

Staff member
My first marriage ended ugly, with infidelity and substance abuse and all sorts of nasty drama. It also took place in a home with guns. At no point, however, was there any sort of domestic violence or abuse or use of guns or any other weapons. It ended peacefully. Your statement is bigoted and flat-out wrong. You personally are an abusive person with suppressed violent tendencies who is also terrified of guns, so you project that fear and anger upon guns and gun owners and make all sorts of ignorant statements and assumptions about them.
You and I both know that taking the moral inventory of others is wrong. But if we're going to do it, your description may fit TOS but it probably fits a lot of less than stable gun owners as well.


Staff member
they'll never answer
Because for the vast majority of the population it's simply a false choice. It's a hypothetical that will never come to be. Its like asking you if winning the lottery would change your life and how. No matter how you answer, we probably won't ever get to know.


Retired 23 years
I have never ridden a Harley-Davidson but I know all about them, and the people who ride them, from what I have seen on TV.

If you ride a Harley, you are a fat, wife-beating white supremacist who makes crystal meth and sells it to children.

Harley Davidsons should be banned because they are the model of choice for all outlaw criminal biker gangs like the Hells Angels and Gypsy Jokers.

Harley riders are cowards who ride around in gangs and beat up on random black people and terrorize innocent townfolk.

I know this because I watched "Sons of Anarchy" and the "Gimme Shelter" documentary about the Altamont concert where the Rolling Stones hired the Hells Angels to beat up and kill black people.

Ignorant generalizations are so much fun. All you need to be a bigot nowadays is a TV and an Internet connection.

You just had to add the "fat" part didn't you. :bow:


Pees in the brown Koolaid
You and I both know that taking the moral inventory of others is wrong. But if we're going to do it, your description may fit TOS but it probably fits a lot of less than stable gun owners as well.
My taking of his moral inventory was a rhetorical device meant to illustrate the inherent stupidity of making bigoted assumptions about individuals (or an entire class of people) based upon nothing but stereotypes and media disinformation.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
My taking of his moral inventory was a rhetorical device meant to illustrate the inherent stupidity of making bigoted assumptions about individuals (or an entire class of people) based upon nothing but stereotypes and media disinformation.

Here's a link to page after page after page after page after page of Husbands shooting wives, children, parents, neighbors, cousins and dogs.

What percentage of gun owners do these people represent, and how do you excuse the behavior by eliminating the gun which is the only common denominator in each crime?



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Here's a link to page after page after page after page after page of Husbands shooting wives, children, parents, neighbors, cousins and dogs. shoots wife&src=IE-TopResult&FORM=IETR02&conversationid=

What percentage of gun owners do these people represent, and how do you excuse the behavior by eliminating the gun which is the only common denominator in each crime?

I don't excuse the behavior at all, I merely point out that there are something like 200 million gun owners in the USA who never have and never will commit any crimes with their guns.

Your statement about the gun being the common denominator in these murders is also misleading, because it assumes that, without the gun, the murder would not have happened. In reality, a man who intends to murder his wife or child or parent is in most cases perfectly capable of doing so with a weapon other than a gun.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I don't excuse the behavior at all, I merely point out that there are something like 200 million gun owners in the USA who never have and never will commit any crimes with their guns.

Your statement about the gun being the common denominator in these murders is also misleading, because it assumes that, without the gun, the murder would not have happened. In reality, a man who intends to murder his wife or child or parent is in most cases perfectly capable of doing so with a weapon other than a gun.

again, not true.

The GUN is the motivator and the bullets are the speediest way to kill family members. When emotions run high, the GUN is the easiest solution to a problem that could be solved with an attorney and some counseling.

But GUN owners are not rational people.

Again, we return to that "fear" that I keep speaking of. That "fear" has many faces, and its not only worrying about intruders and the great alamo stand you are preparing for.

Its fear of being alone, being left for another man, being fired from your job, and the list goes on and on.

GUN owners are so frightened by the "real" world, this "inanimate" object is the only common denominator that makes all of them feel safe.

Are you contemplating killing "your" family, probably not at the moment, but having previous alcohol issues, you rank at the top of the list of the "type" of gun owner who would probably lose his mind over an issue at some point in time.

I linked Page after Page of homocides involving home owners who killed their families, its not a pretty list, but they rank in the thousands.

Just once, I'd like to hear you say that NOT ALL PEOPLE should own guns, and that there needs to be some system of weeding out those with mental issues or behavioral issues that lead to the deaths of thousands of americans each year from guns.

You keep quoting 200 million americans own guns, but this isnt true. That would be close to 75% of the population of the united states.

Yes, there are millions of guns in the country, but people like you that hoard guns only count for one, but the stats only count gun sales, and not gun owners.

Its an exaggeration at best, but I will agree, lots of people own guns and some of those guns need to be confiscated for the safety of the public in general.

Maybe you should read each story of a male shooting his family and after you reach 100, maybe you might feel some sympathy for the victims considering guys like you make it that much easier for the people who took their lives to own a gun in the first place.



golden ticket member



Got the T-Shirt
"What happened at KFC is unusual (really ?) and the response is not something law enforcement recommends.But in this situation, Birmingham police say this employee's quick action could have meant the difference between life and death."


The Nim
I hate to be morbid like this, but with all the talk about the use of guns to kill spouses, has anyone really thought about how hard it would be to grab the sharpest knife from the kitchen, sneak up on an unsuspecting spouse who may just be sitting at the computer reading a forum just like this and slit their throat?

Quick and easy, just like people say a gun is.

The point is, if someone is dead set on killing someone, it's going to happen. It's possible to kill someone with mashed potatoes. A gun is just another tool, not always the easiest one. I would say outside of a bomb a gun is the easiest in a murder suicide though.


Staff member
I hate to be morbid like this, but with all the talk about the use of guns to kill spouses, has anyone really thought about how hard it would be to grab the sharpest knife from the kitchen, sneak up on an unsuspecting spouse who may just be sitting at the computer reading a forum just like this and slit their throat?

Quick and easy, just like people say a gun is.

The point is, if someone is dead set on killing someone, it's going to happen. It's possible to kill someone with mashed potatoes. A gun is just another tool, not always the easiest one. I would say outside of a bomb a gun is the easiest in a murder suicide though.
Easier to pull a trigger.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I would like ONE gun owner to demonstrate where 11000 american wives and children are killed by husbands/fathers with knives each year.

I would like ONE gun owner to demonstrate where 19000 americans take their own lives with knives each year.

Until then, the argument that there are other things to kill people with are pointless.

GUNS are still the number ONE cause of domestic homocides in this country. Always has been and always will be.

You cant put a deadly weapon into the hands of a person whos mindset is just one setback away from a mass killing.



Well-Known Troll
The argument about using other weapons is hardly "pointless".

If, at my disposal is a gun with a silencer, a chainsaw, a claw hammer and a push broom, on the day that I murder my whole family, because you said we all will, of course the gun is easier and quieter then the other methods. The gun, however is not what causes me to kill them, it's just one option.

You'll come back with some numbers you pull out of somewhere.....and say but, but, but, you're racist and a murderer, so save your energy.

Suicide? Who cares. I have only one request for people who kill themselves, don't kill your family first. Go through with the suicude, then the murders