
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
In just another example of a "Child" being weaponized by his military parents, two police officers lose their lives to that "child" who grew up believing that guns would solve all his problems.

Now, with hundreds of guns in the area looking for this madman with guns, the residents say that "they dont feel any safer" at this point in their lives.

How could this be?

All you gun freaks who promote "more guns make things safer" consistently state that more guns means feeling safe, yet nobody in the area where this shooter is hiding feel that way.

Another right wing nut armed to the teeth just looking for anybody to kill because he has the courage of guns and bullets.

Residents live in fear from ONE man with guns.

A gun obsession, military action obsession, and a thief, grew up with guns and training his brain to believe that he needed guns on him at all times.

I imagine that his "gun closet" would look like Sobers or the others who brag about gun collections.

The public can only hope that this mans journey ends with his life being taken by the very inanimate object that you all feel necessary to feel like men.



Strength through joy
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Got the T-Shirt
Pro-gun doctor debunks American Psychological Association's anti-gun report

It’s good to read that “exposure to violent media, in movies and television, is associated with increased aggressive behaviors, aggressive thoughts and feelings, increased physiological arousal, and decreased prosocial behaviors”. This is a topic the mainstream media religiously avoids, but that all parents know matters.



Strength through joy
According to obumacare children stay on their parents health plans until age 26 .
So there you have it , our government clearly defines than at age 26 children are considered adults .


Strength through joy
Hey , TOS .
I know how you dislike anything from Fox News , but this is unusual .
SPARTANBURG, S.C. ( -- A man who died on Monday, Sept. 15, after a long battle with cancer has gotten his final wish: To have his ashes fired out of a cannon.
Julian Boyd Mercer was 49-years-old when he died. He was an avid hunter and wildlife conservationist.

"Boyd," as he was called, was also a member of the United States Practical Shooting Association and the Spartanburg Practical Shooting Association.
His memorial service was held Saturday at the Spartanburg Practical Shooting Association Firing Range.

His friends say he wanted his ashes to be spread in a unique way.

"I mean, you know, he's getting what he wanted. How he wanted to be remembered," a close friend of his said at the service on Saturday. "He was an unconventional person, pretty much, you know. So this suits him, what we're doing today."

At the memorial, one of the speakers said when Boyd left his family and friends, "he was at peace."


Pees in the brown Koolaid
My wife and I spent the last couple of nights in a condo on the beach in Neskowin, Oregon.

Last night about midnight, we heard gunfire out on the beach, probably 100 yards from our condo. There were at least 12 shots, it sounded like a semi-auto handgun. It was too dark to see anything and it freaked my wife out a little, so she called 911 to report it.

The sheriffs dispatcher told her that they probably would not even be able to send a deputy, as the nearest one was over an hour away. Had a murder been in progress, the best we could have hoped for was a Lincoln City police officer to make a 15 mile trip up our way.

Im glad we had good locks on the door and I'm glad we live in a state that respects the right of its citizens to own and carry guns for self defense.


Well-Known Troll
Wow, since when do "Children" grow beards?

think your a little off with the age of the person on the target?

Its clear, the photo is of a young man, roughly 19 to 25

Hardly a child. But desperation knows no bounds.


I have a 17 year old cousin with a beard. My senior picture of high school I had a goatee, and when I got to 7th grade (12-13 years old) there was a kid with a full beard.

There are just 3 instances of children with beards. Besides, why do you put "children" in quotes? Are they not children? I hate "people" who "use" unnecessary "quotes"

Does his photo make the argument that Gabby Giffords is a hypocrite any less valid?? Nope.


Well-Known Member
I have a 17 year old cousin with a beard. My senior picture of high school I had a goatee, and when I got to 7th grade (12-13 years old) there was a kid with a full beard.

There are just 3 instances of children with beards. Besides, why do you put "children" in quotes? Are they not children? I hate "people" who "use" unnecessary "quotes"

Does his photo make the argument that Gabby Giffords is a hypocrite any less valid?? Nope.
I hate "people" who use the word hate to describe something that is obviously trivial.