

golden ticket member
Hoodie or not, look how huge Zimmerman is ! He can't fight without a weapon against a 14 yr old ? Give me a break !
The point was to show you that Geraldo is all washed up and should save face and retire!! His premise is ridiculous, that's a given!
Get over the righteous faked anger.......


Just because the media has whipped all you libs into a frenzy doesn't mean all the facts of the case have been released to the general public. It certainly doesn't mean you are right about what happened that night. Now if I were a betting man I would bet that George Zimmerman has a 2nd degree murder charge in his future as its easy to point out that he was pursuing Trayvon which throws the Florida "stand your ground" law out the window. The law means you can stand your ground against an attacker, not pursue a possible attacker. I say this objectively because there could be facts about this case that I am not privy too nor is anyone else here. Its time to let the investigators do their job, allow the grand jury to make its decision, and allow justice to follow its proper course.
You are right Brett, as are the few others that are saying let the investigation play out. But here (BC), as I'm sure all over the country, the vigilante justice reigns. "I want justice and the bastard is guilty. Get the hangmans rope."


Im sorry but this has to be one of the most ignorant statements ever made on this board:

"IMO: The president's comment is part of the reason why racism still exists. " if I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon. " '

Racism exists not because of a presidents view, but to a race of people who feel superior to all other races. In this country, a young black kid should be able to walk the streets at night without being accosted by a disturbed minded nut with a gun.

The fact that the shooter was hispanic does not eliminate the racist element of the crime. What does this say about society when they make statements like yours?

You of all people are on this board constantly skirting the line of racism with cartoons and modified pictures of our black president every single day along with his wife and you dont feel an ounce of racial animous is coming out of you.

This kids only crime that night was being black. Its a shame that in our country, we still function on a premise for black people that they are guilty until proven innocent. A poster said "thank god he had a gun with him that night"

Really? Is that how this coward was saved? The ignorant criminal unarmed black kid was such a threat that zimmerman had to use deadly force against him for walking down a street with a cell phone in his hand talking to his girlfriend?

Like ive said many times on this board. COWARDS use guns. Clearly, the brave pill wore off and zimmerman had to use the gun. This is what COWARDS do. The brave pills dont last long and the next best thing is the gun.

I hope he and his family are SUED for everything they own including their home and possessions. I hope zimmerman is charged by the US GOVERMENT for civil righs violations including racism during the commission of his crime.

Hopefully this sends a message to gun owners to think twice before taking out their "courage" and bothering anyone.


This is priceless coming from you. Nearly everything you post is done in such a way to make every one think that your are a superior being to every one here. Guess that makes you a racist.
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Obama is telling us to do some soul searching? Is this guy my god in chief now? Please, my soul may be a little dark and sooty , but it's there.

That man should take a look for his own soul, god only knows what corporation(s) he has sold it to.
The devil or the Gihad........................... about the same thing.
Originally Posted by bbsam

Sorry. Probable cause means the suspect is arrested and held while the investigation continues.

That is not always the case and you know it.

Not only is that not always not the case, it's incorrect basically. I think a more accurate term would be sufficient evidence before an arrest is made.

"Probable cause is a level of reasonable belief, based on facts that can be articulated, that is required to sue a person in civil court or to arrest and prosecute a person in criminal court. Before a person can be sued or arrested and prosecuted, the civil plaintiff or police and prosecutor must possess enough facts that would lead a reasonable person to believe that the claim or charge is true."

With conflicting reports of, so called, facts, there may not have been enough probable cause to place Zimmerman under arrest, specially considering that, in the view of the DA's office he showed no risk of flight.
We can speculate all day and night, but we DO NOT have all the information on this tragedy and may never have all the information.


Honestly the very worst Zimmerman could be charged with is 2nd degree murder. I am not a lawyer and even I can tell you there isn't enough evidence to warrant a 1st degree murder charge. Given the fact that Zimmerman was on the ground getting beaten by Martin may cause it to be reduced to some level of man slaughter, but who knows. This will be in the hands of a grand jury very soon and I am interested in hearing the outcome.
There has to be 'provable' intent to be 1st degree.


In a possible murder case?! I would think so.
And that's the point, you would think so. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but IT IS WHAT IT IS. Do you ever watch AMW? There are hundreds of suspects that are investigated (while they are not detained) and then charges filed and the suspects disappear to evade justice.


Staff member
Victim in morgue. Shooter sent home. No photo evidence to support any claim. Shooter allowed to take weapon home with hi. What makes you think they were investigating anything. They took Zimmerman's word for it.


golden ticket member
And that's the point, you would think so. I'm not saying it's right or wrong but IT IS WHAT IT IS. Do you ever watch AMW? There are hundreds of suspects that are investigated (while they are not detained) and then charges filed and the suspects disappear to evade justice.
And that's why we have Dog & Beth & Leland and Duane Lee and Baby Lyssa !!!