

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member


Liberals never Identify the REAL problem ---therefore they never have the correct solution.

Bumper sticker slogans ---"Total Gun control"

It would never cross their minds that we need guns in many of the areas mentioned --to protect ourselves from the problems they have created !!


Well-Known Member
I'm curious if those who support more gun control would find this to be "common sense" restrictions...

The 28th Amendment | Trayvon's Amendment

The 28th Amendment, as drafted, will implement a series of common sense gun laws and implement new revenue streams for Americans.
The 12 provisions below will work to make America a more safe place by eliminating the obviously failed experiment that is the second amendment.

  1. The second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, being no longer necessary to a secure state is hereby nullified.
  2. The production and sale of new firearms, being defined as a rifle, pistol, or other gun, will be disallowed until a time in which the number of firearms in circulation is equal to 50% of the population as determined by the Census.
  3. No gun may reside in the same building as anyone who has failed a mental health evaluation, as performed by a medical professional, as approved by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).
  4. A mental health examination, as performed by a medical professional approved by the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) must be passed in order to receive a firearms license.
  5. An income tax equal to 4% of an individual’s income will be assessed by all gun owners. In states which were at any point in time a part of the Confederate States of America, this tax shall be equal to 10% of an individual’s income. Taxes levied under this amendment shall be appropriated in equal portions to programs to expand Affirmative Action programs and begin to pay reparations to the descendants of African slaves.
There is more at the link...


Well-Known Member
No. But you do like to act like a victim, don't you?

No victim mentality here. Just pointing out the asinine nature of the gun control movement. We both know you claim not to support gun confiscation, but lets face it, that is the end game with the anti-gun zealots.


Staff member
No victim mentality here. Just pointing out the asinine nature of the gun control movement. We both know you claim not to support gun confiscation, but lets face it, that is the end game with the anti-gun zealots.

I don't know about them. I just want people to exhibit the responsibility for their guns. And yes, harsh penalties for not doing so.


golden ticket member
I had a party line....great entertainment if you can pick up very quietly.
Had a rotary dial too.
Now, I have a phone that looks like it's rotary, but inside each hole is a push button.
We had phone numbers with HEmlock, BLackstone, WAlnut, etc.

But you don't want to hear it from me, so maybe some other oldie will respond.


Nine Lives
But would you say your parents were irresponsible crack addicts?

That's what Roadrunner is doing when he says the woman was an irresponsible gun owner.

I would be curious how many of us here grew up in a household that still used a rotary phone and/or can remember what a "party line" was.

Check here ... our phone number was (Cherry) CH6-2895.
​You only had to dial 7 numbers back then locally.