

Well-Known Member
Sober---in what way does the GS have the right to be both judge and jury? Are you further advocating that our police be afforded the same "right"?

If the robber had indeed aimed his gun then the GS had every right to defend himself but to shoot first and then say "Stop" only works in Texas.


Staff member
Why in the world would you give the robber the opportunity to shoot you?? Wait for him to assess the situation? As he's swinging the gun towards you?

​ If the GS had waited, he'd probably be dead.


Well-Known Member
Why in the world would you give the robber the opportunity to shoot you?? Wait for him to assess the situation? As he's swinging the gun towards you?

​ If the GS had waited, he'd probably be dead.

The GS had his gun pointed directly at the robber. Had the robber tried to aim his gun the GS would have had plenty of time to react.


Staff member
The GS had his gun pointed directly at the robber. Had the robber tried to aim his gun the GS would have had plenty of time to react.
Exactly. He first told the robber "Hey, don't move".
Then the robber swung to aim at the GS. The GS had to shoot then to avoid being shot himself.

If the robber had not moved as the GS first instructed him, maybe he would not have been shot.

I agree with Sober that the safest thing for the GS to do would have been to shoot the robber in the head without any notice. But I'm not sure that would have been the safest thing for the clerk with the gun to her head. I would have done what the GS did.

​Anyhow, the family is only upset because this guy was probably the primary breadwinner (by robbing people) for the family.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Sober---in what way does the GS have the right to be both judge and jury? Are you further advocating that our police be afforded the same "right"?

If the robber had indeed aimed his gun then the GS had every right to defend himself but to shoot first and then say "Stop" only works in Texas.

The robber was in the act of committing a violent armed felony. He had a gun pointed at the head of an innocent person who was on her knees. By telling this person to "stop", you are endangering your own life by giving them an opportunity to turn around and shoot you. At this point its no longer about being judge or jury or executioner...its about who lives and who dies. My first choice in such a scenario would be to flee the scene if possible; my second choice would be to retreat to a location with better concealment. If neither of those options is available to me and an armed felon with a gun in his hand is about to turn around and see me, I'm not going to give him the chance to get a shot off.


Inordinately Right
Philadelphia poised to become first city to ban 3D-printed guns | Fox News

Clueless people writing useless laws just to get attention for themselves.
Ain't no such thing as an undetectable gun. Reminds me of the frenzy over "plastic guns" like the Glock several years ago.
I agree, but I'm betting there will be soon. The 3d printed guns have already progressed to only needing two metal parts, a firing pin and a bullet. People are already experimenting making 3d printed bullets, I'm still not worried.

They claim it's about preventing undetectable guns, but I think it's really more about preventing unregistered, untraceable guns.


nowhere special
I agree, but I'm betting there will be soon. The 3d printed guns have already progressed to only needing two metal parts, a firing pin and a bullet. People are already experimenting making 3d printed bullets, I'm still not worried.

They claim it's about preventing undetectable guns, but I think it's really more about preventing unregistered, untraceable guns.

I agree. Its about control, not public safety.


Nine Lives
Suspect's family angry at Good Samaritan, police

WALA | MOBILE, Ala. – The family of a suspected thief is lashing out after their son was shot during an armed robbery.
Relatives of Adric White, 18, believe the Good Samaritan who opened fire should have “just left the store.”

FOX10 spoke exclusively with a customer who stepped in to rescue employees held at gunpoint Tuesday, November 12.
The Good Samaritan, who we are not identifying, told FOX10 News he was shopping at the Family Dollar on Stanton road when he noticed a masked gunman leading one of the employees to the front of the store.
“He had the gun to his head. He had him on his knees,” said the man. “I drew my gun on him and I said ‘Hey don’t move.’ At that point he swung around and before he had a chance to aim the gun at me I fired. I didn’t want to shoot him.”

A family member who did not want to be identified said White should have never been shot to begin with.
“If his (the customer) life was not in danger, if no one had a gun up to him, if no one pointed a gun at him – what gives him the right to think that it’s okay to just shoot someone?” said the relative. “You should have just left the store and went wherever you had to go in your car or whatever.”
Court records show that White was out on bond for robbing The Original Oyster House at gunpoint a little more than a month before the Family Dollar robbery.
Police maintain that the Good Samaritan who opened fire was justified and broke no laws.

Sounds like this worked out the way it should have ... that's a nice change.


Strength through joy
Question for UpstateNYUPSer,
Should the GS have waited until he determined the mental status of Adric White ?
What is not in the story , did the GS know Adric White and acted upon that knowledge .


Well-Known Member
Question for UpstateNYUPSer
Should the GS have waited until he determined the mental status of Adric White ?
What is not in the story , did the GS know Adric White and acted upon that knowledge .

Good point the answer to which we will probably never know.

