

Four hours in the mod queue for a news link


Staff member
I just go after my non hunter firearm experience, where if there is a round in the chamber it's never pointed towards someone, except for the hopefully never situation when I need to defend my family. I would like to think any experienced gun owner, much less a hunter, taking pictures for public exposure would take the necessary safety precautions to ensure the pictures they took would not potentially be their last.

you forgot the other half of the rule. Treat every firearm as though as though it is locked, loaded and ready bear. Hmmmm. Fitting.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Here's a shocker:

Racism linked with gun ownership and opposition to gun control in white Americans

There are approximately 38,000 gun-related deaths in the U.S. each year, the majority of which are African-American. However, having a gun in the home increases the likelihood that a household member will die of a homicide- or suicide-related gunshot wound by 2.4 to 4.8 fold.

Symbolic racism is a measure of modern racism. Whereas old, open racism manifested itself in Jim Crow laws and segregated restrooms, symbolic racism consists of the same traditional values and sentiment that underpinned blatant racism, but its expression is less open. Symbolic racism most often manifests itself in opposition to policies and programs that are perceived as being beneficial to African-Americans such as welfare and food stamps.
People who score high in symbolic racism also typically favor policies that they perceive as punitive to blacks, such as longer prison sentences and “stop and frisk.”
“According to a Pew Research Center report the majority of white Americans support stricter gun control,” said O’Brien, “but the results of our study suggest that those who oppose gun reform tend to have a stronger racial bias, tend to be politically and ideologically conservative and from southern states, and have higher anti-government sentiment.”

Study co-author Dr. Dermot Lynott of Lancaster University said, “We were initially surprised that no one had studied this issue before; however, the US government cut research funding for gun-related research over decade and a half ago, so research in this area has been somewhat suppressed.”


nowhere special
Pew research has a liberal bias so that needs to be taken in account when looking at their claims. And Study co-author Dr. Dermot Lynott of Lancaster University said, “We were initially surprised that no one had studied this issue before; however, the US government cut research funding for gun-related research over decade and a half ago, so research in this area has been somewhat suppressed.” fails to mention that the reason the government funding stopped was because a law was passed to prevent spending taxpayer dollars on studies that are just looking for reasons to support an anti gun agenda.In the 1996 Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 1997 states that “none of the funds made available for injury prevention and control at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention may be used to advocate or promote gun control.”


Staff member
Gathering data isn't advocating stricter or more lenient gun laws. It is what it is. The right lurching Gingrich Congress of the '90's aimed to gut any research that would be deemed important for gun control advocates. How much government money has been spent on studies aiming to prove the converse?


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
No government funding was spent on any pro gun agenda that I am aware of.
Nor on gun control.

Study co-author Dr. Dermot Lynott of Lancaster University said, “We were initially surprised that no one had studied this issue before; however, the US government cut research funding for gun-related research over decade and a half ago, so research in this area has been somewhat suppressed.”


nowhere special
Not a Pew research study, RTFA.

Direct link for the reading impaired:
PLOS ONE: Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites May Influence Policy Decisions

Did you read the comments?
This is garbage as a study
Posted by ppdoc
Important Facts that were left out of this study.
Posted by MrLewis


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
Are the comments peer reviewed?

Is this a rational comment?:

White children are deliberately being forced into destruction throughout Europe & America via massive immigration & forced assimilation. This process is not happening to any non-white nation, this is a deliberate targeted program of extermination of a particular racial group.

This is in fact Genocide as defined by international law UN Resolution 260 Article II Section C.

It is a fact that this study refused to acknowledge this simple fact, and one can only assume that this is because human rights for white children is somehow not worthy of noting.

Please, and the other comment?

Just because someone who is racist is more likely to own a gun, it does not logically follow that all gun owners are racist. The most liberal gun laws in the nation are in Vermont which is in the top 5 of liberal states. It also has the lowest per capita murder rate in the country and has the highest per capita number of guns per citizen in the USA.


golden ticket member
Are the comments peer reviewed?

Is this a rational comment?:

White children are deliberately being forced into destruction throughout Europe & America via massive immigration & forced assimilation. This process is not happening to any non-white nation, this is a deliberate targeted program of extermination of a particular racial group.

This is in fact Genocide as defined by international law UN Resolution 260 Article II Section C.

It is a fact that this study refused to acknowledge this simple fact, and one can only assume that this is because human rights for white children is somehow not worthy of noting.

Please, and the other comment?

Just because someone who is racist is more likely to own a gun, it does not logically follow that all gun owners are racist. The most liberal gun laws in the nation are in Vermont which is in the top 5 of liberal states. It also has the lowest per capita murder rate in the country and has the highest per capita number of guns per citizen in the USA.
Isn't Vermont mostly white ?


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Vancouver WA is less than 40 miles from where I live in Oregon. I have friends and family there. I have no doubt whatsoever about what my response would be if someone ever charged at me and threatened me or my wife with an axe. I would hate to shoot someone and find out later that it was just a "prank", but I would hate getting murdered or going to my wife's funeral even more.