member of congress over the age 67 needs to be put out to pasture!!!
The bigger problem is why do they keep getting elected?


Strength through joy
[h=1]Mayor Bloomberg says he will spend millions more to defeat the National Rifle Association and pro-gun pols[/h] [h=2]Says on 'Meet the Press' he has 'responsibility' to keep the public safe. Decries politicians who don't listen to the will of the people.[/h]
[h=1]New York’s Mayor, but Bermuda Shares Custody[/h]Mr. Bloomberg, who owns a waterfront estate here, has walled off his life in Bermuda from voters in New York, arguing it is none of their business. He steadfastly refuses to say when he is on the island, and to blindfold prying eyes, he has blocked aviation Web sites from making public the movements of his private planes.
The Bermudan jaunts do pose political risks. New York City mayors have historically prided themselves on working seven days a week and racing to the scene of an emergency even on the weekends.
Mr. Bloomberg does not. His aides know better than to schedule public events after Friday mornings, allowing the mayor to make his getaways to Bermuda on Friday afternoon and be back in New York by Sunday evening. (Of the 17 Fridays since Dec. 31, the mayor had no public events scheduled after 10 a.m. on 13 of them.)
The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Mayor Bloomberg says he will spend millions more to defeat the National Rifle Association and pro-gun pols

Says on 'Meet the Press' he has 'responsibility' to keep the public safe. Decries politicians who don't listen to the will of the people.

New York’s Mayor, but Bermuda Shares Custody

Mr. Bloomberg, who owns a waterfront estate here, has walled off his life in Bermuda from voters in New York, arguing it is none of their business. He steadfastly refuses to say when he is on the island, and to blindfold prying eyes, he has blocked aviation Web sites from making public the movements of his private planes.
The Bermudan jaunts do pose political risks. New York City mayors have historically prided themselves on working seven days a week and racing to the scene of an emergency even on the weekends.
Mr. Bloomberg does not. His aides know better than to schedule public events after Friday mornings, allowing the mayor to make his getaways to Bermuda on Friday afternoon and be back in New York by Sunday evening. (Of the 17 Fridays since Dec. 31, the mayor had no public events scheduled after 10 a.m. on 13 of them.)
The mayor also takes along a police detail when he travels, flying two officers on his private plane and paying as much as $400 a night to put them up at a hotel near his house; the city pays their wages while they are there, as it does whether Mr. Bloomberg is New York or not. Guns are largely forbidden in Bermuda — even most police officers do not use them — but the mayor’s guards have special permission to carry weapons. A spokesman for the Police Department declined to comment.

Makes you want to be mayor of NYC. Being a billionaire also helps. If you were him, you'd probably want the same, only with more firepower.


Strength through joy
It's bad enough that in Ma. we have a congressman who owns & lives with his family in a mansion in Md. running for an open US Senate seat.
But NYC has a mayor who decided that the voters of NY don't need to know where he spends his weekends.
This is the same guy who just gave $12M to a Super Pac to restrict my rights to own a firearm , while he hides in his foreign mansion with his own armed guards.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Yeah, being crazy rich and the elected mayor of the countries largest city and wanting to take the weekend off must make him evil.

Do you hate all rich capitalists or just those who are philanthropic?