

Staff member
Obama has tried twice to get the CDC to designate gun ownership as a disease. Congress shut him down by threatening to take away funding from the CDC if they did it. You overlooked that fact somehow.

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
I think that was "gun violence". Big difference and is that n over-sight on your part international or otherwise?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Everyone in Iraq and Syria have guns. Only problem is that I don't know who the "good guys" are and who the "bad guys" are. My guess is that if the American public were armed to such an extent the lines would become very blurry here as well.

Opposing forces that are evenly matched in terms of weaponry will, in most cases, eventually reach some sort of cease-fire or peace agreement.

It is a historical truth that massacres and genocide only happen to the weak and poorly armed.


Staff member
Opposing forces that are evenly matched in terms of weaponry will, in most cases, eventually reach some sort of cease-fire or peace agreement.

It is a historical truth that massacres and genocide only happen to the weak and poorly armed.
That is an awfully self-serving reading of history.


Staff member
It may be, but can you find an example where it is not the case?
I don't think I need to. The United States has found a way to assimilate minority groups to it's benefit. We do not have to decide between genocide and Mutually Assured Destruction. Mandela. Ghandi. MLK Jr. History suggests the aggressor will fail at genocide.


All Trash No Trailer
One of the mechanisms Hitler used to maintain his grip on power was to deny gun rights to those (Jews, Communists, Freemasons etc.) in Germany who would oppose him.

Regardless of nationality, the brutal fact remains that the Germans had guns and the 6 million Jews that died in the concentration camps didn't.

yet again you are showing a lack of knowledge in this matter,so I will attempt will educate you further: The vast overwhelming Jews Gypsies,Russians,Poles and other people the Nazi's deemed "undesirable " killed in the camps were either taken in combat,or were rounded up by the Gestapo,Einsatz Kommandos , Local Nazi Sympathizers or even the German Army in occupied countries and sent to the death camps. they were NOT German citizens and the laws regarding who and who could not own weapons in Germany did not apply to these poor souls.

On a side note: in the camps to reduce the number of guards needed some prisoners became what the Germans termed"Prisoner Functionaries" and the prisoners called them Kapos. These Jews were ARMED with rifles,pistols and sub machine guns and were often even more brutal than the SS guards,to ensure they kept their positions. they shot fellow prisoners,as well as marching them to the Gas Chambers.

sorry mate,but not everything is as cut and dried in this period of history as you would like it to be


All Trash No Trailer
Macon man shoots himself in penis
A Macon man was treated at a hospital in Macon this past Thursday, after he accidentally shot himself in the penis.

The man was parked at the gas station at about 9:30 p.m. when he attempted to holster his .45.

Immediately after the gun went off, he drove to a friend's house.

When he got to the friends house, he took off his pants and saw that he had "shot himself in the penis and that the bullet exited out of his buttocks." The spent round fell onto the floor.

The man's friend drove him to the hospital and he was then transferred to the Medical Center of Central Georgia.


All Trash No Trailer
How many of those killed while carrying were gang members or other criminals carrying and how many were otherwise law abiding citizens. If you don't split the numbers between those 2 categories than that study doesn't mean :censored2:.
explain this please ,I cant get past if there weren't so many cheap handuns available the shooting wouldnt have occured.


Staff member

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.
Still waiting. I keep searching but have not found anything that suggests Obama or the CDC declared or sought to declare gun ownership a disease. Found several articles that tried to blur the line between between ownership and violence but no quotes from the administration. I will say that if such a statement were made, it is a ridiculous statement to make. There are a lot of Democratic and Republican law makers. Were they all to be labeled "diseased"?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
That is an awfully self-serving reading of history.
The fact remains that it happens to be true.

Here is another perspective to consider; during the 18th and 19th century, my race was able to enslave and dehumanize your race because my race had guns and yours didnt. Same thing goes for the natives who were already here on the North American continent when the first Europeans showed up.

How different would the history of Africans and Native Americans be if they had been armed with guns when the white man arrived at their shores?


Pees in the brown Koolaid
yet again you are showing a lack of knowledge in this matter,so I will attempt will educate you further: The vast overwhelming Jews Gypsies,Russians,Poles and other people the Nazi's deemed "undesirable " killed in the camps were either taken in combat,or were rounded up by the Gestapo,Einsatz Kommandos , Local Nazi Sympathizers or even the German Army in occupied countries and sent to the death camps. they were NOT German citizens and the laws regarding who and who could not own weapons in Germany did not apply to these poor souls.

