

golden ticket member
Today bhos acted stupidly.
Having the federal gov't investigate what is quite frankly a local police matter .
And the fact that he has personally stated his opinion has just totally tainted any possible jury pools.

He didn't send the feds when the 6yr. old girl was inadvertently shot by a drive by shooter while in her own house!!


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
We dont have a block watch, but in this neighborhood we see a lot of people who dont belong, especially in the summer. Like the ones that took over an elderly persons beachfront summer home and totally trashed it. And then one night when they came "home", they parked in the neighbors driveway, as they were trashed and didnt know where they lived. And fell asleep.
My husband awoke them, made them open their trunk, and all kinds of goodies in there. No gun required, called the sheriff, told them if they moved, hed beat the crap out of them, they stood there peeing in their panties.
Got busted for home invasion, meth, stolen property, trespassing, etc. We have to watch our properties. You have to know your neighbors. If someone doesnt fit, you have to watch them. Unless you just dont care.
Oh yeah, they were white trash. Trash comes in all colors.


Staff member
So when JFK sent the FBI to Mississippi? Wrong too? Martin's civil rights may have been violated and the local police have prove inept.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I agree that martins rights may have been violated. I hope the whole story comes out, and it is all true. If the guy shot him unprovoked, it is murder, if he was attacked, whether he was following him or not, he had the right to protect him self. If he was not provoked Martins rights were violated. Is that considered a civil right, or a human right.


Staff member
I agree that martins rights may have been violated. I hope the whole story comes out, and it is all true. If the guy shot him unprovoked, it is murder, if he was attacked, whether he was following him or not, he had the right to protect him self. If he was not provoked Martins rights were violated. Is that considered a civil right, or a human right.

In following Martin after being told not to by the police dispatcher, Zimmerman lost hist protection afforded by the "stand your ground law". In following Martin by auto and ending up in a confrontation with him on foot, it is hard not to find that Zimmerman provoked the altercation. The death of Martin is at the very least 2nd degree murder.


Well-Known Member
In following Martin after being told not to by the police dispatcher, Zimmerman lost hist protection afforded by the "stand your ground law". In following Martin by auto and ending up in a confrontation with him on foot, it is hard not to find that Zimmerman provoked the altercation. The death of Martin is at the very least 2nd degree murder.
Is this your opinion or what the law in Florida states?


Strength through joy
Due process , what a joke.
Everyone who can make a buck off of this has already done so.
Trayvon merchandise spreads through Florida town before, during Sharpton rally - TheDC

T-shirts prominently featuring photos of Martin’s killer, George Zimmerman, and pictures of Martin were for sale throughout Sanford, Fla.
One man sold shirts that read “Arrest Zimmerman” in bold red font with a photo of the shooter on the front and “I am Trayvon” on the back.
A young woman and her friend sold blue and off-white shirts that read “enough is enough.”
Nation of Islam representatives were on scene in Sanford, too, peddling merchandise and trying to enlist new recruits. James Muhammad, the assistant regional minister of the Nation of Islam’s seventh region, told TheDC that he and others from his organization were on scene because of “injustice.”
Rally-goers could buy Trayvon buttons and pins, too, while other attendees passed out signs to the crowd. (SEE ALSO: In Florida, New Black Panthers rip Obama, Holder over Martin shooting)

Local residents also capitalized on the opportunity to make a quick buck, selling snacks and drinks to the four or five thousand people on site. A barbecue food stand opened up on one corner of Sanford’s Fort Mellon Park selling snacks to Trayvon supporters, and a cart offering rainbow snow cones rolled up on another park corner.
And given the heat of Central Florida, no impromptu rally would have been complete without young men selling bottled water, Gatorade and soda to attendees as they walked by with personal roller-coolers.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Are you on drugs yourself?? When zimmerman calls the police, he is INSTRUCTED NOT TO FOLLOW OR ENGAGE the kid! HE disregarded that direction and proceeded to handle the matter himself. HE STARTED WHATEVER happened after that. PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

He furthered the escalation by bringing a gun and ultimately using it against an unarmed kid.

If I was approached by someone on the street for no apparent reason other than I was hispanic and he was white, and He started talking to me in a demeaning fashion, you bet your ash i would take him to poundtown in a heartbeat. Been there, done that.

Zimmerman was looking for trouble and he killed an innocent kid. It was a civil rights violation plain and simple.

They better prosecute this nut or there will be growing violence in florida. Just another case of a gun nut taking matters into his own hands. There was absolutely no reason for zimmerman to have gotten involved with this kid in the first place.



This may shock some people but I actually agree with TOS on this one.

