

Well-Known Member
Nope. I'm saying people don't come out and say what they mean when what they mean is racist. That doesn't make it right though. Zimmerman had no reason to think Trayvon was up to anything based on anything but a hoodie and his race, did he?
I dont know if he did or not for sure.... but here is what I can see that is "possible".... If I am in my neighborhood and see a young man out in the dark on a rainy night whom I don not recognize. AND is wandering around.... I am going to be suspicious. If there has been a recent rash of break ins, I call the police.... and I will follow the person until the cops get there.

Now this may very well not be what happen, but I can see it in my scenario that way. Therefore I will reserve judgement either way until the investigations are done and not automatically convict this man. I think back to the Duke lacrosse player situation where everyone was so ready to condemn them based on media reporting....


Strength through joy
Saw a tv interview by rev jackson, where he claims that T.M. was shot in the back of his head. Which is not in the police reports. Does he actually know something that no one else knows or was it an attempt to rile up more folks ?


Well-Known Member
So is the correct equation habitually tardy = street thug? Did Trayvon have some long rap sheet I haven't heard about, cause brett simply referenced his school suspension and wk pointed out that the suspension was for tardiness. So how again is it brett gets to calling Trayvon a street thug? I may have jumped to conclusions.

The tardiness excuse was given by the parent of Trayvon, who, for all intensive purposes, is the kind of parent famous for the saying "Ma baby didn't do nuffin!" when usually the opposite is true. First off a 5 day suspension is a pretty long suspension, and one that probably would not be handed out for simple tardiness. Not to mention the fact that if you have someone who is consistently tardy why would you punish them with more time off from school? Certainly doesn't add up in my book. There is more to this story then you or I are being led to believe. Why is that so hard to accept?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Three weeks ago I drove out to a a farmhouse about 30 miles away to make a pickup. Sheet had the address and stated "grey farmhouse, circle drive". Pulled up where house should be, different numbers on mailbox, close but off. Pulled in the drive and knocked on door and waited several minutes. No answer even though there were five cars in the drive. On my way back to the van I looked at the pickup sheet and realized I had tuned on 311th street instead of 252nd street. As I climbed back in the van, a lady came out of the house and asked what I was looking for. I explained exactly what had happened and drove off chiding myself for not paying attention.

Fast forward 8 hours. I'm getting ready for bed, my wife is getting the kids ready for bed when she says she thinks someone is at the front door. I go to the door to be greeted by the County Sheriff. A complaint about a "suspicious person" in a white van with my plates had been at this address. The lady I had spoken to called in the complaint. As the sheriff spoke I became more and more pissed. He started to say what the lady said she saw and I smiled at him and said, "Yeah, I know what she saw." The cop proceeded to tell me not to get defensive! She described me as a "guy in a black stocking cap". I'm a 6'1" 250lb black guy. Yeah, right. A "guy in a black stocking cap". That's the description that had her concerned? C'mon man! Let's not play stupid. Forget the Fedex sprawled across the back of my coat, forget the Fedex magnet on the side of the van. You tell me. What caused her the concern that I was scoping the place for robbery as the sheriff explained?

Maybe when you don't live with it it's harder to see, but you will have a tough time convincing me that it is gone when I'm confronted with that kind of crap.

Wow, I am sorry that this happened to you. Unreal.


Staff member
Wow, I am sorry that this happened to you. Unreal.

As a heart-warming side note, my wife and kids watched the interaction between the cop and myself from the top of our stairs in the foyer. When the cop left, my kids started jumping around, hugging me and telling me they were happy I wasn't bein taken to jail.;)


golden ticket member
Saw a tv interview by rev jackson, where he claims that T.M. was shot in the back of his head. Which is not in the police reports. Does he actually know something that no one else knows or was it an attempt to rile up more folks ?
He was just doing his job !


golden ticket member
USA Today) — Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson told people at a church in Eatonville, Fla., on Sunday that slain teen Trayvon Martin is a “martyr,” the Orlando Sentinel reports.
“Martyrs have power,” Jackson said of the unarmed black 17-year-old who was shot dead Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., by a neighborhood watch volunteer who deemed him suspicious and who police describe as white.
“He represents all of us,” Jackson said of Trayvon.

Jackson faced a capacity crowd of 1,600 at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church and said Trayvon’s death, which has galvanized critics across the country and prompted a Justice Department investigation, can effect positive change.

“How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change?” Jackson asked the crowd. “If it’s a moment, we go home. If it’s a movement, we go to war. Movements are made of serious substance. . . . There is power in the blood of the innocent.”


Staff member
Wow, I am sorry that this happened to you. Unreal.

I sincerely thankyou guys for the sentiment, but the point is that my experience is not atypical. You would be hard pressed to find a black male between the age of 15 and 45 who hasn't had a similar experience. That should be troubling to every American. This is 2012 , afterall.


