

Well-Known Member
Nice story, but how do they explain the 911 call and orders given for Zimmerman not to follow ?

That certainly complicates matters, but that doesn't mean Zimmerman has to just lay there and allow this towering 6'2" football player out on a 5 day school suspension beat him to death either.


Für Meno :)
A normal citizen would lock up thier doors if in danger, and perhaps get the gun ready (US only), but not get the gun (from a safe home) and then go outdoors to shoot someone, which is not even his own private property (outside of his home), since it belongs to the condo board.


golden ticket member
A normal citizen would lock up thier doors if in danger, and perhaps get the gun ready (US only), but not get the gun (from a safe home) and then go outdoors to shoot someone, which is not even his own private property (outside of his home), since it belongs to the condo board.
I though they said he was part of the neighborhood watch program.


Well-Known Member
A normal citizen would lock up thier doors if in danger, and perhaps get the gun ready (US only), but not get the gun (from a safe home) and then go outdoors to shoot someone, which is not even his own private property (outside of his home), since it belongs to the condo board.

You are misrepresenting the facts. Zimmerman didn't just go outside, find Trayvon and say "I think your a bad guy" and shoot him. He called the police and waited to see if Trayvon was up to no good. At some point a confrontation begins, started by who we don't know yet, and ends up with Zimmerman on the ground getting pounded yelling for help and ultimately shooting Trayvon. At this point is where the legal experts have to come in and weigh the evidence to see if Zimmerman committed a crime or not. It is not the cut and dry case you and your ilk want us to believe. It is actually quite complicated with a lot of facts to be considered before the authorities can act.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
He probably grew up in a rural environment. friend-ing coons might just be a description of wildlife in mating season.

I am sure thats what he meant. chasing a black kid for no reason other than he was black, he was NOT a part of an organized neighborhood watch. HE WAS SELF APPOINTED.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You are misrepresenting the facts. Zimmerman didn't just go outside, find Trayvon and say "I think your a bad guy" and shoot him. He called the police and waited to see if Trayvon was up to no good. At some point a confrontation begins, started by who we don't know yet, and ends up with Zimmerman on the ground getting pounded yelling for help and ultimately shooting Trayvon. At this point is where the legal experts have to come in and weigh the evidence to see if Zimmerman committed a crime or not. It is not the cut and dry case you and your ilk want us to believe. It is actually quite complicated with a lot of facts to be considered before the authorities can act.

Are you on drugs yourself?? When zimmerman calls the police, he is INSTRUCTED NOT TO FOLLOW OR ENGAGE the kid! HE disregarded that direction and proceeded to handle the matter himself. HE STARTED WHATEVER happened after that. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

He furthered the escalation by bringing a gun and ultimately using it against an unarmed kid.

If I was approached by someone on the street for no apparent reason other than I was hispanic and he was white, and He started talking to me in a demeaning fashion, you bet your ash i would take him to poundtown in a heartbeat. Been there, done that.

Zimmerman was looking for trouble and he killed an innocent kid. It was a civil rights violation plain and simple.

They better prosecute this nut or there will be growing violence in florida. Just another case of a gun nut taking matters into his own hands. There was absolutely no reason for zimmerman to have gotten involved with this kid in the first place.




golden ticket member
IMO: The president's comment is part of the reason why racism still exists. " if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon. " ......and, would you send him to Mexico alone too???

Kids get killed in America......this isn't the first one and it won't be the last. Up to now, why hasn't the president shaken his head over the senseless killings of kids....all kids.

"do some "soul searching" after the shooting death of African-American Florida teenager Trayvon Martin ."
Why must it be noted that he's black........would it be less horrible if he was hispanic or white?

The whole story has given Al Sharpton a reason to call people to riot. He has a new life breathed into him now. He's feeling the spirit!! And he'll get lots of extra TV time.

Obama: ‘If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.’ | The Ticket - Yahoo! News


Für Meno :)
Whats wrong with you and Mexico ? You think his daughter would have been safer in Florida with "stand by your ground laws" ? Or even Hawaii for that matter ?
Mexico is pretty well safe if you stay on the beaches and in resorts or even the small cities. Love it there !

Why don't you ask the Browncafe cruise people if they felt danger in Cozumel ?


golden ticket member
Whats wrong with you and Mexico ? You think his daughter would have been safer in Florida with "stand by your ground laws" ? Or even Hawaii for that matter ?
Mexico is pretty well safe if you stay on the beaches and in resorts or even the small cities. Love it there !

Why don't you ask the Browncafe cruise people if they felt danger in Cozumel ?
Our president has ordered Americans to not travel to Mexico !! We have been told it's not safe for us to be there. I'm good with that! Just like I wouldn't be stupid enough to go hiking on the Afghanistan border.

You love it? Then you go....there was a whole lot of shakin' goin' on there last week!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Im sorry but this has to be one of the most ignorant statements ever made on this board:

"IMO: The president's comment is part of the reason why racism still exists. " if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon. " '

Racism exists not because of a presidents view, but to a race of people who feel superior to all other races. In this country, a young black kid should be able to walk the streets at night without being accosted by a disturbed minded nut with a gun.

The fact that the shooter was hispanic does not eliminate the racist element of the crime. What does this say about society when they make statements like yours?

You of all people are on this board constantly skirting the line of racism with cartoons and modified pictures of our black president every single day along with his wife and you dont feel an ounce of racial animous is coming out of you.

This kids only crime that night was being black. Its a shame that in our country, we still function on a premise for black people that they are guilty until proven innocent. A poster said "thank god he had a gun with him that night"

Really? Is that how this coward was saved? The ignorant criminal unarmed black kid was such a threat that zimmerman had to use deadly force against him for walking down a street with a cell phone in his hand talking to his girlfriend?

Like ive said many times on this board. COWARDS use guns. Clearly, the brave pill wore off and zimmerman had to use the gun. This is what COWARDS do. The brave pills dont last long and the next best thing is the gun.

I hope he and his family are SUED for everything they own including their home and possessions. I hope zimmerman is charged by the US GOVERMENT for civil righs violations including racism during the commission of his crime.

Hopefully this sends a message to gun owners to think twice before taking out their "courage" and bothering anyone.




Staff member
C'mon TOS, this kid was strolling around in the middle of the night while on a 5 DAY SUSPENSION from school. He was at least casing the neighborhood, and it was probably HE who was looking for trouble.

I hope this makes other young troublemakers have second thoughts about the direction of their lives.


Well-Known Member
Whats wrong with you and Mexico ? You think his daughter would have been safer in Florida with "stand by your ground laws" ? Or even Hawaii for that matter ?
Mexico is pretty well safe if you stay on the beaches and in resorts or even the small cities. Love it there !

Why don't you ask the Browncafe cruise people if they felt danger in Cozumel ?

First off our State department has issued travel warnings to Mexico because its so violent down there. Secondly, more guns in the hands of ordinary citizens equals less crime. Its a fact, accept it.

C'mon TOS, this kid was strolling around in the middle of the night while on a 5 DAY SUSPENSION from school. He was at least casing the neighborhood, and it was probably HE who was looking for trouble.

I hope this makes other young troublemakers have second thoughts about the direction of their lives.

I wonder when TOS will stop carrying the MSM depiction of this guy as some racist white shooter and recognize the truth that Zimmerman is hispanic with black family members. I heard another possible account on the radio yesterday that stated Zimmerman had walked back to his car waiting for the police when he was attacked by Trayvon. That would make his shooting of Trayvon justifiable. The sad truth here is that nobody who is worked up about this is interested in the truth. They just want to see Zimmerman in handcuffs or hanging from a tree regardless of what the facts are.