

Staff member
There are a dozen licensed firearms dealers within 5 miles of my home, and for the cost of a $10 instant background check any law-abiding person in the state of Oregon can buy a handgun from one of them. Yet our murder and gun crime rate is a fraction of Chicago's, a city where handguns are illegal and there are no licensed dealers anywhere. If the "availability" of guns causes gun crime, then why do the cities with the strictest gun laws have the highest rates of gun crime?


Staff member
Think about the right of free speech. The SCOTUS years ago ruled that a person couldn't yell "fire" in a crowded theatre. Why? The resultant mayhem and threat to the public is too great. Well what about a theatre with three people in it? Yell fire there, not a whole lot will happen. I imagine the same can be said of different populations.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I don't think I need to. The United States has found a way to assimilate minority groups to it's benefit. We do not have to decide between genocide and Mutually Assured Destruction. Mandela. Ghandi. MLK Jr. History suggests the aggressor will fail at genocide.

Not true.

The "nonviolent" tactics espoused by MLK and Ghandi will only work against an oppressor that has at least some sort of moral base and respect...however imperfect or unfairly applied... for the rule of law.

What MLK did was to force the United States federal government to intervene....using the force of law (which ultimately boils down to men with guns)...against racist state and city governments who were denying civil rights to blacks.

Lets use Bull Connor for an example. Why do you think he used fire hoses and dogs against the black protesters instead of opening up on them with live ammunition? It sure as hell wasn't because of his humanity or his respect for the was because he knew that such a choice would result in FBI agents or even National Guard troops (with guns) taking him into custody at gunpoint and prosecuting him for murder. Regardless of how corrupt and biased the state juries might be, he simply could not get away with murdering that many black people on national TV. So he didn't, and instead he used the hoses and the dogs and enough northern whites wound up being appalled at what they saw on TV that Federal government was forced to intervene.

If you took MLK and Ghandi and sent them to Nazi Germany in 1944, do you think their tactics of nonviolence would have worked to save the Jews? No...because the Jews were less than human according to Nazi racial theory and it was considered perfectly acceptable and legal to herd 6 million of them into the gas chambers and murder them. Nonviolence and passive resistance would have served no purpose, and the fact that the Jews were unarmed and helpless only made genocide easier. The only thing that could (and ultimately did) save the Jews was armed resistance and military force.


Staff member

There are lots of opportunities for criminals with guns to rob and murder people who cant fight back because they obey the law and don't have guns. Criminals prefer unarmed victims.
There are lots of opportunities for armed people to act irrationally and cause harm to others. See movie theatre example. Empty, no big deal. Crowded, big deal.


All Trash No Trailer
But you didnt answer my question.

How successful would the slave traders have been if they had sailed to the African continent and encountered ARMED resistance?

Its pretty easy to enslave or commit genocide against a people when you have guns and they dont.

It is a constant throughout thousands of years of human history that those who have superior weaponry will dominate, control, enslave and exterminate those who dont.

Again,you are manipulating ideas and trying to re write history to fit the agenda of the Gun Carrying Right when the facts are far far different.
The slave traders didnt encounter armed opposition because slavery was a very old time honored tradition that was very profitable. Records exist that The Muslims started buying slaves from Africa as early as 869,( read The Slave Trade and The Making of New World Slavery for more on this subject. i have both on my kindle and they are excellent reads) When the whites started trading for slaves the slaves werent taken by force. On the contrary The African Kings gladly traded their subjects for goods from Europe. On a side note selling people into slavery was outlawed in Europe by the 1400's( i'm pulling this fact off the top of my head,may have been the 1500's) ,but was happily practiced in Africa,and this is why slaves in Europe and it's colonies were all black. It wasnt a racial practice,rather this was the only supply to meet the demand

Had the slave traders gone in shooting, the supply would have dissapeared<poof>


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Again,you are manipulating ideas and trying to re write history to fit the agenda of the Gun Carrying Right when the facts are far far different.
The slave traders didnt encounter armed opposition because slavery was a very old time honored tradition that was very profitable. Records exist that The Muslims started buying slaves from Africa as early as 869,( read The Slave Trade and The Making of New World Slavery for more on this subject. i have both on my kindle and they are excellent reads) When the whites started trading for slaves the slaves werent taken by force. On the contrary The African Kings gladly traded their subjects for goods from Europe. On a side note selling people into slavery was outlawed in Europe by the 1400's( i'm pulling this fact off the top of my head,may have been the 1500's) ,but was happily practiced in Africa,and this is why slaves in Europe and it's colonies were all black. It wasnt a racial practice,rather this was the only supply to meet the demand

Had the slave traders gone in shooting, the supply would have dissapeared<poof>
So the Africans volunteered to be slaves because it was a time honored tradition.

All these years I thought it was because the slave traders had guns, dogs, nets and shackles.


All Trash No Trailer
So the Africans volunteered to be slaves because it was a time honored tradition.

All these years I thought it was because the slave traders had guns, dogs, nets and shackles.
I rather doubt those individuals whose Kings or Village Elders sold them would say they "volunteered"


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Got a sweet deal today on a brand new Glock 19. It fits my hand like a glove, runs like a Swiss watch, super as an added bonus I can take pride in knowing that I stepped up to the plate and did my part to piss off Michael Bloomberg and Diane Feinstein.


Staff member
Got a sweet deal today on a brand new Glock 19. It fits my hand like a glove, runs like a Swiss watch, super as an added bonus I can take pride in knowing that I stepped up to the plate and did my part to piss off Michael Bloomberg and Diane Feinstein.
Don't be so self satisfied. You've noted before that they have armed guards. They aren't against guns. They have a political base to play to.


nowhere special
Don't be so self satisfied. You've noted before that they have armed guards. They aren't against guns. They have a political base to play to.

They are only against other people having guns. While they have their own cocoon of armed security. And Pelosi has one of few concealed carry permits in San Francisco area.


Staff member
They are only against other people having guns. While they have their own cocoon of armed security. And Pelosi has one of few concealed carry permits in San Francisco area.
Again, they aren't even against others having guns. They have a political constituency that needs to hear it. Just like there are those who rail for impeaching the president. Nothing really comes of either, but folks need to hear it.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Got a sweet deal today on a brand new Glock 19. It fits my hand like a glove, runs like a Swiss watch, super as an added bonus I can take pride in knowing that I stepped up to the plate and did my part to piss off Michael Bloomberg and Diane Feinstein.
Is this your first?

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Pees in the brown Koolaid
Don't be so self satisfied. You've noted before that they have armed guards. They aren't against guns. They have a political base to play to.
Bloomberg is no longer mayor, he is just throwing his billions around and, in his own words, trying to buy his way into heaven by changing the world and passing laws to fit his own agenda. And he is absolutely against guns, in his world only the wealthy and politically connected are worthy of armed protection whereas the unwashed masses are not.