USA Today) — Civil rights activist Jesse Jackson told people at a church in Eatonville, Fla., on Sunday that slain teen Trayvon Martin is a “martyr,” the Orlando Sentinel reports.
“Martyrs have power,” Jackson said of the unarmed black 17-year-old who was shot dead Feb. 26 in Sanford, Fla., by a neighborhood watch volunteer who deemed him suspicious and who police describe as white.
“He represents all of us,” Jackson said of Trayvon.

Jackson faced a capacity crowd of 1,600 at Macedonia Missionary Baptist Church and said Trayvon’s death, which has galvanized critics across the country and prompted a Justice Department investigation, can effect positive change.

“How do we go from a moment to a movement that creates fundamental change?” Jackson asked the crowd. “If it’s a moment, we go home. If it’s a movement, we go to war. Movements are made of serious substance. . . . There is power in the blood of the innocent.”
Round about the caldron go;
In the poison'd entrails throw.—
Toad, that under cold stone,
Days and nights has thirty-one;
Swelter'd venom sleeping got,
Boil thou first i' the charmed pot!

Double, double toil and trouble;

Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

Fillet of a fenny snake,

In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder's fork, and blind-worm's sting,
Lizard's leg, and owlet's wing,—
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

Scale of dragon; tooth of wolf;
Witches' mummy; maw and gulf
Of the ravin'd salt-sea shark;
Root of hemlock digg'd i the dark;
Liver of blaspheming Jew;
Gall of goat, and slips of yew
Sliver'd in the moon's eclipse;
Nose of Turk, and Tartar's lips;
Finger of birth-strangled babe
Ditch-deliver'd by a drab,—
Make the gruel thick and slab:
Add thereto a tiger's chaudron,
For the ingrediants of our caldron.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and caldron bubble.

Cool it with a baboon's blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.


Well-Known Member
:grouphugg:While we all should wait for a complete investigation into the Florida shooting --bottom line a very young person is dead and that is a very real shame. Also I am very sorry for what happened to bbsam--While we do not agree on too much politically I respect him and his viewpoints.

bbsam reminds us that this is now 2012. I fully agree. But there is a much bigger picture here than the portrait of pure racism.

Why would a very possibly innocent young black man get shot ?? Why would someone call the police on a working Black man doing his job ?? If you just throw it off to racism --you are missing the real problem.

Black on Black violence is out of control. Black on White violence is also off the scale. The number of young black Males in trouble or in Jail is unacceptable.

Just chaulk it all off to Racism ??? Please get real. For too long now the weak Black Leaders Sharpton and Jackson jump on the results not the causes of the problems.

Seven out of ten Black children are born out of Wedlock and into a life of crime and poverty. No discipline at home, broken families lead to no discipline to attend school , a life of drugs and crime. HUGE NUMBERS ---Generation after Generation are causing disastors.

With these large numbers ---Every Black get looked at with suspicion ---wrong or right --not RACISM --REALITY.

I pray and contibute in many ways to try to end this sad situation --but in the end as I have been told many times --and bbsam will probably tell me the same --none of your business --let the Blacks fix their own problems.

And just like the Leon Huris's Novel "Trinity" -- that I find truly tragic--the very last line " The History of Ireland never changes. It is only the past happening over and over again.

It is 2012 bbsam --alot of changes must occur before many things will get better.

O/K I am prepared --WHO will throw the first RACE CARD. How far from the truth you will be.:nobrainzombis:


Staff member
Sorry, Island. Racism is reality. It changes slowly over time, but to dismiss it's very real existence as "playing the race card" is as insulting as it is just plain wrong. All that one needs do is look at sentencing discrepancies for like crimes and if you don't see racism, then you are simply not accepting reality. Until recently crack cocaine held a sentence 7 times longer than is exactly the same drug, but is seen as a "black" or "inner city" drug. Cocaine, on the other hand, is upscale and recreation for suburbanites. Racism. It is what it is no matte how you want to obscure it's ugly nature.


Staff member
Mind your own business? No. Just don't pretend racism doesn't exist and don't be so quick to call "race card". I don't think it ends. Someone once said we are going to have to breed ourselves out of it. I think that's about the best we can do. Until then, we could probably do better with the way the political and justice systems handle situations.


Staff member
With over 50% of marriages in the U.S. ending in divorce, why not just view all teens with deadly suspicion? Chances are pretty good that they come from a broken family.


Well-Known Member
With over 50% of marriages in the U.S. ending in divorce, why not just view all teens with deadly suspicion? Chances are pretty good that they come from a broken family.


I now live in a state with the Black population is about 3 %.

50 % of all marriages may end in divorce here.

Why with only 3% population --over 90% of the crimes involve young Black Males ???


Well-Known Member

Never said that racism does not exist. That is also a sword that has two sharp edges. Until you and many Leaders in the Black Community deal with the problem of single Moms with no support from daddy --this sad situation will continue. Sorry the truth hurts --you can do the research --hard numbers are tough to deny. Children born into and sentenced to a life of poverty and crime is truly a shame. Wake up --you do not have to openly agree with me --just look at the facts.

