

Strength through joy
Under California’s “Unsafe Handgun Act,” any new semi-automatic pistol introduced into that state must comply with microstamping laws. In addition, California asserts that anything other than a cosmetic change to a handgun already on the California Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale, including performance enhancements and other improvements, requires it to be removed from the roster and retested. For semi-automatic pistols, this means it must comply with the microstamping requirements, as well.
A number of studies have indicated that microstamping is unreliable, serves no safety purpose, is cost prohibitive and, most importantly, is not proven to aid in preventing or solving crimes. The microstamping mandate and the company’s unwillingness to adopt this so-called technology will result in a diminishing number of Smith & Wesson semi-automatic pistols available for purchase by California residents.
This is not a problem unique to Smith & Wesson. The microstamping legislation and California’s position regarding performance enhancements and other improvements creates the same challenge for all firearm manufacturers, since presumably all of them refine and improve their products over time.


Well-Known Member
My former brother and sister in laws shopped there on a regular basis. They sent out a facebook message letting family know that they are safe. My son is home for the weekend and showed me the message.


golden ticket member
Gun free mall ? Really ????

"According to the evidence we have at this time, the shooter apparently didn’t use one of those horrible “assault rifles” of which the Left complains, he used a Joe Biden approved shotgun."


Strength through joy

Quiet kid: Darion Aguilar is the suspected gunman who shot two dead before turning the gun on himself at a Maryland mall Saturday .



Silent and deadly: Witnesses say no words were exchanged between the victims and the shooter before shots were fired .


Well-Known Member

Last night the President made sure he mentioned the Sandy Hook shooting when a bunch of White people were tragically slaughtered by a white nut job.
This type of shooting -while tragic-is not the REAL gun violence problem in America.

When I point out the daily slaughter in many of our major cities with Thousands and thousands of Young Minorities that will die this year--much of the violence is Black on Black.:sad2:
I am called a Racist ????

These urban cities have the STRICTEST Gun laws in the Country--the gang-bangers do not care about the laws.

Yet the solution is to put much more onerous regulations on Law Abiding American gun owners.

Sure our Politicians truly know the problems and truly care about all of us ??? Yeah right !!:cowboy:


Well-Known Member
As I stated before:

Put a person in a room with a desk.
On the desk is a Bible, a cell phone, a gun free zone sign and a Gun.

There is also a note --when the person sits down the note will state that in 10 seconds a crazy gun toting man is coming in the room to KILL you.

What would the person grab off the Desk ???

While I would never want to be in that situation to have to shot another human being --I am trained and prepared to defend MY life as well as MY family.

Of course in LA-LA land --Home invasions only happen in the movies -or the home Invaders will see a sign --this is a "gun free home" and move on !!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Last night the President made sure he mentioned the Sandy Hook shooting when a bunch of White people were tragically slaughtered by a white nut job.
This type of shooting -while tragic-is not the REAL gun violence problem in America.

When I point out the daily slaughter in many of our major cities with Thousands and thousands of Young Minorities that will die this year--much of the violence is Black on Black.:sad2:
I am called a Racist ????

These urban cities have the STRICTEST Gun laws in the Country--the gang-bangers do not care about the laws.

Yet the solution is to put much more onerous regulations on Law Abiding American gun owners.

Sure our Politicians truly know the problems and truly care about all of us ??? Yeah right !!:cowboy:

Those guns those "THUGS" are shooting are purchased from "STRAW" buyers who then turn around and sell those guns on the black market. Without legal gun buyers selling guns in unregulated gun shows to thugs, there wouldnt be such violence in our country.

But, the NRA sees it differently. They only want to talk about the end result of gun violence and NOT the causation of that very violence by the very tool they purport to want to protect.

If you expect some school teacher to be a marksman in a panic situation, then you really need to re-evaluate if you should have a gun in the first place. Your ability to gauge judgement is suspect.

Even police officers miss their targets and thats with years of practice, but YOU believe a teacher will pull off the miraculous shot from their desk.

Silly man, maybe this worked in early Tucson when Wyatt Earp was in town, but it doesnt work in the 21st century.

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Well-Known Member

Small minds --suggest small solutions like yours. Punish law abiding people and protect scumbags

Hows this for ya !

Life sentences for illegal gun sellers.
Gang bangers that create the market and buy guns illegally --maximum sentence --life.

We would see how quickly the illegal gun market would disappear !!

Tos --I know you would not have selected the Bible --What would you do in that room ?? --besides pee in your panties , hold up the Gun free zone sign and beg for your life .

I do not just believe --- I know--If any teacher had gun and was trained in defense ---the situation had a chance of being very different--the way it did go down --there was NO chance of any different outcome.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Small minds --suggest small solutions like yours. Punish law abiding people and protect scumbags

Hows this for ya !

Life sentences for illegal gun sellers.
Gang bangers that create the market and buy guns illegally --maximum sentence --life.

