

Staff member
Ahh, but the Fed would come to take those guns with agents who are also the people. Would they obey the orders of a tyrannical government? I honestly don't know. But I strongly disagree that Sobers argument is "naive".
And I disagree that there is any fervor to "come and get your guns.".


Pees in the brown Koolaid
We have discussed this before. We do not know that nobody in Aurora was armed. It is quite possible many were armed and in the confusion and terror more people shooting in random directions would have cause d more carnage not less.

1. The theater in Aurora was a posted "gun free" zone.

2. In Oregon, 1 out of every 15 citizens is licensed to carry a concealed weapon. Assuming for the sake of convenience that Colorado has a similar percentage, and recognizing that not all people with permits carry at all times, then it is statistcally unlikely that more than one or two of the theater-goers in Aurora were armed, especially in light of the fact that, unlike in Oregon, the "gun free zone" stickers on the doors of the theater negated the validity of their permits. Per Colorado law, even a permit holder would have been violating the law by being armed in that theater.

3. It is naive and downright stupid to assume that the patrons of a theater would somehow be "safer" if none of them had the ability to shoot back at a lunatic with a high capacity weapon and a premeditated intent to commit mass murder. Taking all the guns away from the good guys means that only the bad guys have them. The absolute inability of the liberal mind to comprehend this most basic fact never ceases to amaze me. To quote a book that both you and I have read...."the persistence of this illusion is astonishing" and as a society we have continued pursuing it to the gates of insanity and death.

4. What of the schools? In the face of what seems like an unending stream of school shootings, do we continue wallowing in the pathetic fantasy that our children will somehow be safer if their teachers continue to be unarmed and helpless? Do we continue relying on "gun free zone" signs and feel-good laws that the murderers will continue to simply ignore? Or do we consider the idea that perhaps a new approach to school safety...involving trained and armed teachers.... ought to be at least discussed with an open mind?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And I disagree that there is any fervor to "come and get your guns.".

"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe"
--Diane Feinstein--

""If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here"

--Diane Feinstein--

Dianne Feinstein "Mr & Mrs America turn them all in" - YouTube
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Pees in the brown Koolaid
And I disagree that there is any fervor to "come and get your guns.".

The odds of our government actually going to door to door in order to confiscate guns are virtually nonexistent.

The odds of our government....with people like Diane Feinstein and Michael Bloomberg at the helm....continuing to press for more and more laws that will render our 2nd Amendment rights meaningless are virtually guranteed.

Its called the "death by a thousand cuts" and every single one of them will feel good and seem pefectly "reasonable" and "common sense" to the uninformed. Magazine restrictions. Ammo restrictions and rationing. Onerous requirements for storage and liability insurance. Requirments for non-existent "smart gun" technology. Microstamping. Bans on lead ammunition. Ever-increasing waiting periods and ever more intrusive and expensive background checks. The list goes on and I'm not making any of this :censored2: up. Look at Michael Bloomberg for example; he is a rabidly anti-gun billionaire with Presidential ambitions who doesnt even think I should be allowed the freedom to buy a 32 ounce cup of soda pop. Please dont tell me I'm being paranoid about my Second Amendment rights with idiots like Bloomberg and Feinstein in positions of power, and a state like California only 300 miles to the south of me.


golden ticket member
"Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe"
--Diane Feinstein--

""If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States for an outright ban, picking up every one of them . . . Mr. and Mrs. America, turn 'em all in, I would have done it. I could not do that. The votes weren't here"

--Diane Feinstein--

Dianne Feinstein "Mr & Mrs America turn them all in" - YouTube

This from a woman who carried a gun when her hubby was in the hospital in a not so good section of town. She can have protection, but you can't?


bella amicizia
​And she is not subject to Obamacare either.
When the leaders of the republic decide that the people living in said republic need to be subjected to a specific law, those that impose said law should be subjected, as well. If they find themselves above the law, would't that make them a bit like a King/Queen?


Staff member
When the leaders of the republic decide that the people living in said republic need to be subjected to a specific law, those that impose said law should be subjected, as well. If they find themselves above the law, would't that make them a bit like a King/Queen?

You think too small. It would make them "insider trading partners".


Nine Lives
But would you say your parents were irresponsible crack addicts? That's what Roadrunner is doing when he says the woman was an irresponsible gun owner.
No. But they could have lost everything just through their affiliation with me. Yeah, it sucks, but so does paying lip service to "responsible" gun ownership. I get that it wasn't her gun. But that message of responsibility has to ring loud and clear to any and all entering the household. It's her son. I am guessing he grew up around firearms which is fine. But you gotta wonder how a weapon like that gets left unsecured and susceptible to theft in a household where responsibility of ownership is as coveted as the right of ownership.
Ovah out, bbsam in.

​PS - I am going to look at the FHS FNX-45