I still contend the GS overreacted. He had his gun aimed directly at the robber. The robber had turned but had yet to aim his gun at the GS, which would have given the GS a few seconds to determine intent. I still say the robber would have seen the gun aimed directly at him and surrendered, if given the chance.

It is no secret that I am not a "gun guy", for reasons previously discussed. Thankfully I have never found myself in a situation such as the one above; if I were, I would hope that it would end in a non-violent manner.


nowhere special
Good point the answer to which we will probably never know.

I still contend the GS overreacted. He had his gun aimed directly at the robber. The robber had turned but had yet to aim his gun at the GS, which would have given the GS a few seconds to determine intent. I still say the robber would have seen the gun aimed directly at him and surrendered, if given the chance.

I strongly disagree. We are talking about fractions of a second here. The GS had to make a split second decision about whether his life was in danger.


The Nim
Good point the answer to which we will probably never know.

I still contend the GS overreacted. He had his gun aimed directly at the robber. The robber had turned but had yet to aim his gun at the GS, which would have given the GS a few seconds to determine intent. I still say the robber would have seen the gun aimed directly at him and surrendered, if given the chance.

It is no secret that I am not a "gun guy", for reasons previously discussed. Thankfully I have never found myself in a situation such as the one above; if I were, I would hope that it would end in a non-violent manner.

I strongly disagree. We are talking about fractions of a second here. The GS had to make a split second decision about whether his life was in danger.

The story doesn't say how long of a time had passed only that the GS fired before the robber could aim the gun at them after they said something. After the GS said something they robber could have started turning, paused for a second taking note of the new person with the gun pointed at them, and then continued turning and swinging the arms with the gun to point towards the GS.

It's also possible that after the GS said something that the robber started to turn and recognized the threat that was pointed at them and would have put the gun down, but within say 5-10 seconds the concern is not if the perpetrator will lower their weapon but if someone is going to get shot by them. By drawing the attention of the robber it caused them to move the gun away from a potential victim, but it did not guarantee that the gun would then not be pointed at the GS.


Strength through joy
The Original Oyster House at gunpoint

MOBILE. Ala. (WALA) - Two men armed with guns robbed the Original Oyster House on the causeway late last week. They weren’t on the run long though, before the law caught up with them.
Police say they sealed their own fate.

The quick arrest was made because a call was made earlier in the night of two suspicious individuals sitting right in the restaurants parking lot. Police came, checked the two individuals out and since they weren’t doing anything wrong at the time they were let go.
Then less than two hours later the restaurant was robbed.
Spanish Fort Police Chief, David Edgar, said “The vehicle description of the get-away vehicle, as well as the two robbers, was the same as they identified earlier in the evening.”
Chief Edgar told us the department immediately put out the suspects description and their car tag. They were caught about an hour later.
Spanish Fort Police say 18-Year-old Adric White and 20-year-old Tavoris Montgomery robbed the Original Oyster House on the causeway last Thursday night. The manager and couple of other workers were held up at gun point and the night deposit money stolen.

one can assume the Adric White's mental status is DUMB .


Got the T-Shirt
I still contend the GS overreacted. He had his gun aimed directly at the robber. The robber had turned but had yet to aim his gun at the GS, which would have given the GS a few seconds to determine intent. I still say the robber would have seen the gun aimed directly at him and surrendered, if given the chance.

Adric White was out on bond from a previous armed robbery.

When he made a conscience decision to do it again....

He forfeited any right, to further consume oxygen.... or be given any time to reflect on his poor decision.

The only mistake the GS made.... was not putting him down for good.

Now, the taxpayers get to finance his medical treatment and long term incarceration.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Good point the answer to which we will probably never know.

I still contend the GS overreacted. He had his gun aimed directly at the robber. The robber had turned but had yet to aim his gun at the GS, which would have given the GS a few seconds to determine intent. I still say the robber would have seen the gun aimed directly at him and surrendered, if given the chance.

It is no secret that I am not a "gun guy", for reasons previously discussed. Thankfully I have never found myself in a situation such as the one above; if I were, I would hope that it would end in a non-violent manner.

1. It doesnt take "a few seconds" for a criminal to turn, aim a gun at you and fire it. It takes a fraction of a second at the most.

2. The "intent" of the robber was made clear enough by his decison to force an innocent person down on their knees while pointing a gun at their head.

3. There are numerous reported cases of criminals taking multiple gunshot hits to their center of mass and continuing to fight for several minutes until finally bleeding out. A criminal with a gun can still use it to kill a lot of people even if he is dying from a gunshot wound. Only in Hollywood do people drop instantly and die when hit in the chest. The only safe way to negotiate or determine the "intent" of an armed criminal is from a distance, with a bullhorn and a sniper rifle. If you are ever unfortunate enough to find yourself within feet of such a criminal and your only weapon is a handgun, you dont have the luxury of trying to determine his intent and if retreat is not an option then your survival may depend upon shooting him before he can shoot you.