
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I know TOS another story from Fox News you will probably derail .
But we have to find out which party this man votes for .
A pistol-packing pastor helps catch robbery suspect

He needed a GUN to catch a 58 year old woman?

How WEAK is that?

Like I said, gun owners lack the "sack" to do things with their hands. This :censored2: has to take out a lethal weapon to stop a woman with obvious mental issues from stealing packages off his porch?

Sounds like a horrific robbery.. hahahahah


Hopefully, you understand that this is just stupid.



Well-Known Troll

* How was he to know WHO was stealing from him? 59 year old woman, 30 year old crackhead, 16 year old armed & bearded gang member? If you steal from me, I'm not going to hold you at gunpoint, I'll just pull the trigger and say you tried to enter my home and I stood my ground.
Our legal system is crap anyways, so you commit a crime, you should be put down like a dog. It costs too much to hold these losers in jail, instead let's hold them in a box 6 feet deep
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The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
* How was he to know WHO was stealing from him? 59 year old woman, 30 year old crackhead, 16 year old armed & bearded gang member? If you steal from me, I'm not going to hold you at gunpoint, I'll just pull the trigger and say you tried to enter my home and I stood my ground.
Our legal system is crap anyways, so you commit a crime, you should be put down like a dog. It costs too much to hold these losers in jail, instead let's hold them in a box 6 feet deep

Ya, maybe it could have been a 12 year old kid and he could have shot him and stood his ground??

We are talking "packages" not his car, not his money, not his jewelry.

Insured crap from shippers.. Hardly qualifying the use of a GUN to handle the situation. How about a cam corder? How about a dog?

Ya, the gun came in real handy. That 52 year old sick woman probably was a real desperado.

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golden ticket member


Well-Known Troll
Ya, maybe it could have been a 12 year old kid and he could have shot him and stood his ground??

We are talking "packages" not his car, not his money, not his jewelry.

Insured crap from shippers.. Hardly qualifying the use of a GUN to handle the situation. How about a cam corder? How about a dog?

Ya, the gun came in real handy. That 52 year old sick woman probably was a real desperado.


So your issue is not the gun, rather that he pulled it to stop someone from stealing something not valuable enough? The person on his porch was already guilty of trespassing AND theft. I WISH someone would trespass and steal something off my property, I'd splatter their brains on the sidewalk


Well-Known Member
So your issue is not the gun, rather that he pulled it to stop someone from stealing something not valuable enough? The person on his porch was already guilty of trespassing AND theft. I WISH someone would trespass and steal something off my property, I'd splatter their brains on the sidewalk
Usually people wish for happiness, love, winning the lottery, etc. You wish to blow someone's brains out? Wonder if you'd feel the same if it was your son's or daughter's brains splattered on that sidewalk. Maybe you should put the video game down and value life a little more.;)


Pees in the brown Koolaid
who needs a gun on a night stand??

I dont leave guns on nightstands or any other unsecured location, but if someone is engaging in criminal behavior with a gun and the cops are 45 minutes away I would like to be armed with something more substantial than a table leg and a wooden shield.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
So your issue is not the gun, rather that he pulled it to stop someone from stealing something not valuable enough? The person on his porch was already guilty of trespassing AND theft. I WISH someone would trespass and steal something off my property, I'd splatter their brains on the sidewalk

and then, I would PAY to go to your trial and watch you get convicted for murder, considering, a theft of a package doesnt carry a death sentence by the reciever.

This is what cracks me up about gun owners. They honestly believe they can kill people for anything.




Well-Known Troll
. You wish to blow someone's brains out? Wonder if you'd feel the same if it was your son's or daughter's brains splattered on that sidewalk.

My children won't steal, I'm a better parent than that. I'm not out to kill random people. If someone deserves it, then I'll be Judge, jury, and executioner


Well-Known Troll
and then, I would PAY to go to your trial and watch you get convicted for murder, considering, a theft of a package doesnt carry a death sentence by the reciever.

This is what cracks me up about gun owners. They honestly believe they can kill people for anything.



Have you ever seen a No Trespassing sign? You trespass, I can end you. And with the big field behind my house, who needs a trial.

Funny, democraps believe they can kill anybody for anything. (Abortions, gang members fighting over turf (yes, all gangsters are dem voters), but don't kill the serial killer, or rapist....just "rehabilitate" him.

It would be funny if dems weren't SO dumb


Well-Known Member
My children won't steal, I'm a better parent than that. I'm not out to kill random people. If someone deserves it, then I'll be Judge, jury, and executioner
I've known plenty of arrogant and ignorant parents who thought the same exact way. A lot of those kids were the complete opposite of what their parents thought of them. And you didn't answer my question. For arguments sake, if your kid stole a pkg off a porch, would you think he or she would deserve the death penalty right then and there? No police, trial , judge, or jail time. Just some "good ol American justice", and your kid's brains splattered on the sidewalk. People like you like to talk tough, but in reality are nothing but a little pu...y cat with a gun.


Inordinately Right
Our legal system is crap anyways, so you commit a crime, you should be put down like a dog. It costs too much to hold these losers in jail, instead let's hold them in a box 6 feet deep
I WISH someone would trespass and steal something off my property, I'd splatter their brains on the sidewalk
I own a few guns, and I have a permit to carry. Your comments make gun owners look like a bunch of nut jobs. You need to calm down. Please stop spewing this garbage.


Well-Known Troll
Lmao. For the record, I own zero guns. Would I honestly shoot grandma for stealing my stuff? No, I'd whoop the hell out of her though.

Stops/hour.....I'm not arrogant, just a good parent.