

Well-Known Member
Haven't heard anyone dispute the facts as have been portrayed in the media.

Because the media always has all the facts right all the time? Look, everyone is entitled to their day in court over these matters, and george zimmerman is no different. I'd imagine that if it appears he killed this young man in cold blood to the investigators then he will get charged with murder as he should be if this is true.


Staff member
Because the media always has all the facts right all the time? Look, everyone is entitled to their day in court over these matters, and george zimmerman is no different. I'd imagine that if it appears he killed this young man in cold blood to the investigators then he will get charged with murder as he should be if this is true.

With reasonable cause, he can wait for his day in court in jail. Not unheard of.


Well-Known Member
Haven't heard anyone dispute the facts as have been portrayed in the media.

There seems to be too much evidence against this person (Zimmerman) with what the media is reporting and his
garbled comments recorded on 911 recordings, and past 911 reports.

To past judgement is wrong, BUT something does not add up.

Am I allowed a thought not based on fact?

Seems this person was a frustrated zealot, and went overboard and let his pent up frustations cloud his actions.

I do not know. I suspect / speculate.

If I was in Nigera, where bombs and shootings occur daily against non-Muslims and a person was
in my area who fit the typical silhoutte / image of a terrorist (I know, now it is militant) I would be on edge, cautious.

Yet I can understand his mentality for a second, but not his actions or follow-up.

Where I live, It is not wise to go certain areas of my community. Many MANY shootings, robberies come at the hands
of armed 17 year olds or younger. It is in the paper all the time here.

But if one who I wonder about leaves and I report it as the area watch, I would not follow this person on foot armed.

No matter my frustation over things, I am not deputized / authorized to persue an individual I suspect as a watchman.

I can sort of relate to this watchman's thoughts, yet he should have remained in his vehicle armed / protected and waited
for those authorized to persue / investigate.

I was not there. I do not know. But I can very well understand BBsam and others outrage.

It is very VERY possible that this was an innocent young man murdered unnecessarily by someone who was NOT
authorized to use force in investigation / pursuit.

Very sad.



golden ticket member
What I heard on one 911 tape was what sounded like an adult male voice yelling "help me, help me!" As part of the investigation, the cops have to figure if that was the shooter or the victim. The shooter is claiming self defense. The cops have to sort it all out. When they do, someone will either go to jail or they won't. That's our system.!


Staff member
What I heard on one 911 tape was what sounded like an adult male voice yelling "help me, help me!" As part of the investigation, the cops have to figure if that was the shooter or the victim. The shooter is claiming self defense. The cops have to sort it all out. When they do, someone will either go to jail or they won't. That's our system.!

Might want to google "probable cause".


Für Meno :)
Could anyone imagine if it was a 14 yr old white boy, or even worse, a 14 year old white girl being shot and killed ?
Zimmerman would have been in jail by now and facing the death penalty !


golden ticket member
Could anyone imagine if it was a 14 yr old white boy, or even worse, a 14 year old white girl being shot and killed ?
Zimmerman would have been in jail by now and facing the death penalty !
Well, it wasn't, so quit making up scenarios. Just wait for the police to do their job. What if it was a raging moose and he saved the neighborhood ?....geez. What if it was an insane nun with a ruler? Wait for the investigation to be over, Columbo.
Could anyone imagine if it was a 14 yr old white boy, or even worse, a 14 year old white girl being shot and killed ?
Zimmerman would have been in jail by now and facing the death penalty !

What if it was some goofball going through the neighborhood handing out candy and toys to random kids. Zimmerman would be hailed as a hero!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
This guy on the tape clearly says "friend-ing coons".... he shoots this kid for no reason. I hear many things like, if this kid just answered him, he wouldnt have been shot, but this is america and this kid doesnt have to answer to ANYONE.

in fact, he wouldnt have to answer to the police. Right to remain silent.

Zimmerman had no RIGHT to attempt to detain or acost this kid. He should be arrested for murder and tried in a court of law.

If not, I hope he wanders into a black area where they have their own version of neighbor hood watch and lets see what happens.




golden ticket member
This guy on the tape clearly says "friend-ing coons".... he shoots this kid for no reason. I hear many things like, if this kid just answered him, he wouldnt have been shot, but this is america and this kid doesnt have to answer to ANYONE.

in fact, he wouldnt have to answer to the police. Right to remain silent.

Zimmerman had no RIGHT to attempt to detain or acost this kid. He should be arrested for murder and tried in a court of law.

If not, I hope he wanders into a black area where they have their own version of neighbor hood watch and lets see what happens.


You'll have to wait just like the rest of us for the results of the investigation....unless you kept your crystal ball out and turned on.


Well-Known Member
Just because the media has whipped all you libs into a frenzy doesn't mean all the facts of the case have been released to the general public. It certainly doesn't mean you are right about what happened that night. Now if I were a betting man I would bet that George Zimmerman has a 2nd degree murder charge in his future as its easy to point out that he was pursuing Trayvon which throws the Florida "stand your ground" law out the window. The law means you can stand your ground against an attacker, not pursue a possible attacker. I say this objectively because there could be facts about this case that I am not privy too nor is anyone else here. Its time to let the investigators do their job, allow the grand jury to make its decision, and allow justice to follow its proper course.