
I have always felt that gun safety and basic proficiency should be part of the standard high-school ciriculum, just like sex education. There are something like 200 million guns in circulation, over 50% of homes in the USA have them, and ignorance never kept anybody safe. Of course, most liberals will probably get their panties in a knot over the idea of schools teaching their children the basic facts about guns in much the same way that the right-wingers cant stand the idea of the schools teaching their children the basic facts about sex.

During a child's time in school they'll be taught safety about every other thing in their lives that could harm them so why not firearms?

​I will say though it should only be secondary to the training their parents should have given them.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
During a child's time in school they'll be taught safety about every other thing in their lives that could harm them so why not firearms?

​I will say though it should only be secondary to the training their parents should have given them.

My father was a member of the South Eugene High School Smallbore Rifle Team back in 1956. It was actually a sport you could get a letter for. He would actually ride the bus to school with a .22 rifle on his shoulder and a box of shells in his pocket. The rule was that team members would just put their rifles in the principal's coat closet for safekeeping upon arrival at school, then when school was dismissed they would retrieve their rifles and take another bus to the local National Guard armory where NRA certified 50 yard Smallbore matches were held against other schools. It was routine, no big deal. During hunting season it was common to see deer rifles in gun racks in the student parking lot. If such things occurred today there would be panic in the streets and grief counselors at school the following day to help the children cope with the trauma of seeing one of those icky horrible guns. At least thats what they would do in California.


Well-Known Member
My father was a member of the South Eugene High School Smallbore Rifle Team back in 1956. It was actually a sport you could get a letter for. He would actually ride the bus to school with a .22 rifle on his shoulder and a box of shells in his pocket. The rule was that team members would just put their rifles in the principal's coat closet for safekeeping upon arrival at school, then when school was dismissed they would retrieve their rifles and take another bus to the local National Guard armory where NRA certified 50 yard Smallbore matches were held against other schools. It was routine, no big deal. During hunting season it was common to see deer rifles in gun racks in the student parking lot. If such things occurred today there would be panic in the streets and grief counselors at school the following day to help the children cope with the trauma of seeing one of those icky horrible guns. At least thats what they would do in California.


I loved this post. A lot of direct truth.

Just cannot help myself --to take a cheap shot --from a guy who leans right ---after seeing some of your previous comments ABOUT THE RIGHT---so here it goes.

Read your post and then console yourself --as Hillary has already started her campaign speeches ---'WE ARE PROGRESSING TO A BETTER SOCIETY":wink2:

Sorry !! I truly enjoyed your post ---great story about your Dad !!!!:peaceful:


Pees in the brown Koolaid

I loved this post. A lot of direct truth.

Just cannot help myself --to take a cheap shot --from a guy who leans right ---after seeing some of your previous comments ABOUT THE RIGHT---so here it goes.

Read your post and then console yourself --as Hillary has already started her campaign speeches ---'WE ARE PROGRESSING TO A BETTER SOCIETY":wink2:

Sorry !! I truly enjoyed your post ---great story about your Dad !!!!:peaceful:

I dont take it as a cheap shot at all. From a political perspective I am terribly conflicted. Its tough being a staunch supporter of the Second Amendment while at the same time being equally passionate about gay rights, union rights, the enviornment and reproductive freedom for women. I refuse to be a "one issue" voter so most of the time I wind up holding my nose and voting for whomever I see as the lesser of two evils.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My father was a member of the South Eugene High School Smallbore Rifle Team back in 1956. It was actually a sport you could get a letter for. He would actually ride the bus to school with a .22 rifle on his shoulder and a box of shells in his pocket. The rule was that team members would just put their rifles in the principal's coat closet for safekeeping upon arrival at school, then when school was dismissed they would retrieve their rifles and take another bus to the local National Guard armory where NRA certified 50 yard Smallbore matches were held against other schools. It was routine, no big deal. During hunting season it was common to see deer rifles in gun racks in the student parking lot. If such things occurred today there would be panic in the streets and grief counselors at school the following day to help the children cope with the trauma of seeing one of those icky horrible guns. At least thats what they would do in California.