On a side note: in the camps to reduce the number of guards needed some prisoners became what the Germans termed"Prisoner Functionaries" and the prisoners called them Kapos. These Jews were ARMED with rifles,pistols and sub machine guns and were often even more brutal than the SS guards,to ensure they kept their positions. they shot fellow prisoners,as well as marching them to the Gas Chambers.

sorry mate,but not everything is as cut and dried in this period of history as you would like it to be
And you continue making my point for me.

The Germans had guns. The Poles and Jews and Gypsies and other "undesireables" didnt, which is why they wound up in concentration camps.

How many Swiss wound up in concentration camps? None, because the Germans were smart enough to realize that invading a country full of trained, armed men was not worth the bloodshed.


Staff member
And your race failed to continue to enslave mine? Why? Because you gave my race guns? No. In fact the war that raged didn't free my race. That freedom didn't come for a hundred years after and it didn't come through a Malcolm X revolution.


Staff member
The fact remains that it happens to be true.

Here is another perspective to consider; during the 18th and 19th century, my race was able to enslave and dehumanize your race because my race had guns and yours didnt. Same thing goes for the natives who were already here on the North American continent when the first Europeans showed up.

How different would the history of Africans and Native Americans be if they had been armed with guns when the white man arrived at their shores?
And what if there had been an armed rebellion by blacks led by Malcolm X and even more militant factions? What good would guns have done? It would indeed be a far different country we live in today.


All Trash No Trailer
And you continue making my point for me.

The Germans had guns. The Poles and Jews and Gypsies and other "undesireables" didnt, which is why they wound up in concentration camps.

How many Swiss wound up in concentration camps? None, because the Germans were smart enough to realize that invading a country full of trained, armed men was not worth the bloodshed.
Why should they? The Swedes were willing to trade freely with Germany, offered no great strategic improvement to Germany should they be occupied, and had a military that was of no threat to any of its neighbors.

Contrast this with Russia which had a highly aggressive and expansionist military and political system. Occupation of their territory was Germany's PRIMARY goal in WWII. Also, Stalin, while willing at times to trade vital materials with Germany was extremely unreliable and would have cut off trade when he thought it would best leverage the Soviet position.

Only nations that posed a threat to Germany, one way or the other, were attacked by the Germans. Despite popular mythology to the contrary, Germany was not on a rampage to take over the world in WWII. They were interested in improving their national security and sought to do this via military means.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
And your race failed to continue to enslave mine? Why? Because you gave my race guns? No. In fact the war that raged didn't free my race. That freedom didn't come for a hundred years after and it didn't come through a Malcolm X revolution.
But you didnt answer my question.

How successful would the slave traders have been if they had sailed to the African continent and encountered ARMED resistance?

Its pretty easy to enslave or commit genocide against a people when you have guns and they dont.

It is a constant throughout thousands of years of human history that those who have superior weaponry will dominate, control, enslave and exterminate those who dont.


Staff member
But you didnt answer my question.

How successful would the slave traders have been if they had sailed to the African continent and encountered ARMED resistance?

Its pretty easy to enslave or commit genocide against a people when you have guns and they dont.

It is a constant throughout thousands of years of human history that those who have superior weaponry will dominate, control, enslave and exterminate those who dont.
Armed resistance? Why would they encounter that? Slaves were bought on the African coast, one African selling another. It's not like slave traders invaded the continent and started shipping off it's inhabitants. Slavery was commerce, not conquest.


Well-Known Member
explain this please ,I cant get past if there weren't so many cheap handuns available the shooting wouldnt have occured.
So you think the criminals buy their guns legally? WOW. By the way, we don't all make driver pay (yet), and $200+ isn't actually cheap for the majority of America.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
explain this please ,I cant get past if there weren't so many cheap handuns available the shooting wouldnt have occured.

There are a dozen licensed firearms dealers within 5 miles of my home, and for the cost of a $10 instant background check any law-abiding person in the state of Oregon can buy a handgun from one of them. Yet our murder and gun crime rate is a fraction of Chicago's, a city where handguns are illegal and there are no licensed dealers anywhere. If the "availability" of guns causes gun crime, then why do the cities with the strictest gun laws have the highest rates of gun crime?