We would see how quickly the illegal gun market would disappear !!

Tos --I know you would not have selected the Bible --What would you do in that room ?? --besides pee in your panties , hold up the Gun free zone sign and beg for your life .

I do not just believe --- I know--If any teacher had gun and was trained in defense ---the situation had a chance of being very different--the way it did go down --there was NO chance of any different outcome.

Silly man, those "hero" scenarios just ring true in your mind. Until this country does away with gun shows that allow people to buy guns without showing proof of ANYTHING and allow them to walk out with ak47's and enough ammo to kill an entire school, then this country is doomed to see more mass killings.

In texas, arizona & new mexico, you can walk into a gun show, show NO ID, NO BACKGROUND CHECKS, NO WAITING PERIODS and walk out with whatever you want to buy from a pistol to an assault rifle with all the ammo and magazines you can carry.

All you have to do is walk up to a NON DEALER and presto, you can buy enough guns to sell to every THUG in every inner city ghetto you want, at two to three times the value you paid for them.

Dont give me this "law abiding" crap. Gun owners who buy and sell do so for a profit. They could care less HOW many people are ultimately killed with those weapons.

Over 19000 people kill themselves with guns each year in "GUN ZONES". More people die in "GUN ZONES" than in "GUN FREE ZONES".

Lets put that crap to rest.

Its amazing how people believe guns are not a problem in this country despite the thousands of deaths associated with them.

The suggestion that somehow, a teacher, with training, will somehow have the time to draw a weapon, load it, aim it, fire it and control a classroom full of screaming children running in difference directions is laughable at best.

As if the teacher would simply have the weapon laying on top of the desk within reach of small children. How ridiculous is that suggestion?

The gun market needs to disappear, I agree. Guns are for idiots, both criminals and the scared.



Well-Known Member

Straw buyers ??
Get real bro. Cases and cases of Brand New guns cross our borders illegally every day- the borders you won't secure.

No Racial bias here -- white-black -brown gangs workin together are making fortunes on guns and drugs.

You believe people like me or sober are selling our single guns to straw men-- grow up -Dorothy- the wizard of Oz has left the building.


Pineapple King
TOS do you really think if any gun laws were to change those same thugs you speak of would actually turn in their illegal guns?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
TOS do you really think if any gun laws were to change those same thugs you speak of would actually turn in their illegal guns?

NO, but if we cut them off, as well as the gun freaks who buy hundreds of guns and then end up selling them to the highest bidder no matter who that is, maybe in the FUTURE we could curb gun violence.

However, the gun makers will never allow that to happen. The gun makers , who have the largest lobbists working for them (NRA) will always work to prevent new laws from EVER taking hold no matter how many thousands of people are killed in this country each year.

These same right wing nuts who cry about abortion and death simply ignore the death they help to create with the availablity of guns.

Death only matters to the right wing if it can be politicized, and death in the streets is just the price of business for the gun makers and gun owners.



Well-Known Member

Guns like drugs are made and produced all over the world. They follow the money. Organized crime --the Biker GANGS -the Bloods, Crips ,Latin Kings -18th st etc,etc-deal with huge arms dealers and illegally move thousands of guns over a very open Border.
Wake up . Taking guns off Law Abiding American's or even banning Gun Manufacturing in the U.S. will never stop the drugs and guns and the daily "drug wars" that are killing people by the thousands in urban areas.

Wake up or Grow up --Face reality --just once !!
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Well-Known Member
FBI Statistics on Gun Violence:

There will be over 12,500 gun Murders in the U.S.
Over 60% will involve gang violence in major cities

States that are ----"gunfree zones"--toughest gun laws --law abiding citizens -not allowed to own --gang bangers running wild.
The gangs are dealing with International Gun and Drug dealers ! --Not individuals from Gun shows !!

1. War on Gangs
2. Maximum sentences for having an "illegal gun "
3. SECURE our borders.


Well-Known Member

Source: Government Department Of Justice --Eric Holder

Less than 1% of Prison Inmates that have been incarcerated for a crime they committed with a Gun --obtained it from a sale involving a Gun Show.

Where did they get 99% of those shiny new fully automatic{illegal in U.S.) Guns ??? SONS OF ANARCHY --Jax is a Busy Boy !!! Moving those international guns up from Mexico


Strength through joy
Another ruling from a leftist judge banning assault weapons .
Because a mentally ill thief stole weapons and used tactics he learned from video games to commit crimes .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Another ruling from a leftist judge banning assault weapons .
Because a mentally ill thief stole weapons and used tactics he learned from video games to commit crimes .

The decision may be short lived, but Ill take that, maybe that judge saved someones life in the next few months. Hopefully, these kinds of decisions can go nationwide and we can start clearing our streets of assault weapons that children have access to, because they have irresponsible parents as gun owners.