Again --my point --this HUGE problen --fairly or unfairly causes the suspiscion and fear of young black men . Sorry for stating very sad facts.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
:grouphugg:While we all should wait for a complete investigation into the Florida shooting --bottom line a very young person is dead and that is a very real shame. Also I am very sorry for what happened to bbsam--While we do not agree on too much politically I respect him and his viewpoints.

bbsam reminds us that this is now 2012. I fully agree. But there is a much bigger picture here than the portrait of pure racism.

Why would a very possibly innocent young black man get shot ?? Why would someone call the police on a working Black man doing his job ?? If you just throw it off to racism --you are missing the real problem.

Black on Black violence is out of control. Black on White violence is also off the scale. The number of young black Males in trouble or in Jail is unacceptable.

Just chaulk it all off to Racism ??? Please get real. For too long now the weak Black Leaders Sharpton and Jackson jump on the results not the causes of the problems.

Seven out of ten Black children are born out of Wedlock and into a life of crime and poverty. No discipline at home, broken families lead to no discipline to attend school , a life of drugs and crime. HUGE NUMBERS ---Generation after Generation are causing disastors.

With these large numbers ---Every Black get looked at with suspicion ---wrong or right --not RACISM --REALITY.

I pray and contibute in many ways to try to end this sad situation --but in the end as I have been told many times --and bbsam will probably tell me the same --none of your business --let the Blacks fix their own problems.

And just like the Leon Huris's Novel "Trinity" -- that I find truly tragic--the very last line " The History of Ireland never changes. It is only the past happening over and over again.

It is 2012 bbsam --alot of changes must occur before many things will get better.

O/K I am prepared --WHO will throw the first RACE CARD. How far from the truth you will be.:nobrainzombis:

What does any of this have to do with this case?? Lets examine some facts for a change ISLAND.

First, trayvon was living in the housing complex with his father, fathers girlfriend and her parents. He has a RIGHT to come and go as he pleases. He can walk anywhere he feels like it. In this case, he took a walk to buy some candy and a drink while talking on the phone with his girlfriend. There is NO PROOF that he did anything to or from the store that would equate a crime.

When ZIMMERMAN himself sees him, he states PRETTY CLEARLY that Trayvon was just "STANDING THERE LOOKING AROUND".... is that a crime in america? Is it against the law for a black man to stand in one place and look around? Is it against the law to walk in a gated community if you are black?

When Zimmerman sees trayvon, NOTHING HAD HAPPENED yet. Its Zimmerman who MAKES SOMETHING HAPPEN. Where was Zimmerman trained to determine if someone was on drugs at a distance? Where was Zimmerman trained to spot suspicious actions like standing still? Was it against the law to wear a hoodie in a rainstorm?

What suspicious actions did Trayvon do while Zimmerman was stalking him in his vehicle, cause thats what he was doing, stalking.

This self appointed vigilante wanted to take matters into his own hands, saw that he had a physical advantage over a young teen but decided to take a gun with him as he exited his car just in case he got his ash kicked.

This black kid who has every single right that YOU and I have, deserved to be left ALONE. NO PERSON can create a scenario where guilt is AUTOMATICALLY assigned because of the color of their skin or clothing.

If so, every white dude "wearing a wife beater" should be arrested. This case goes to show that racism still exists in this country, and judgement strictly on race make people do stupid things.

Believe me, if it had been a 6'7" tall 295 pound black man, zimmerman wouldnt have come within a mile of him. Instead, he saw a "victim" he could terrorize.

I find that Trayvon had a RIGHT to defend himself. He's minding his own business, he's walking home from a store where he purchased items ( not stole them or robbed them) and he had every RIGHT to be on that street without being acosted by Zimmerman.

Instead, Zimmerman exits his car despite being told NOT TO, takes a gun and trayvon, who does know Zimmerman or what he professes to represent sees that he is being stalked by a man in a vehicle and following him decides to quickly get away only to meet his end when this "coward" shoots him in the chest at close range.

A drink and a bag of skittles was the only thing this kid had, but Zimmerman was implying to police on the phone that the guy was "reaching for his wasteband". I believe Zimmerman really thought because he was black and wearing a hoodie that it "FIT" his stereotype of black men, and Trayvon would end up having a gun.

Because thats what all black men do, in his mind.

This poor kids life was taken by a maroon with a gun. To much of a COWARD to defend himself with his hands against a drink and a bag of skittles, he pulls out a gun and kills an innocent human being.

Please spare me the dialog about national statistics Island. GIVE THIS SOME REAL THOUGHT.




golden ticket member
I think Bill Cosby says it the best.................

"A house without a father is a challenge. A neighborhood without fathers is a catastrophe, and that’s just about what we have today. ... Why is the problem so grave? A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man.... We can’t speak honestly of black culture in America unless and until we honestly address the issue of the estrangement of fathers and their children."