Gee, if it was only 1956 this would be a utopia! Guns everywhere! Arm the children! Teach them the ways! Teach them to kill living things! Teach them using a gun to end a life is a wonderful concept!

Time for a reality check bro. This isnt the 50's anymore. There is NO hunting in los angeles and surrounding cities. There is no reason for gun racks in trucks on city streets.

Havent enough white men who grew up with guns caused enough mass murder in this country? Or, have we not hit your limitation for mass murder yet?

There is NO reason to teach a child about guns.

Maybe in the alternative, if we kept guns away from children, especially white children, school shootings would disappear alltogether?

Maybe its parents like YOU, who worship the gun because you live a life of fear, and you simply transition that fear to the child and when that child gets into a confrontation, he runs to daddys gun closet to shoot his classmates, because daddy told him it was ok to take a living things life.


Gee, if it was only 1956 this would be a utopia! Guns everywhere! Arm the children! Teach them the ways! Teach them to kill living things! Teach them using a gun to end a life is a wonderful concept!

Time for a reality check bro. This isnt the 50's anymore. There is NO hunting in los angeles and surrounding cities. There is no reason for gun racks in trucks on city streets.

Havent enough white men who grew up with guns caused enough mass murder in this country? Or, have we not hit your limitation for mass murder yet?

There is NO reason to teach a child about guns.

Maybe in the alternative, if we kept guns away from children, especially white children, school shootings would disappear alltogether?

Maybe its parents like YOU, who worship the gun because you live a life of fear, and you simply transition that fear to the child and when that child gets into a confrontation, he runs to daddys gun closet to shoot his classmates, because daddy told him it was ok to take a living things life.



Then again if this was the 50s we'd have no internet so you'd just be yelling your diatribe at the wall like crazy people used to do.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You know what? TOS is right.

Its 2013 and in this day and age there is absolutely no need to teach our kids anything about guns.

I was negligent as a parent by teaching my son basic gun safety. I was negligent as a parent when I took my son to the range and spent time teaching him the fundamentals of target shooting.

In todays world, kids can learn all they need to know about guns and gun safety by watching movies or TV, listening to rap music, or playing video games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. They can also learn from any number of Internet chat rooms where stable and responsible people will give them sound advice about the proper role of guns in society. There is no longer any need for direct parental involvement or hands-on instruction from parents or trained instructors. Its 2013 and things have changed.

TOS, I'm sorry. You were right.
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Nine Lives
But would you say your parents were irresponsible crack addicts?

That's what Roadrunner is doing when he says the woman was an irresponsible gun owner.

You know what? TOS is right.

Its 2013 and in this day and age there is absolutely no need to teach our kids anything about guns.

I was negligent as a parent by teaching my son basic gun safety. I was negligent as a parent when I took my son to the range and spent time teaching him the fundamentals of target shooting.

In todays world, kids can learn all they need to know about guns and gun safety by watching movies or TV, listening to rap music, or playing video games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty. They can also learn from any number of Internet chat rooms where stable and responsible people will give them sound advice about the proper role of guns in society. There is no longer any need for direct parental involvement or hands-on instruction from parents or trained instructors. Its 2013 and things have changed.

TOS, I'm sorry. You were right.
Ehh, different cultures.
I'm sure TOS teaches his son the safe way to smoke crack and how to make those cool letters used in graffiti and gang tattoos.



