
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I am asking this question with the utmost sincerity and complete lack of sarcasm: Why aren't the gun owners/collectors etc outraged with the NRA and Gun Lobby for causing the huge price increase of Guns and Ammo due to false rumors of 'Obama will take your Guns" that were indeed started buy these groups and blasted non stop by Fox News?

They cant be outraged, then they would be informed otherwise. Its alot easier to believe in red dawn, than it is to use common sense.

But wait, all that money will result in some ultimate shootout! Ya, like thats gonna happen. These folks will kill someone in their family looooong before they ever shoot someone committing a crime.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
The price increases havent been caused by the NRA, they are a simple result of supply and demand and concerns about future availability. If people think--rightly or wrongly--that a particular item will be scarce or unobtainable at some point in the future they will want to buy that item.

Did you read what he said? Cause, you just said the same thing, but I dont think you realize it yet.

HE's talking about the hyperbolic rhetoric coming from the NRA, which in turns, creates this false demand, which in turn causes the gun dealers to RAISE prices to capitalise on those foolish enough to part with their money vs moving to a better neighborhood where they dont have to live in fear.

I am sure, if you sold all your beloved guns and ammo, and related armor, shields, bazookas, grenades, flares and such, you could move into a nice neighborhood like mine, where we could walk our dogs together without having to have our heads on a swivel.

But, I know, you would rather live like rambo out in the sticks with your beloved courage strapped to your leg.

Sounds manly, wait, no it doesnt.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
HE's talking about the hyperbolic rhetoric coming from the NRA, which in turns, creates this false demand, which in turn causes the gun dealers to RAISE prices to capitalise on those foolish enough to part with their money vs moving to a better neighborhood where they dont have to live in fear.

The NRA doesn't have to say a word; its the nanny-state fascists like Michael Bloomberg and Diane Feinstein who deserve all the credit for creating an artificially high demand for guns and ammo. They are the ones pushing for the bans and registration and nonexistent "smart gun" technology and all sorts of liberal, feel-good anti-gun nonsense.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
I am sure, if you sold all your beloved guns and ammo, and related armor, shields, bazookas, grenades, flares and such, you could move into a nice neighborhood like mine, where we could walk our dogs together without having to have our heads on a swivel.


Well I don't own any armor or shields or bazookas or grenades, but I do live in a pretty nice neighborhood and if you lived next to me we could probably walk our dogs together without you even knowing that I owned or carried guns.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
If it's not used as voter suppression, I have no problem with it. Of course there never was widespread voter fraud the way there is widespread gun violence.
How can it be used for voter suppression?

Unless you want the dead to be able to vote.


Staff member
How much of that help was government mandated/coerced?
Depends on how deep you want to look into it. Government backed student loans, mortgage interest deduction, the sliding scale at the drug treatment center I went to, the business friendly tax code that favors sub-S corporations, Obamacare that has me paying $600 less per month plus a $2400 per month prescription for my wife that we pay $5 for...pretty easy to pull up by the bootsyraps with all that going on.


Well-Known Member
The price increases havent been caused by the NRA, they are a simple result of supply and demand and concerns about future availability. If people think--rightly or wrongly--that a particular item will be scarce or unobtainable at some point in the future they will want to buy that item.
The Feds caused some of the ammo shortages by ordering billions of rounds.

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Well-Known Member
The NRA doesn't have to say a word; its the nanny-state fascists like Michael Bloomberg and Diane Feinstein who deserve all the credit for creating an artificially high demand for guns and ammo. They are the ones pushing for the bans and registration and nonexistent "smart gun" technology and all sorts of liberal, feel-good anti-gun nonsense.

So you admit that the high demand for guns is artificial?

File early, file often.


Strength through joy
The market for guns has flattened out .
Layoffs have occurred .
However the demand for ammo is still high due to the US Gov't's endless orders for more .


Its all good.
If it's not used as voter suppression, I have no problem with it. Of course there never was widespread voter fraud the way there is widespread gun violence.

As far as voter fraud, I disagree with your opinion.

You're ok with some proposed laws a long as they wouldn't be abused. Most gun owners would be ok with some restrictions if they wouldn't be abused. But like you, gun owners don't have the faith that restrictions and laws won't be abused in some way. History is full of examples of regular people like us getting screwed. Technology changes, but human nature doesn't.

Are you and I paranoid for not trusting the government in certain areas? Or are we exercising reasonable caution?

Kmart sux. So does Walmart. And Orion.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
The demand is still high because marketers are able to get the yahoos all fired up.
The demand is high for the same reason that people used to line up and fight to get Beanie Babies or Tickle Me Elmo dolls at Christmas time.

The perception of low supply can trigger a high demand which creates an even lower supply which causes demand to increase even more. It becomes its own feedback loop.

Fortunately, the perceived "crisis" and resultant panic buying seems to have ended. Gun prices have almost dropped back down to pre-Sandy Hook levels, and .22LR is pretty much the only ammo that is in short supply. Bulk 9mm and 7.62x39 is available online again and most of the stores I frequent usually have these calibers in stock whereas a month after Sandy Hook the shelves were bare.