

golden ticket member


Well-Known Member
All gun transactions should have to go through a licensed dealer. A background check is needed. A sieve can not hold back water. Why have a law that I can't get a gun at store A, but then show B can sell to anyone. Might as well not have a gun law.

Law needs to be changed so that the owner of the gun is responsible for the actions that that gun was used for. Needs to be locked away in a safe place. Toddler should not be handling a gun and accidently fire a shot. Gun owner should be held responsible. Have any gun you want, but act responsibly.


Its all good.
All the more reason for private citizens to own a gun.
The police have no legal obligation to protect any individual citizen...the Supreme Court decided that several years ago. Their responsibility is to determine who the offenders are and to apprehend them. If they were obligated to defend us, then everyone who has ever been a victim of crime would be suing them for failure to dot heir job. So, if they aren't to protect us, then what are we to do? Maybe Obama will come to our rescue...NOT!


The police have no legal obligation to protect any individual citizen...the Supreme Court decided that several years ago. Their responsibility is to determine who the offenders are and to apprehend them. If they were obligated to defend us, then everyone who has ever been a victim of crime would be suing them for failure to dot heir job. So, if they aren't to protect us, then what are we to do? Maybe Obama will come to our rescue...NOT!
I switched to a "trunk monkey".


Its all good.
All gun transactions should have to go through a licensed dealer. A background check is needed. A sieve can not hold back water. Why have a law that I can't get a gun at store A, but then show B can sell to anyone. Might as well not have a gun law.

Law needs to be changed so that the owner of the gun is responsible for the actions that that gun was used for. Needs to be locked away in a safe place. Toddler should not be handling a gun and accidently fire a shot. Gun owner should be held responsible. Have any gun you want, but act responsibly.
The vast majority of gun owners are careful and act responsibly. It's the few exceptions that make the news and make everyone else look bad.


Well-Known Member
The vast majority of gun owners are careful and act responsibly. It's the few exceptions that make the news and make everyone else look bad.
I agree, but there are way too many accidents involving guns and kids. Someone needs to be held responsible for them.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The vast majority of gun owners are careful and act responsibly. It's the few exceptions that make the news and make everyone else look bad.

A few exceptions? Define "FEW"... over 19000 gun owners kill themselves each year with guns. Over 11000 men women and children are killed by guns each year in this country.

THATS 30,000 gun owners.

And you call that "A FEW EXCEPTIONS" ????????????????????




golden ticket member
How many people were killed by guns in America last year?

The Centers for Disease Control says 11,493 people died from gun homicides.

Gee, they must've left out those other 19,000 you made up .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
How many people were killed by guns in America last year?

The Centers for Disease Control says 11,493 people died from gun homicides.

Gee, they must've left out those other 19,000 you made up .

Earth to moreluck, there is a difference between HOMOCIDES and SUICIDES..... maybe you should look a little deeper than just surface spamming.



Well-Known Member
A few exceptions? Define "FEW"... over 19000 gun owners kill themselves each year with guns. Over 11000 men women and children are killed by guns each year in this country.

THATS 30,000 gun owners.

And you call that "A FEW EXCEPTIONS" ????????????????????




Really Bro !!!

How about Statistics from the FBI and Justice Department on Gun MURDERS ??

12,500---55 % Of them Minority gang bangers --killing themselves in drug and gun wars. Over 90% of those are Black on Black ----Where is the Outrage ???

There is a HUGE difference --between LEGAL gun owners and Gang Bangers !!!

Dude stop hugging trees in the forest -and grasp a dose of REALITY !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

Really Bro !!!

How about Statistics from the FBI and Justice Department on Gun MURDERS ??

12,500---55 % Of them Minority gang bangers --killing themselves in drug and gun wars. Over 90% of those are Black on Black ----Where is the Outrage ???

There is a HUGE difference --between LEGAL gun owners and Gang Bangers !!!

Dude stop hugging trees in the forest -and grasp a dose of REALITY !!!

Theres also a HUGE difference between GANG bangers and DOMESTIC VIOLENCE where most handgun homocides reign supreme.



Well-Known Member

You can spout your own opinions or hatred --You cannot make up facts.
The urban cities are "war zones" with each gang fighting over Turf --drug sales and illegal gun sales.
The caskets are filled with "gang soldiers" and many innocent victims .

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

You can spout your own opinions or hatred --You cannot make up facts.
The urban cities are "war zones" with each gang fighting over Turf --drug sales and illegal gun sales.
The caskets are filled with "gang soldiers" and many innocent victims .

IF inner cities are warzones, what cool nickname do you have for the domestic homocide of a wife, a child or husband?

Or, is this another statistic you want to ignore because it defeats your position?



Its all good.
A few exceptions? Define "FEW"... over 19000 gun owners kill themselves each year with guns. Over 11000 men women and children are killed by guns each year in this country.

THATS 30,000 gun owners.

And you call that "A FEW EXCEPTIONS" ????????????????????


Where do you get your numbers from? How many people who are getting killed are doing something illegal to begin with and are shot by police? You show me how these numbers are legit then we can have a discussion. It's always a tragedy when innocent people get killed, but it sounds like there is more to the story than what I'm reading in your post


Well-Known Member
Tos will not reveal the Obama Justice department numbers --nor the FBI numbers on gun deaths and gang bangers --The truth does not fit in with his Liberal Tirades.

I have no problem with laws that will close all Gun Show loopholes.
I have no Problem with complete back round checks and fingerprinting of all gun buyers.

Why does the Left have a problem with a SECURE border to stop the flow of drugs and illegal arms ??
Why does the left have problems with cracking down on Gang Activity ??
Why does the left have problems with long prison terms --not two years --but 25 for possessing an illegal gun ?
Why does the left use the examples of school shootings or malls -low numbers of death over 25 years---will not talk about Democrat Chicago , Detroit or Newark that will have thousands of gang banger murders this year.

Very strange ???

Even Hollywood has the main problems down pat with shows such as "Sons Of Anarchy"
We know, Hollywood knows---The Politicians and Liberals --no clue ---Keep deflecting -they want to-ban guns for law abiding American's--while the illegal flow of Guns and Drugs through an open border--along with the violence and deaths --put us all at risk !!