

Strength through joy
Zimmerman can start with all those tee shirts made with his picture on them.
Did he authorize anyone to use his likeness ?
If the answer is no , all those non-authorized items should be to be collected and burnt.

Guilty of what ?
More facts are being made public.
T.M. ( I can't use any other form, since his family has applied for copy write protection of his name ) was not a fresh face child as some have applied.
It is my understanding of the law that offering a private bounty on someone is still illegal & that The Black Panther group could find themselves on some real bounty posters.


golden ticket member
Earlier today it was for an empty bag of weed. Tomorrow he should be a convicted murderer and rapist.
It just points to the fact that we don't have all the facts....the cops have the info and we're not privy. Little by little, info will come out. That's what people are waiting for.


golden ticket member
And what would he sue the blogosphere for? And what if he really is guilty?
The grand jury will hear all the real evidence and not the made up stuff from the people who want 15 minutes of fame.
They will decide if anyone is charged. We just wait 'til we hear what they decide.

Sharpton knows nothing, Jackson, knows nothing, Black Panthers are just there to cause trouble.

This is just my opinion, but if I was a black person and I heard Al Sharpton saying, "Do they think we're "inorant"?" He pronounced it that way. I would be embarassed!!

He feels like he has to "talk down" ?? Seems like a real idiot to me. JMO


golden ticket member
So, I assume it's legal in Florida to pull out a weapon and kill someone in any given street fight ot bar fight ?
If that's the case maybe Martins parents should sue the State of Florida.
You can't wait for the grand jury either? There is no decision one way or the other, so how can you say "it's legal in Florida etc" ? Go have a beer.


Staff member
The grand jury will hear all the real evidence and not the made up stuff from the people who want 15 minutes of fame.
They will decide if anyone is charged. We just wait 'til we hear what they decide.

Sharpton knows nothing, Jackson, knows nothing, Black Panthers are just there to cause trouble.

This is just my opinion, but if I was a black person and I heard Al Sharpton saying, "Do they think we're "inorant"?" He pronounced it that way. I would be embarassed!!

He feels like he has to "talk down" ?? Seems like a real idiot to me. JMO
Much of the "evidence" has nothing to do with the case. For example: Zimmerman could not have known Trayvon was on suspension, could not have known why he was suspended, and really didn't matter anyway. Walking around the neighborhood while suspended isn't against the law, suspended or not.


golden ticket member
UPI) — The neighborhood watch volunteer who fatally shot Trayvon Martin said the Florida teen physically attacked him and tried to get his gun, ABC News reported.
The Orlando Sentinel reported Monday authorities said on the night of the Feb. 26 incident and in subsequent meetings George Zimmerman described and re-enacted what he said happened. He told police he had followed the youth because he was behaving suspiciously but turned around after losing sight of him.

Also Monday, hundreds gathered in Sanford, Fla., for a rally in support of Martin and The Miami Herald reported school police had found women’s jewelry and what they described as a “burglary tool” in Martin’s backpack in October, leading to suspension from school but no arrest.

Zimmerman told authorities he was walking back to his sport utility vehicle when the 17-year-old approached him from behind. The two exchanged words, with the teen asking the Zimmerman volunteer if he had a problem and when the man replied no, allegedly said something to the effect “Well, you do now,” the Sentinel said.

Zimmerman said Martin knocked him to the ground with one punch, then jumped on him and slammed his head into the sidewalk several times so hard he was bloodied and battered, the Sentinel said. He said he then shot Martin, who was unarmed, once in the chest from close range in self-defense.

ABC News reported a police source quoted Zimmerman as saying the youth had tried to get his gun.
Zimmerman received medical attention at the scene and then was taken in a police cruiser to a police station for questioning.

Authorities told the newspaper much of Zimmerman’s account has been corroborated by witnesses.


Much of the "evidence" has nothing to do with the case. For example: Zimmerman could not have known Trayvon was on suspension, could not have known why he was suspended, and really didn't matter anyway. Walking around the neighborhood while suspended isn't against the law, suspended or not.
That's true Sam, it's not. But it lends credibility to Zimmerman's case and shows that the parent(s) have little control over what their kid is doing. IMO


Für Meno :)
That's true Sam, it's not. But it lends credibility to Zimmerman's case and shows that the parent(s) have little control over what their kid is doing. IMO

He was there to visit the condo of his dad's girlfriend ! Probably looking to visit his dad, and see if he's there.
Other witnesses have now come forward, reporting Zimmerman was on top of the boy, with the boy face down and weeping and then the shot went off, and the weeping ended.

Too bad they don't have security cams in that complex.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Trayvon Martin was pronounced dead at 730pm by paramedics who tried to revive him. Zimmerman was handcuffed and placed into a police vehicle. The GUN, a Kal Tec 9mm semi auto was taken and placed into evidence. Zimmerman was considered a suspect at the time pending questioning.

Zimmerman was found to have been in a "violent" fist fight as he was bleeding from the face and back of the head. He told police that he was "yelling".... "help me , help me" but no one came to his assistance.

Trayvon Martin Shooting Initial Report

I believe once the ballistic and trajectory reports are completed by the FBI. Zimmerman will be charged with Manslaughter.

In the partial report i posted, the police reported this incident as HOMOCIDE-negligent manslaughter- unlawful killing to prevent an unlawful act. Statute 782.11 of the police code.

