

Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
You mean stats like population and population density? Of course Wyoming is going to have less gun violence. They only have 1/2 million people and most of those people probably live at least 50 miles apart from each other.;)
Oh yeah, that's the reason.



Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.

Bottom rung

Well-Known Member
Not even cemetaries are free of WHITE gun crime.

At least this time, the shooting took place where their bodies can be layed to rest.

White people with guns.. What a tragedy.

Pull your head from your ass. White's aren't killing each other in Chicago. Those are blacks, browns, or whatever the hell they call themselves now. It's easy to cherry pick. Stop being a :censored2:. More people die in gang violence than in the war in Iraq.


Well-Known Member
Pull your head from your ass. White's aren't killing each other in Chicago. Those are blacks, browns, or whatever the hell they call themselves now. It's easy to cherry pick. Stop being a :censored2:. More people die in gang violence than in the war in Iraq.

There is movie coming out early this year called Chi-Raq. It was produced by Spike Lee and it deals specifically with this topic.

There were 3 murders just during the first day of shooting the movie.


Well-Known Member
There is movie coming out early this year called Chi-Raq. It was produced by Spike Lee and it deals specifically with this topic.

There were 3 murders just during the first day of shooting the movie.
Since that is a retelling of Lysistrata by Aristophanes, I think the issue is not unique to Chicago, or these times we live in.


Well-Known Member
That Kel-tec is basically a small high capacity shotgun. Liberals should want it banned for that reason alone. They are both great for home defense. Or for fun. Especially the Kel-tec.

Oh snap! An old white guy with such a badass weapon! TOS will require a panty change. LOL
Cool!! hickok45! How about getting liberals banned?


Not even cemetaries are free of WHITE gun crime.

At least this time, the shooting took place where their bodies can be layed to rest.

White people with guns.. What a tragedy.


I was wondering how THE OTHER SIDE (angels singing as you say the name) knew that this was a "WHITE" gun crime since the shooter was not identified in any manner at all in his linked story or any other story on line at the time I read the post.

So finally the names of the shooter and victims have been released

and the name of the shooter is Karapet Kalajian (71 years of age). He is also a male. As for whether he was born in America or not, that info was not available. No pictures were provided, so I had to determine if he was White like TOS directly implied.

Well I googled the last name and determined with a great probability that the name is an Armenian surname. Aha , I said , perhaps I could prove TOS wrong, so I googled "Armenian images" and was a bit perplexed - Not white bread white by any means but not exactly dark ". Hmm I got two categories here " Black " and "White" (well, only two categories when you're dealing in TOS's world) and these images aren't really fitting into either of them. Now, I could have used this as an opportunity to expand my categories but again, i am living in TOS's world (aren't we all really?, after all he is the center of the universe, well his universe anyway). So then I realized that the Caucasus mountain range runs through Armenia and since this shooter is of Armenian descent(if not an Armenian who emigrated to America), that could make him a Caucasian(which rhymes with raisin which is probably why he ended up in California, again TOS logic) . And we all know that Caucasian is another word for "WHITIE".

So By Jove, TOS, you've done it again. You figured out that the shooter was white before any identifying information was released. I am sure this "white" man matched EXACTLY the type of white person you envisioned before his identity was revealed. Please tell us how you do it. Is it pendulum dowsing, remote viewing, akashic record reading? Or is something more innate?

Please tell me, I am dyyyying to know.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
major drawback with the Kel-tec shotgun is the difficulty to reload .
And the $1300 price tag .
I'll take a Remington 870 any day .
It's actually easy to reload. The first time is a challenge because, like with anything else new, it takes some getting used to.

The KSG's price in gun stores is typically between $820-$890 depending on the area. I've seen it for as little as $710 online and $799 in one gun store.

There are definitely advantages over traditional shotguns. Size and capacity are the biggies. I'm shocked the liberals haven't tried to ban it cut those reasons. I'll probably eventually end up with a Remington Marine too but that Kel-tec is sweet. It will be purchased first.
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