

Staff member
Why do looney libs want to ban guns when cars kill far more people?

I don't know. Don't know a single person who wants to ban guns. Your position falls apart though if you present the truth of what many in this country believe is sensible gun control.


Staff member
I wouldn't lose any sleep if guns were limited to military and law enforcement.

Nor would I, but in a country with deeply rooted history of gun ownership, that sentiment just grows for me out of not owning one. But conversely true, is that I doubt you or I lose any sleep over the millions of guns that are owned privately.


Staff member
I don't know. Don't know a single person who wants to ban guns. Your position falls apart though if you present the truth of what many in this country believe is sensible gun control.
Really? You don't know Obama, Pelosi, Boxer, Bloomberg???
​You need to read the news more.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
0 dead. How many died at Sandy Hook?

Everybody wants to focus attention on the fact that Adam Lanza had access to lethal weapons when he went on his murderous rampage.

I'd rather focus on the fact that none of the law-abiding adults who were present at Sandy Hook that day had access to weapons of their own.

I'd rather focus on the fact that Sandy Hook Elementary School was, by law, a conveniently labeled and located unarmed victim zone where any lunatic with a gun would be automatically granted a monopoly on the use of lethal force and was guranteed to find a concentrated pool of helpless victims. We saw this at Thurston High school; we saw it at Columbine; we saw it at Virginia Tech; we saw it at the theater in Aurora Colorado. One deranged lunatic, given BY LAW the power of life and death over victims who were, BY LAW, denied any effective means of defending themselves.

If we could somehow go beyond the grave and speak to the dead school principal who bravely threw her unarmed body at Adam Lanza in a futile and hopeless attempt to save her students, my guess is that she would have given anything in those final moments of her life for access to a gun. How different would the narrative be today if this brave principal had been able to retrieve a 12 gauge shotgun from a locker and engaged Lanza on equal terms? How many children might still be alive today? Sadly, we will never know. All we will ever a few more "gun free zone" signs and stickers on the doors.


Got the T-Shirt
so why do you want to try to equate mass stabbings to mass shootings?

Knife wounds are more "friendly".... nobody died.... right ??

I wouldn't lose any sleep if guns were limited to military and law enforcement.


There are about 6 million Jewish people.... that would disagree with you.

​If they were still alive.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Nor would I, but in a country with deeply rooted history of gun ownership, that sentiment just grows for me out of not owning one. But conversely true, is that I doubt you or I lose any sleep over the millions of guns that are owned privately.

How different would our history be if, back in the 1700's and 1800's, the ships that went to Africa for the purpose of capturing and importing slaves would have encountered black people with guns?

How different would the history of Native Americans be if they were not forced to bring spears and bows and arrows to a 50 year long gun fight with the United States Army?

How different would history be if 6 million Jews would have all had guns during the Nazi conquest of Europe?

The brutal reality of human history on this planet is that those who have the weapons make the rules, and those who beat their swords into plowshares will wind up plowing for those who dont.

Your blind faith in the benevolence of our government and its ability and willingess to protect your interests is one that I simply do not share.


Staff member
Everybody wants to focus attention on the fact that Adam Lanza had access to lethal weapons when he went on his murderous rampage.

I'd rather focus on the fact that none of the law-abiding adults who were present at Sandy Hook that day had access to weapons of their own.

I'd rather focus on the fact that Sandy Hook Elementary School was, by law, a conveniently labeled and located unarmed victim zone where any lunatic with a gun would be automatically granted a monopoly on the use of lethal force and was guranteed to find a concentrated pool of helpless victims. We saw this at Thurston High school; we saw it at Columbine; we saw it at Virginia Tech; we saw it at the theater in Aurora Colorado. One deranged lunatic, given BY LAW the power of life and death over victims who were, BY LAW, denied any effective means of defending themselves.

If we could somehow go beyond the grave and speak to the dead school principal who bravely threw her unarmed body at Adam Lanza in a futile and hopeless attempt to save her students, my guess is that she would have given anything in those final moments of her life for access to a gun. How different would the narrative be today if this brave principal had been able to retrieve a 12 gauge shotgun from a locker and engaged Lanza on equal terms? How many children might still be alive today? Sadly, we will never know. All we will ever a few more "gun free zone" signs and stickers on the doors.

We have discussed this before. We do not know that nobody in Aurora was armed. It is quite possible many were armed and in the confusion and terror more people shooting in random directions would have cause d more carnage not less.


Staff member
How different would our history be if, back in the 1700's and 1800's, the ships that went to Africa for the purpose of capturing and importing slaves would have encountered black people with guns?

How different would the history of Native Americans be if they were not forced to bring spears and bows and arrows to a 50 year long gun fight with the United States Army?

How different would history be if 6 million Jews would have all had guns during the Nazi conquest of Europe?

The brutal reality of human history on this planet is that those who have the weapons make the rules, and those who beat their swords into plowshares will wind up plowing for those who dont.

Your blind faith in the benevolence of our government and its ability and willingess to protect your interests is one that I simply do not share.

And I do not share in the naive idea that your arsenal of weapons would deter in the least the Federal government should they really decide to take them.


Pineapple King
And I do not share in the naive idea that your arsenal of weapons would deter in the least the Federal government should they really decide to take them.
When/if they start coming how are they going to get everyone's gun's at once? There is no way they can get them all at once. If they were to start there would be an uprising in this country not ever seen before.


Pineapple King
I don't believe they will ever come for the guns themselves but rather circumvent it by making ammo impossible to get. I mean really what good is a gun without ammo?


Staff member
And I do not share in the naive idea that your arsenal of weapons would deter in the least the Federal government should they really decide to take them.
Ahh, but the Fed would come to take those guns with agents who are also the people. Would they obey the orders of a tyrannical government? I honestly don't know. But I strongly disagree that Sobers argument is "naive".