

Its all good.
like i said before if you are so terrified that you cant leave your house without your gun then you dont need a gun you need therapy
I'm not terrified to drive a car, or of my house burning down. But I have insurance to cover myself if anything bad happens.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


All Trash No Trailer
Obama has tried twice to get the CDC to designate gun ownership as a disease. Congress shut him down by threatening to take away funding from the CDC if they did it. You overlooked that fact somehow.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
I didnt overlook it as it isnt a fact


Well-Known Member
As shocking as this may seem to the Republican Right, most Liberals do not want to ban guns. We just want people to be more sensible about them. I do not want to run into someone with an assault rifle in their hand in an aisle at Target. If you are so fearful of the world beyond your front door that you feel the need to be armed at all times, then you don't need guns. You need therapy
Most may not, and i personally have always had no use for assault rifles, some of the most vocal pushing for laws want a complete banning. The ones that don't say it, you can tell from the attitude/argument/not differentiating between the type of gun.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
wrong, it's far smarter than the ideas that gun ownership is equal to segregation,that students should be armed,that good guys with guns will save the day or that any one should be allowed to carry a gun any where any time that i have seen posted on this board
Bullets are easy to make. Passing a law that each bullet could only be sold for $5000.00 would only create an underground bullet supply network much like the drug trade has done.

I am well stocked in ammo, but I would indeed find my way to those street corners. This is a right that I am not going to give up under any circumstance.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This law forbade Jews,Communists,Freemasons and other "Enemies of the State" to own,purchase or carry weapons but for the average German there simply was NO gun control. Rather, children in the Hitler Jugend(Hitler Youth) were raised to shoot weapons and to be excellent marksmen so that when they reached 20 and were inducted into the Army they would have a familiarity with weapons.

try again!!

Thanks for making my point for me.

Nazi Germany is a case study of what happens when the government gets to decide who owns guns and who cannot.

Its a lot easier to murder 6 million people when they dont have any guns to fight back with.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
how many innocent people has your insurance killed?

There are something like 300 million guns in private hands in the USA, and about 99.99999% of them will never kill anyone or be used in a crime. More people are killed with hammers than with the so-called "assault rifles" that everyone wants to ban.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
no comparisons, nice try but not even close.
My wife and I like to travel, and go camping during the summer.

There are large areas of my state where cell phone coverage is minimal to non-existent.

There are also large areas of my state where the response time to a 911 call might be 45 minutes or more.

When we travel, I pack along a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, some extra food and water, a basic tool kit...and a gun.

What you consider paranoid, I consider prudence. If you would prefer to rely upon a nanny-state government to protect you and save you in an emergency, that is certainly your right.

I would prefer not to.


Well-Known Member
My wife and I like to travel, and go camping during the summer.

There are large areas of my state where cell phone coverage is minimal to non-existent.

There are also large areas of my state where the response time to a 911 call might be 45 minutes or more.

When we travel, I pack along a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, some extra food and water, a basic tool kit...and a gun.

What you consider paranoid, I consider prudence. If you would prefer to rely upon a nanny-state government to protect you and save you in an emergency, that is certainly your right.

I would prefer not to.

When seconds count.....the police are just minutes away.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Thanks for making my point for me.

Nazi Germany is a case study of what happens when the government gets to decide who owns guns and who cannot.

Its a lot easier to murder 6 million people when they dont have any guns to fight back with.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

The only point I would like to disagree with you on is the claim that the NAZI government "GOT" to decide who could have guns.

This is untrue.

By treaty after the first world war, ALL OF GERMANY had to disarm, including all its citizens.

By the time Hitler took power, the disarming of germany was WELL under way. This had nothing to do with HITLER or his policies.

His hatred for the jews came for other reasons.

The claims by the NRA and other right wing types commonly mistakenly claim that the german government wanted to disarm only certain persons, and this is simply not true.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

There are something like 300 million guns in private hands in the USA, and about 99.99999% of them will never kill anyone or be used in a crime. More people are killed with hammers than with the so-called "assault rifles" that everyone wants to ban.

To this post, again, I disagree with you. According to "you", 99.99999% will never kill anyone, yet, every year, over 19000 american gun owners kill themselves with guns. Over 11,000 americans will die at the hands of a gun owner every year.

According you you, less than 1/10th of 1 percent are the evil gun owners, yet the numbers dont match up.

We will never know what percentage of gun owners suffer from mental disorders or psychological disorders like depression or alcoholism. To that end, we will never know who should or shouldnt be armed.

Until this country tests for mental illness or past behaviors that include drunken behaviors or depression, then every year, nuts with guns will commit horriffic mass shootings.

99.99999% is a rather over confident view of gun owners.

For me, if i had to put a number on it, I'd say that close to 25% of total gun owners shouldnt be allowed to own guns for some disqualifying reason.



All Trash No Trailer
Thanks for making my point for me.

Nazi Germany is a case study of what happens when the government gets to decide who owns guns and who cannot.

Its a lot easier to murder 6 million people when they dont have any guns to fight back with.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Yet again, you show a complete lack of understanding of this chapter of European History. The vast majority of the Six Million Jews and other people killed killed by the germans in Concentration Camps came from territories Germany conquered,they were NOT German Nationals : Poland,Russia,Holland,Lithuania,Luxemborg,Ukraine,Yugoslavia et al. the laws of The German Nation that german citizens to follow had no bearing on these people as they were an occupied populace and were disarmed by the German Army( this is a standard practice when occupying a country. The USA disarmed all german at the end of WW2)

The people who could not own arms in germany were less than 10% of the population( these people lost all rights entirely,not just gun ownership),the idea that the Germans were "disarmed" by the government is simply WRONG
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All Trash No Trailer

There are something like 300 million guns in private hands in the USA, and about 99.99999% of them will never kill anyone or be used in a crime. More people are killed with hammers than with the so-called "assault rifles" that everyone wants to ban.
i'm betting more people are killed with Handguns than hammers,just sayin


All Trash No Trailer
My wife and I like to travel, and go camping during the summer.

There are large areas of my state where cell phone coverage is minimal to non-existent.

There are also large areas of my state where the response time to a 911 call might be 45 minutes or more.

When we travel, I pack along a first aid kit, a fire extinguisher, some extra food and water, a basic tool kit...and a gun.

What you consider paranoid, I consider prudence. If you would prefer to rely upon a nanny-state government to protect you and save you in an emergency, that is certainly your right.

I would prefer not to.
Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed
Packing heat may backfire. People who carry guns are far likelier to get shot – and killed – than those who are unarmed, a study of shooting victims in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has found.

It would be impractical – not to say unethical – to randomly assign volunteers to carry a gun or not and see what happens. So Charles Branas's team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.

Despite the US having the highest rate of firearms-related homicide in the industrialised world, the relationship between gun culture and violence is poorly understood. A recent study found that treating violence like an infectious disease led to a dramatic fall in shootings and killings.

Overall, Branas's study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.

While it may be that the type of people who carry firearms are simply more likely to get shot, it may be that guns give a sense of empowerment that causes carriers to overreact in tense situations, or encourages them to visit neighbourhoods they probably shouldn't, Branas speculates. Supporters of the Second Amendment shouldn't worry that the right to bear arms is under threat, however. "We don't have an answer as to whether guns are protective or perilous," Branas says. "This study is a beginning."

Daniel Webster, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore, Maryland, thinks it is near-sighted to consider only the safety of gun owners and not their communities. "It affects others a heck of a lot more," he says.