I recently completed a training class for the Utah non-resident concealed handgun license, that will allow me to legally carry in 34 states.

Laws vary from state to state but generally speaking, in order to claim self-defense after shooting someone, you have to show that you were a reluctant participant in the situation. You have to show that you did everything you possibly could to de-escalate the situation, and that you only used your weapon as a last resort to prevent death or serious bodily harm to yourself or a 3rd party. Chasing after someone...after having been told not to by the police...pretty much negates the self defense argument. Zimmerman may very well have been in fear for his safety when he pulled the trigger, but only because he knowingly and willingly chose to put himself in that situation in the first place.

I know that if I ever chose to participate in any sort of a neighborhood watch program, I probably would not carry a weapon while doing so.
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Well-Known Member
This may shock some people but I actually agree with TOS on this one.

I recently completed a training class for the Utah non-resident concealed handgun license, that will allow me to legally carry in 34 states.

Laws vary from state to state but generally speaking, in order to claim self-defense after shooting someone, you have to show that you were a reluctant participant in the situation. You have to show that you did everything you possibly could to de-escalate the situation, and that you only used your weapon as a last resort to prevent death or serious bodily harm to yourself or a 3rd party. Chasing after someone...after having been told not to by the police...pretty much negates the self defense argument. Zimmerman may very well have been in fear for his safety when he pulled the trigger, but only because he knowingly and willingly chose to put himself in that situation in the first place.

I know that if I ever chose to participate in any sort of a neighborhood watch program, I probably would not carry a weapon while doing so.

No (re: This may shock some people) it is a good point and well written.
That is why I like to read and ponder both sides of a discussion.



Well-Known Member
In following Martin after being told not to by the police dispatcher, Zimmerman lost hist protection afforded by the "stand your ground law". In following Martin by auto and ending up in a confrontation with him on foot, it is hard not to find that Zimmerman provoked the altercation. The death of Martin is at the very least 2nd degree murder.

If I were you I wouldn't bet on that. A police dispatcher is not a God and cannot command you to not drive around in your auto. If I were you which I am not I would hold your lynch mob back until the facts came in. That being said it will be difficult at this point for any government official to not charge right or wrong.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
No (re: This may shock some people) it is a good point and well written.
That is why I like to read and ponder both sides of a discussion.

It is the mark of intellectual honesty to occasionally force yourself to entertain opposing points of view.


Staff member
If I were you I wouldn't bet on that. A police dispatcher is not a God and cannot command you to not drive around in your auto. If I were you which I am not I would hold your lynch mob back until the facts came in. That being said it will be difficult at this point for any government official to not charge right or wrong.

I hope for Zimmerman's sake you are not his lawyer. Your logic is either that he was simply driving around in his auto when this kid opened up hi car, pulled him out and pummelled him mercilessly, or citizens have the right to stalk others and nobody but the Almighty Himself can can stand in the way of that right. So expand the. "Stand your ground law" to include blanket protection for stalkers as long as the report "feeling threatened".


Well-Known Member
In following Martin after being told not to by the police dispatcher, Zimmerman lost hist protection afforded by the "stand your ground law". In following Martin by auto and ending up in a confrontation with him on foot, it is hard not to find that Zimmerman provoked the altercation. The death of Martin is at the very least 2nd degree murder.

Honestly the very worst Zimmerman could be charged with is 2nd degree murder. I am not a lawyer and even I can tell you there isn't enough evidence to warrant a 1st degree murder charge. Given the fact that Zimmerman was on the ground getting beaten by Martin may cause it to be reduced to some level of man slaughter, but who knows. This will be in the hands of a grand jury very soon and I am interested in hearing the outcome.


Well-Known Member
Like ive said many times on this board. COWARDS use guns. Clearly, the brave pill wore off and zimmerman had to use the gun. This is what COWARDS do. The brave pills dont last long and the next best thing is the gun.

Thats a rather broad and ignorant statement, but given the source I am not surprised. As you may have heard before the saying "God created man, Sam Colt made them equal" really holds a lot of truth when it comes to firearms. A gun allows an individual who is either outnumbered or out matched by an attacker to level the playing field. Is a grandmother who uses her concealed revolver to stop a muscle bound street thug from causing her bodily harm a coward? Is a woman living alone who uses her gun to stop a would be rapist a coward? Of course not because in either of these situations these individuals simply could not match their assailants on a physical level, and would be just another crime statistic. I know you will say that they just need to move to a better neighborhood, but let me allow you in on a little secret and that is the fact that there is no such thing as a zero crime neighborhood. I don't care if you live in a gated community or the ghetto crime can and will happen anywhere at anytime.