

Well-Known Member
Maybe the letter was in her Native American language !! :happy-very:


Stop making fun of the first woman and American Indian to be elected President.

She is thinking of taking on Hillary. If You did not build it ever got in ----We would probably want Obama back.

On first thought --forget that !!


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Stop making fun of the first woman and American Indian to be elected President.

She is thinking of taking on Hillary. If You did not build it ever got in ----We would probably want Obama back.

On first thought --forget that !!

One would think that Native Americans ought to have a unique insight as to the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Theirs is a case study in what happens when people with guns impose their will upon people without them. How much different would Native American history be if the original European settlers of this continent had encountered a people with guns instead of spears and arrows? For that matter, how much different would African history be if the slave ships that sailed to their lands had experienced armed resistance? And lets not forget the 6 million unarmed Jews who died during the Holocaust. It is a basic fact of human history that those who have the weapons make the rules.


Strength through joy
lizzie is typical of an DC insider .
During her first debate with Sen. Brown all she could speak was DC jargon .
It was up to Sen Brown to translate what she was yapping about .


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
One would think that Native Americans ought to have a unique insight as to the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Theirs is a case study in what happens when people with guns impose their will upon people without them. How much different would Native American history be if the original European settlers of this continent had encountered a people with guns instead of spears and arrows? For that matter, how much different would African history be if the slave ships that sailed to their lands had experienced armed resistance? And lets not forget the 6 million unarmed Jews who died during the Holocaust. It is a basic fact of human history that those who have the weapons make the rules.
Or if Ronald Reagan hadn't stopped the Black Panthers with the Mulford Act.


Well-Known Member
One would think that Native Americans ought to have a unique insight as to the true meaning of the 2nd Amendment. Theirs is a case study in what happens when people with guns impose their will upon people without them. How much different would Native American history be if the original European settlers of this continent had encountered a people with guns instead of spears and arrows? For that matter, how much different would African history be if the slave ships that sailed to their lands had experienced armed resistance? And lets not forget the 6 million unarmed Jews who died during the Holocaust. It is a basic fact of human history that those who have the weapons make the rules.


All good points !!


Strength through joy
Suspect's family angry at Good Samaritan, police
WALA | MOBILE, Ala. – The family of a suspected thief is lashing out after their son was shot during an armed robbery.
Relatives of Adric White, 18, believe the Good Samaritan who opened fire should have “just left the store.”

FOX10 spoke exclusively with a customer who stepped in to rescue employees held at gunpoint Tuesday, November 12.
The Good Samaritan, who we are not identifying, told FOX10 News he was shopping at the Family Dollar on Stanton road when he noticed a masked gunman leading one of the employees to the front of the store.
“He had the gun to his head. He had him on his knees,” said the man. “I drew my gun on him and I said ‘Hey don’t move.’ At that point he swung around and before he had a chance to aim the gun at me I fired. I didn’t want to shoot him.”

A family member who did not want to be identified said White should have never been shot to begin with.
“If his (the customer) life was not in danger, if no one had a gun up to him, if no one pointed a gun at him – what gives him the right to think that it’s okay to just shoot someone?” said the relative. “You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever.”
Court records show that White was out on bond for robbing The Original Oyster House at gunpoint a little more than a month before the Family Dollar robbery.
Police maintain that the Good Samaritan who opened fire was justified and broke no laws.


Well-Known Member
“I drew my gun on him and I said ‘Hey don’t move.’ At that point he swung around and before he had a chance to aim the gun at me I fired. I didn’t want to shoot him.”....Police maintain that the Good Samaritan who opened fire was justified and broke no laws.

"Before he had a chance to aim the gun at me I fired." While it is fairly safe to assume that the robber was indeed getting ready to do just that, the Good Samaritan never gave him a chance to do so. What if the robber would have turned around, saw the GS, and surrendered? What if the GS would have missed and hit the employee instead? What if the robber would have aimed and fired and rather than hit the GS hit an innocent victim?

I don't think the GS should have just left the store and gone back in to his car. That would have turned the robbery in to a hostage situation. I think he should have done exactly what he did up until the point he decided to pull the trigger. I would bet my paycheck that the robber would have assessed the situation and given up.

While the police may be right in that the GS broke no laws I disagree that the shooting was justified as the robber did not show any intent to discharge his weapon. I think the GS overreacted and did not need to fire his weapon.


nowhere special
If someone has a gun in hand and is swinging it towards you, then you don't wait until you see a perfect circle at the end of the barrel pointed at you. The suspect moving his gun in your direction after you warned him is sufficient cause. Its not like the GS opened fire without warning.


Well-Known Member
You don't think there was a possibility that the robber would have turned around, seen the gun, assessed the situation, thought better of it and surrendered? I'm not saying "don't fire until fired upon" but I am saying wait until you can determine intent.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
"While the police may be right in that the GS broke no laws I disagree that the shooting was justified as the robber did not show any intent to discharge his weapon. I think the GS overreacted and did not need to fire his weapon.

According to the original story, the gunman had a store employee down on her knees with his gun pointed at her head. To me, that action shows a very clear intent to discharge the weapon, making the use of lethal force entirely justified. I will take it one further; the GS screwed up royally and endangered his own life when he gave up the element of surprise by warning the gunman not to move. A round to the back of the head is the only warning the gunman should have ever gotten, and if that seems unfair then perhaps the gunman should have reconsidered his actions in the first place.


golden ticket member
You don't think there was a possibility that the robber would have turned around, seen the gun, assessed the situation, thought better of it and surrendered? I'm not saying "don't fire until fired upon" but I am saying wait until you can determine intent.
Robber .....assess ???? He probably can't spell it let alone do it !! :happy-very:


golden ticket member