

Staff member

I'll have my kids serve their nation and drive electric cars first.

But feel free to enlighten us on the blood you've shed for a tank of 89 octane.

I haven't. But I would be willing to make the mandatory age up to 50 and I will join. Also, I have 3 children 11 ND under who would also be subject to such a law.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Why was this idiot not arrested? You can't spell crazy without 'AZ'.

You need new material…

Actually, if that image helps keeps libs at bay and want to vacation elsewhere. ... I am all for it!

We are not lacking for tourism especially this time of year. The more the state is demonized by the left, the more tourists we get.

Go figure!


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Oh, I'll take that wheeling and dealing in a heartbeat. But it has to go a little farther. Mandatory national service in one of the armed forces for at least 2 years. Beyond that, carry whatever wherever. I've been clear on that for a year now.

Nice try, but that would mean that the elderly and disabled...two groups who are far more at risk of being victimized by violent crime ...would be denied the tools they need for self defense.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
But of course, that makes me a gun hating liberal to many.

I dont think you are a gun hating liberal.

I do think that you are uninformed and perhaps a bit naive on the subject of guns and gun laws. Nothing wrong with that; guns arent your thing and you dont choose to own them and thats fine. But your faith in the Second Amendment and recent Supreme Court rulings as the sole gurantor of our gun rights is, quite frankly, sadly misplaced.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
if we are have more.corporate funded oil wars, all should have blood invested.

Blood isnt enough. I'd like to see a "Deficit Reduction/Military Suport Tax" of about $5 on every gallon of fossil fuel, with locally produced biofuels being exempt. This would let all those people with the yellow "support our troops" stickers on their 10MPG SUV's put their money where their mouth is every time they pulled up to the pump.


Staff member
Blood isnt enough. I'd like to see a "Deficit Reduction/Military Suport Tax" of about $5 on every gallon of fossil fuel, with locally produced biofuels being exempt. This would let all those people with the yellow "support our troops" stickers on their 10MPG SUV's put their money where their mouth is every time they pulled up to the pump.
You will no argument from me on that.


Staff member
Nice try, but that would mean that the elderly and disabled...two groups who are far more at risk of being victimized by violent crime ...would be denied the tools they need for self defense.

don't duck the wheeling and dealing. We can exempt them and work on the next generation. This won't be fixed overnight but we have to start somewhere.


Staff member
I dont think you are a gun hating liberal.

I do think that you are uninformed and perhaps a bit naive on the subject of guns and gun laws. Nothing wrong with that; guns arent your thing and you dont choose to own them and thats fine. But your faith in the Second Amendment and recent Supreme Court rulings as the sole gurantor of our gun rights is, quite frankly, sadly misplaced.

My naiveté and relative ignorance on guns is rather benign. Nobody is going to accidentally get shot by my nonexistent gun. What I am very concerned that others' misuse, nonchalant, or careless handling of a firearm could gravely impact my family.


Amatuer Malthusian
Blood isnt enough. I'd like to see a "Deficit Reduction/Military Suport Tax" of about $5 on every gallon of fossil fuel, with locally produced biofuels being exempt. This would let all those people with the yellow "support our troops" stickers on their 10MPG SUV's put their money where their mouth is every time they pulled up to the pump.

Trouble is that pure biodiesel will not work in modern diesel engines.:sad-little: Maybe prorate it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Trouble is that pure biodiesel will not work in modern diesel engines.:sad-little: Maybe prorate it.

Only because the EPA requires DPF's (diesel particulate filters) in all diesel engines made after 2007. The engines burn bio just fine, but the DPF's get clogged up. So we cant import the VW Lupo...which can get 80mpg on renewable biodiesel...because it "pollutes" too much but its perfectly ok to drive a Lincoln Navigator that gets 8MPG on fossil fuel from the Middle East. Something is really wrong with that.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
My naiveté and relative ignorance on guns is rather benign. Nobody is going to accidentally get shot by my nonexistent gun. What I am very concerned that others' misuse, nonchalant, or careless handling of a firearm could gravely impact my family.

I have always felt that gun safety and basic proficiency should be part of the standard high-school ciriculum, just like sex education. There are something like 200 million guns in circulation, over 50% of homes in the USA have them, and ignorance never kept anybody safe. Of course, most liberals will probably get their panties in a knot over the idea of schools teaching their children the basic facts about guns in much the same way that the right-wingers cant stand the idea of the schools teaching their children the basic facts about sex.


Amatuer Malthusian
Only because the EPA requires DPF's (diesel particulate filters) in all diesel engines made after 2007. The engines burn bio just fine, but the DPF's get clogged up. So we cant import the VW Lupo...which can get 80mpg on renewable biodiesel...because it "pollutes" too much but its perfectly ok to drive a Lincoln Navigator that gets 8MPG on fossil fuel from the Middle East. Something is really wrong with that.

Yup. The EPA and DOT prevent a lot of wonderful small cars from being used on our roads. An overhaul of emission standards and priorities needs to be done to make biodiesel more viable here in the US. Audi is developing diesel hybrid technology right now that would work great without the inherent waste involved with maintaining DPF's.
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