Staff member
I’m From The Government And I’m Here To Inspect Your Guns

Swampscott, MA Selectman Barry Greenfield introduced an enforcement discussion Wednesday that he hopes will lead to the safeguarding of guns in town — keeping them out of the hands of children.
In school shootings around the country, guns have been taken from parents and used by kids, he said.
The selectman said state law requires Massachusetts gun owners to keep their firearms locked away or rendered inoperable.
The problem, he said, is that police do not have the authority, granted by a local ordinance, to enforce the law and inspect the safeguarding of guns at the homes of the 600 registered gun owners in town.
The selectman said he has spoken with Swampscott Police Chief Ron Madigan about this.
“We need the ability to enforce the state law,” the selectman said.
And so the town of Swampscott is going to decide whether or not to send the local cops door-to-door to visit lawful gun owners and, you know, just have a look around.
What could possibly go wrong?


And I thought Kalifornia was bad.....

Just an update. This brought the fires of Hell upon this selectman from gun owners from across the country.

While the board agreed to look into Greenfield's request, Town Administrator Thomas Younger said in a statement yesterday that the town will no longer pursue the issue.

"Upon review by town counsel, the town would need to obtain either the homeowner's consent or have a valid search warrant based on probable cause," Younger wrote. "The town will not take any further action regarding this law and further reconfirms their support for the laws of our Commonwealth and the rights under the United States Constitution."



Staff member
So what are the penalties if a child does do major harm with a gun that was not adequately stored?

In Massachusetts, improperly securing a firearm is a felony.

You don't have to throw in the "child doing major harm" crap. As soon as it's improperly stored, you've committed the felony.


Staff member

In Massachusetts, improperly securing a firearm is a felony.

You don't have to throw in the "child doing major harm" crap. As soon as it's improperly stored, you've committed the felony.

Well since there can't be searches to discover the felony it seems only natural that there must be a triggering event. Since the selectman brought it up, I up I thought we'd stay congruent.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
So what are the penalties if a child does do major harm with a gun that was not adequately stored?

Do you think that they should be the same as if a child steals alcohol that was not adequately stored and then uses car keys that werent adequately stored and gets into a fatal drunk driving accident?

Dont get me wrong, I believe in proper gun storage. I just have a real problem with guns being singled out as the only item that parents are required by the government to lock up in their own homes. Far more children die from the abuse of alcohol than from guns, yet for some reason I dont see the liberals up in arms demanding locking liquor cabinets in every home.


Staff member
Well according to over, the law already exists and he still hasn't answered if it is even enforced.

As to your question on alcohol, I see it the same way. Do we care about minors consuming alcohol? We say we do, and it's against the law, but we seem to accept it as almost normal. We don't as a society expect kids to be carelessly handling guns so yeah in that respect it's different. Maybe with more conceal carry states coming on board, careless firearm useage by high schoolers will become commonplace and we can begin viewing that as more of a "rite of passage" and not so much a crime.


Staff member
Well according to over, the law already exists and he still hasn't answered if it is even enforced.
I'm going on memory here, so take it for what you will:

I'm sure I can recall people being prosecuted for improperly storing a gun, BUT it is always in cases where the police already have a warrant or reasonable cause to search a residence. Maybe they're looking for drugs and find a gun in a drawer. The thing I don't recall is if these people even had a license to have a gun in the first place.

I am sure of one thing. I am adamantly opposed to any infringement of our Fourth Amendment rights. Giving the government (police, whatever) unlimited access to search our homes with ZERO probable cause is unacceptable.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I don't understand the issue .
A plastic weapon that can not be detected by metal scanners , would just be an empty gun .
Once cartridges are loaded into it , then it could be detected .
Unless the shooter is using some sort of plastic cartridges .

This is what happens when politicians who dont know anything about guns watch a movie and see something scary (and inaccurate) about guns and then use their newfound "knowledge" to craft a bill that will allow them to pander to an anti-hun constituency. Its kind of like the proposed ban on so-called "cop killer" bullets that Ted Kennedy was pushing back in the 90's; based upon emotion and stereotype rather than facts.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You can make a functioning firearm receiver out of polymer that wont show up on a metal detector, but the barrel and firing pin and ammo are still going to be made of steel. The plastic gun that John Malkovich fabricated in the movie "In the Line of Fire" would not work in real life.