

Honest question. Why are you willing to quickly believe this narrative? It hasn't come from the "investigation" and seems like an eyewitness materialized out of nowhere.
And WTF are you so willing to jump on the bad wagon with the Sharptons and Jacksons of this world? You and TOS can't just wait til the investigation is over and let the professionals do their job. You want to play judge, jury and executioner.


Staff member
And WTF are you so willing to jump on the bad wagon with the Sharptons and Jacksons of this world? You and TOS can't just wait til the investigation is over and let the professionals do their job. You want to play judge, jury and executioner.
What she said.


golden ticket member
Film maker Spike Lee is tweeting, several times, Zimmerman's address and death threats have followed. I hope Old Spike will be facing charges if he keeps that up. Idiot!!


Staff member
And WTF are you so willing to jump on the bad wagon with the Sharptons and Jacksons of this world? You and TOS can't just wait til the investigation is over and let the professionals do their job. You want to play judge, jury and executioner.
I'm not. I'm willing to listen to Jeb Bush and the author of the law when they say that "stand your ground" does not apply in this case. I am guessing they would not be saying such things if there were great wealth of information contrary to that position coming around the bend.


I'm not. I'm willing to listen to Jeb Bush and the author of the law when they say that "stand your ground" does not apply in this case. I am guessing they would not be saying such things if there were great wealth of information contrary to that position coming around the bend.
Since you are not on the front lines of this investigation (none of us are) everything that you hear is nothing more than guessing and speculation. You are welcome to have your own opinions about it as is Ovah and myself and everyone else. But, don't jump on us for doing so.


Staff member
Since you are not on the front lines of this investigation (none of us are) everything that you hear is nothing more than guessing and speculation. You are welcome to have your own opinions about it as is Ovah and myself and everyone else. But, don't jump on us for doing so.
So you criticize others for, in your words guessing and speculating, and yet when others question you about doing the same you become defensive? WTF?


So you criticize others for, in your words guessing and speculating, and yet when others question you about doing the same you become defensive? WTF?
​And aren't you doing the exact same thing??

I haven't guessed and speculated about the investigation. I have responded to the Castle Doctrine. I have said, let the investigation play out. I am not the one that is playing judge, jury and executioner. Let the professionals do their job. I have never accused Zimmerman of being guilty.


Staff member

From that article:
Durell Peaden, a member of the Florida Senate until 2010 and one of the authors of Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law, said that based upon his understanding of what happened, Zimmerman should be prosecuted. According to Peaden, the law does not say that a person has a right to confront another. “The guy lost his defense right then," said Peaden. "When [Zimmerman] said ‘I’m following him,’ he lost his defense.”


Staff member
​And aren't you doing the exact same thing??
I don't think so. As Jones has posted and I have stated, there are people "in the know" like Jeb Bush who are making public statements about the "stand your ground" law and it's invalidation in this case. I do not believe they would make these public statements if they did not have back channel information on this case.

I understand your point about the "investigation", but I wonder if one was even taking place. I was under the impression that all such deaths were investigated as homicides until proven differently, but in this case it seems odd that they would send Zimmerman home with the gun and not contact Martin's parents for three days. Add that to the 911 tapes and this case stinks to high hell. I am not even ranting against the law (though I'm not sure it is a good one) I'm disgusted with the seeming ease that someone can invoke self defense and walk away.


Staff member
If you don't have an answer, just say so.

OK. At first, I believed (because of media reports) that Zimmerman did indeed go too far and should be responsible for the death of the 17 year old.

But as more reports come out (the 17 year old was on a 5 day suspension, he attacked Zimmerman from behind, etc), well all that points to the kid being a thug.

I do not believe some 911 operator can order you to stay in your car. Zimmerman had every right to walk down the street (same as the 17 year old, except he should have been grounded at home, I don't see why the parents are not also responsible).

If he was just following the kid, then turned to walk back to his car, and was attacked from behind, then I would hope Zimmerman prevails.

I think you people portraying the 17 year old as some sort of young angel just taking a stroll that night are delusional. Even you Bbsam are automatically discounting a witness (came out of nowhere), because it disagrees with your opinion. Why would you do that? It is hard and scary to come forward as a witness.


Staff member
Well, over, I am discounting the eyewitness because he/she waited an awful long time to show up and because Trayvon Martin is at a competitive disadvantage in telling his side of the story, being dead and all. That is why it was up to the local police at the scene to gather the evidence. Nothing I have seen or heard suggests that they handled this in a professional manner at all. Had this been handled correctly, the department could have wrapped this up long ago and come out and said self defense applies and here is why. Instead you have politicians getting out front saying it doesn't apply. Even you Over can smell this dead fish rotting in Florida.


I don't think so. As Jones has posted and I have stated, there are people "in the know" like Jeb Bush who are making public statements about the "stand your ground" law and it's invalidation in this case. I do not believe they would make these public statements if they did not have back channel information on this case.

I understand your point about the "investigation", but I wonder if one was even taking place. I was under the impression that all such deaths were investigated as homicides until proven differently, but in this case it seems odd that they would send Zimmerman home with the gun and not contact Martin's parents for three days. Add that to the 911 tapes and this case stinks to high hell. I am not even ranting against the law (though I'm not sure it is a good one) I'm disgusted with the seeming ease that someone can invoke self defense and walk away.

