
Marne Vet

Well-Known Member
Ah yes, the old Bush mantra. Bush couldn't get away with half of the things this President does regularly. I don't disagree that this President most likely won't be attempting mass confiscation of firearms, but give him a pathway to do it and it will come a lot faster than many might think.

I was using the preceding President as an example, and not because Bush is an easy target. I also agree with your second part because since 9/11 the laws for our "own safety" have gotten out of hand. If [We] give any Administration a pathway to enact these laws we might as well start looking for a different brown shirt to wear. So I can agree with you, but also disagree with what the poster above said with the typical Obama hating rant.


Amatuer Malthusian
Possibly because the 9mm version of the gun takes more than 10 rounds, which may now be in violation of Colorado law. 40's are bigger than 9's so magazine capacity in a 40 is usually 1 or 2 rounds less compared to an equally sized gun chambered in 9.

I thought this might be the case. I hadn't heard about Colorado clinging to that 10 round limit.:weird:
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Well-Known Member
Well done response to NFL censoring a firearm commercial by banning it from the Superbowl while allowing so many other advertisements that could also be construed as harming society.



Inordinately Right
Well done response to NFL censoring a firearm commercial by banning it from the Superbowl while allowing so many other advertisements that could also be construed as harming society.

"I like football, I love beer. I watch Beyonce hump the stage till I'm blue in the face. But I have to call a spade a spade and banning a commercial that espouses the very foundation this country was founded on is hypocritical as friend*...."

I love it.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see this type of survey:

Get one hundred people together --all sides of political aisle.

One at a time put them in a room with just a desk with an envelope on the desk. Instruct them to open the envelope.
It would state that in 15 seconds a madman armed with a gun will come in and kill you.

On this table : A bible you can pray with---A "gun free zone" sign that you could hold up --a cell phone to call police for help --and a loaded handgun.

What would you choose ???


nowhere special


It looks like they modified a broomhandle mauser


Nine Lives
SCCY CPX2 and S&W 5904
Both with Hornady Critical Duty 135

Carried 5904 for over 15 years but recently changed to CPX2.
5904 now assigned bedroom duty.