

Staff member
I'm not terrified to drive a car, or of my house burning down. But I have insurance to cover myself if anything bad happens.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
Do you have liability insurance for your gun? Imagine what that would cost.


Well-Known Member

Gun owners, what's the solution to this problem we're experiencing as a nation?

I don't own a gun, see no need to, find my recreation in other areas, etc.

I would hope you (gun owners) would agree with me that we have a problem.

As another poster said, I don't want to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Yet, many of these gun-crimes were perpetrated by 'legal' gun owners.


What's the plan?

Do we just accept the fact that we're going to have a shooting a week?

And I'm seriously not sure that arming more people is the solution to our problem.

Convince me of your stance...all I read about is that we can't infringe on the 2nd amendment.

Okay, what can we do?

I would like gun-owners to be part of the solution, instead of blocking ALL solutions.


Its all good.
And it covered your accidental killing of a other individual with a gun? Doubtful.
So you think I'm going to take someone's life? Thanks for the confidence. You don't know me or anything about me. I'm surprised that you would post that. From what I've seen of your past posts, you struck me more level headed and unbiased. Maybe I was wrong.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Well-Known Member
Carrying a gun increases risk of getting shot and killed
Packing heat may backfire. People who carry guns are far likelier to get shot – and killed – than those who are unarmed, a study of shooting victims in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has found.

It would be impractical – not to say unethical – to randomly assign volunteers to carry a gun or not and see what happens. So Charles Branas's team at the University of Pennsylvania analysed 677 shootings over two-and-a-half years to discover whether victims were carrying at the time, and compared them to other Philly residents of similar age, sex and ethnicity. The team also accounted for other potentially confounding differences, such as the socioeconomic status of their neighbourhood.

Despite the US having the highest rate of firearms-related homicide in the industrialised world, the relationship between gun culture and violence is poorly understood. A recent study found that treating violence like an infectious disease led to a dramatic fall in shootings and killings.

Overall, Branas's study found that people who carried guns were 4.5 times as likely to be shot and 4.2 times as likely to get killed compared with unarmed citizens. When the team looked at shootings in which victims had a chance to defend themselves, their odds of getting shot were even higher.

While it may be that the type of people who carry firearms are simply more likely to get shot, it may be that guns give a sense of empowerment that causes carriers to overreact in tense situations, or encourages them to visit neighbourhoods they probably shouldn't, Branas speculates. Supporters of the Second Amendment shouldn't worry that the right to bear arms is under threat, however. "We don't have an answer as to whether guns are protective or perilous," Branas says. "This study is a beginning."

Daniel Webster, co-director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research in Baltimore, Maryland, thinks it is near-sighted to consider only the safety of gun owners and not their communities. "It affects others a heck of a lot more," he says.
How many of those killed while carrying were gang members or other criminals carrying and how many were otherwise law abiding citizens. If you don't split the numbers between those 2 categories than that study doesn't mean :censored2:.


Pees in the brown Koolaid

Gun owners, what's the solution to this problem we're experiencing as a nation?

I don't own a gun, see no need to, find my recreation in other areas, etc.

I would hope you (gun owners) would agree with me that we have a problem.

As another poster said, I don't want to take guns away from law abiding citizens.

Yet, many of these gun-crimes were perpetrated by 'legal' gun owners.


What's the plan?

Do we just accept the fact that we're going to have a shooting a week?

And I'm seriously not sure that arming more people is the solution to our problem.

Convince me of your stance...all I read about is that we can't infringe on the 2nd amendment.

Okay, what can we do?

I would like gun-owners to be part of the solution, instead of blocking ALL solutions.

The answer to our problems is spiritual not legal.

Simply writing more laws isn't going to prevent someone like Adam Lanza from spending years fantasizing, premeditating and then carrying out mass murder. People like Adam Lanza don't care about laws and they have no intention of obeying them in the first place.

We have a bad habit as a society of reacting emotionally rather than pragmatically to tragedies. We want to do something. We want to feel like we are taking steps to solve our problem. The easy way out is to just write a new law or two and go ahead and ban something that we don't know or care much about. Lets just ban those hi-cap magazine thingies, or maybe those scary-looking guns that some politician calls "assault weapons". It wont accomplish anything, but by golly it will make us feel better.

As far as "gun owners blocking all solutions" goes...when the "solutions" are being trotted out are little more than cleverly designed attempts to set the stage for the virtual elimination of our rights then you are damn right I'm going to block them. I have no intention of negotiating for MY rights with the Michael Bloombergs and the Diane Feinsteins of the world. Want me to start negotiating? Then your side needs to shut these hypocrites up, disown them, and acknowledge the fact that armed self-defense is a fundamental human right.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Yet again, you show a complete lack of understanding of this chapter of European History. The vast majority of the Six Million Jews and other people killed killed by the germans in Concentration Camps came from territories Germany conquered,they were NOT German Nationals : Poland,Russia,Holland,Lithuania,Luxemborg,Ukraine,Yugoslavia et al. the laws of The German Nation that german citizens to follow had no bearing on these people as they were an occupied populace and were disarmed by the German Army( this is a standard practice when occupying a country. The USA disarmed all german at the end of WW2)

The people who could not own arms in germany were less than 10% of the population( these people lost all rights entirely,not just gun ownership),the idea that the Germans were "disarmed" by the government is simply WRONG

One of the mechanisms Hitler used to maintain his grip on power was to deny gun rights to those (Jews, Communists, Freemasons etc.) in Germany who would oppose him.

Regardless of nationality, the brutal fact remains that the Germans had guns and the 6 million Jews that died in the concentration camps didn't.


Staff member
So you think I'm going to take someone's life? Thanks for the confidence. You don't know me or anything about me. I'm surprised that you would post that. From what I've seen of your past posts, you struck me more level headed and unbiased. Maybe I was wrong.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
I have no idea if you have or not. As you said, I don't know you. But you did suggest that an umbrella insurance policy would cover that occurrence which I find doubtful. I don't see why asking that would have you wondering about my level headedness.


Staff member
One of the mechanisms Hitler used to maintain his grip on power was to deny gun rights to those (Jews, Communists, Freemasons etc.) in Germany who would oppose him.

Regardless of nationality, the brutal fact remains that the Germans had guns and the 6 million Jews that died in the concentration camps didn't.
Everyone in Iraq and Syria have guns. Only problem is that I don't know who the "good guys" are and who the "bad guys" are. My guess is that if the American public were armed to such an extent the lines would become very blurry here as well.