The Castle Doctrine may not have any validity in this case but there are still parts of the investigation that have not been released to the public. You cannot make a determination on the case based solely on the Castle Doctrines application to this. (and so you know, I do not necessarily disagree that the Castle Doctrine doesn't have any validity to this case)

As to the 'seeming' ease that one can invoke self defense and walk away, it is still "Innocent until prove guilty" regardless if you like it or not. There are many cases that stink to high heaven. There have also been many (way to many) cases where an innocent person has been wrongly charged, tried and sentenced to prison.

If Zimmerman is found to be wrong in shooting Martin then he should be charged.

I firmly believe in the Castle Doctrine. I have the right to defend myself. I DO NOT have the right to go after someone who is leaving the scene with the intent of doing bodily harm to that person. There are witness statements that say that Martin attacked Zimmerman. You do not know what happened between the time Zimmerman followed Martin and Martin attacked Zimmerman. What if Zimmerman had been told a second time to return to his vehicle and was in the process of doing just that?

As to the 911 recording that showed Zimmerman saying derogatory things about Martin, calling Martin a 'coon' does not justify Martin attacking Zimmerman. There are too many gray areas that have not been addressed to the public yet.

Again, let the investigation play out.



golden ticket member
Well, over, I am discounting the eyewitness because he/she waited an awful long time to show up and because Trayvon Martin is at a competitive disadvantage in telling his side of the story, being dead and all. That is why it was up to the local police at the scene to gather the evidence. Nothing I have seen or heard suggests that they handled this in a professional manner at all. Had this been handled correctly, the department could have wrapped this up long ago and come out and said self defense applies and here is why. Instead you have politicians getting out front saying it doesn't apply. Even you Over can smell this dead fish rotting in Florida.
President Obama uses his "fan" to spread that smell..................Maybe he should keep his nose out of it. Or send Holder with a rope to Zimmerman's house. Spike Lee posted his address already!
ut that blindfold back on Lady Justice and let the law do the work. If someone doesn't like the outcome, there's always Sharia somewhere else!!


OK. At first, I believed (because of media reports) that Zimmerman did indeed go too far and should be responsible for the death of the 17 year old.

But as more reports come out (the 17 year old was on a 5 day suspension, he attacked Zimmerman from behind, etc), well all that points to the kid being a thug.

I do not believe some 911 operator can order you to stay in your car. Zimmerman had every right to walk down the street (same as the 17 year old, except he should have been grounded at home, I don't see why the parents are not also responsible).

If he was just following the kid, then turned to walk back to his car, and was attacked from behind, then I would hope Zimmerman prevails.

I think you people portraying the 17 year old as some sort of young angel just taking a stroll that night are delusional. Even you Bbsam are automatically discounting a witness (came out of nowhere), because it disagrees with your opinion. Why would you do that? It is hard and scary to come forward as a witness.
And this goes directly to the Jacksons and Sharpton's of this world playing the race card. I am soooo sick and tired of this type of crap.


Well, over, I am discounting the eyewitness because he/she waited an awful long time to show up and because Trayvon Martin is at a competitive disadvantage in telling his side of the story, being dead and all. That is why it was up to the local police at the scene to gather the evidence. Nothing I have seen or heard suggests that they handled this in a professional manner at all. Had this been handled correctly, the department could have wrapped this up long ago and come out and said self defense applies and here is why. Instead you have politicians getting out front saying it doesn't apply. Even you Over can smell this dead fish rotting in Florida.
And you don't know that this witness was told to not talk to the media while the investigation was continuing.


Well-Known Member
OK. At first, I believed (because of media reports) that Zimmerman did indeed go too far and should be responsible for the death of the 17 year old.

But as more reports come out (the 17 year old was on a 5 day suspension, he attacked Zimmerman from behind, etc), well all that points to the kid being a thug.

I do not believe some 911 operator can order you to stay in your car. Zimmerman had every right to walk down the street (same as the 17 year old, except he should have been grounded at home, I don't see why the parents are not also responsible).

If he was just following the kid, then turned to walk back to his car, and was attacked from behind, then I would hope Zimmerman prevails.

I think you people portraying the 17 year old as some sort of young angel just taking a stroll that night are delusional. Even you Bbsam are automatically discounting a witness (came out of nowhere), because it disagrees with your opinion. Why would you do that? It is hard and scary to come forward as a witness.

IMO, you'd be best to hold judgement on the suspension grounds at the moment. More than a fair share of suspensions today are based on acts of violating political correctness or lack of proper societal thought (thought control) and are not an indication of someone who is a real threat.

And as to the reason for the suspension, according to his stepmother:

Martin had been suspended from school when he was killed. He was suspended for being tardy to school, a habit his stepmother says the parents of most teenagers can relate to.

Not exactly the makings of a real criminal mind unless you want to make that same judgement on the part of many a UPSer too!


Staff member
Dill, you really believe that the police were conducting an investigation? They may be now, but it is only to cover their asses. They let Zimmerman walk based on the Castle Doctrine (I believe they have admitted as much) and now you have law makers all over the place going public about how it doesn't apply in this case. Again, would Jeb Bush, a very accomplished politiciansay this without indepth knowledge of the case? If the chief investigator came out tomorrow and stated differently, Bush would look like a complete maroon. The chief of police is going to take a hit for the botched investigation and politicians are now ducking for cover and putting on record today things they can point to in the future during election time pandering.