Under the florida statute, Zimmerman CANNOT become the aggressor, initiate a fight, get that fight, get his butt kicked, then claim fear and shoot the kid. If Zimmerman has the right to self protection, so does Trayvon Martin. Martin is clearly the VICTIM of an aggressors action and the "stand your ground" law would apply to TRAYVON and NOT ZIMMERMAN.

Martin had a right to "stand his ground" and protect himself from Zimmerman. The real question that has to be answered is WHEN did Zimmerman brandish the weapon. He had a holster in his "WASTEBAND" that was visible and if Zimmerman approached Martin with the gun out, then ZIMMERMAN will be charged with a FELONY.

Then, after that FELONY, he could be charged with a NEGLIGENT HOMOCIDE for Martins death just for taking out the GUN. The GUN is the key to this case. The fight between them is not.

Zimmerman IGNORED 2 commands to stop chasing MARTIN. He ultimately corners Martin while brandishing a gun and MARTIN had every right to fight for his life. MARTIN had no way of knowing the intent of Zimmerman. We have NO WAY of knowing (short of a confession by Zimmerman) what Zimmerman was yelling at the kid. Was he threatening him? Was he threatening to use the gun if Martin didnt comply with him?

These are the questions only Zimmerman knows.

I have absolutely ZERO compassion for Zimmerman and hope the FBI concludes what is clearly obvious.

This self appointed vigilante used his own racist animous to intiate a scenario that he probably dreamt of for months. This was his "ideal" scenario. He got to take his gun, chase a suspect, take him down and if armed, he would ultimately shoot the suspect. This is something he had been waiting for all his life. He had the demeanor, he had the opportunity, he had his gun. He layed down the foundation with the "mis information" in his 9/11 call and all he needed was a black person to carry this out on.

He got his wish and killed an innocent kid holding a drink and a bag of skittles. Zimmerman has made 46 calls to police and all you have to do is read how many calls are on suspicious black males. This guy clearly has problems emotionally and is the LAST PERSON who should be allowed to own a GUN. He is overzealous and obsessed with solving ridiculous petty crimes. He used the same line a year ago with another black male "there have been alot of burglaries recently in our area" when reporting another suspicious black male. He didnt get his chance that time and Trayvon provided him the opportunity he was perfecting with his calls.

Fantasies and gun owners DONT MIX.




golden ticket member
What, you couldn't do it this weekend? You had to ruin people's Easter weekend? Trying to steal some of the Lord's thunder eh, Rev?

(ABC News) — The Rev. Al Sharpton will camp out with protesters in front of City Hall in Sanford, Fla., over Easter weekend as part of a nationwide call for the arrest of George Zimmerman, the volunteer neighborhood watch captain who shot 17-year old Trayvon Martin in February, he told ABC News.

“We’re going to have a full blown occupation of Sanford with tents and everything over Easter weekend until [authorities] either arrest George Zimmerman, or arrest us for praying for his arrest,” Sharpton said.
The civil rights leader and MSNBC talk show host said he’d be urging supporters of the cause across the country to wear “hoodies instead of Easter outfits to church on Easter Sunday.” Sharpton said he will camp out “from Good Friday through Easter Sunday.”

The Easter weekend occupation is part of a wave of civil disobedience that Sharpton and other leaders are organizing to ratchet up pressure on authorities to arrest Zimmerman. Craig Sonner, an attorney advising Zimmerman, has said that he is in hiding, but has been in contact with police.


Well-Known Member
That seems perverted logic to me. I won't even bother to challenge the numbers.

So since single parents and broken homes are prevalent in the black community, exactly what conclusion are we supposed to draw? Blacks should expect this treatment because statistics show we are more likely to come from these boken homes and thus be criminal elements based on the color of our skin? Is that what you mean Island? Because if it is, you have defined exactly what racism is. And if it is not what you mean, please explain.

Or perhaps it is that until we solve all social ills within the black community, racism is nothing more than a completely understandable failing of the nation we live in?

No, Island. These are not facts that I, black leaders, or any black man, woman or child needs to accept. The list of prominent blacks from broken families is long and since January 20th, 2001 it has started with the president. We don't have to accept that we are stereotyped because there is no reason to believe that Trayvon Martin could not have been elected to the highest office in the land some 30 years from now.

Wow, so much ignorance and denial I don't know where to start. Perhaps I won't and allow you to save face on this subject. In fact that is exactly what I will do considering this isn't the topic of this thread, but just remember that you and this outlook of yours on the problems of the black community is exactly why the black community has so many problems in the first place. Thats all I have to say.


Well-Known Member
Trayvon Martin was pronounced dead at 730pm by paramedics who tried to revive him. Zimmerman was handcuffed and placed into a police vehicle. The GUN, a Kal Tec 9mm semi auto was taken and placed into evidence. Zimmerman was considered a suspect at the time pending questioning.

Zimmerman was found to have been in a "violent" fist fight as he was bleeding from the face and back of the head. He told police that he was "yelling".... "help me , help me" but no one came to his assistance.

Trayvon Martin Shooting Initial Report

I believe once the ballistic and trajectory reports are completed by the FBI. Zimmerman will be charged with Manslaughter.

In the partial report i posted, the police reported this incident as HOMOCIDE-negligent manslaughter- unlawful killing to prevent an unlawful act. Statute 782.11 of the police code. Lakes Shooting Initial Report.pdf

Under the florida statute, Zimmerman CANNOT become the aggressor, initiate a fight, get that fight, get his butt kicked, then claim fear and shoot the kid. If Zimmerman has the right to self protection, so does Trayvon Martin. Martin is clearly the VICTIM of an aggressors action and the "stand your ground" law would apply to TRAYVON and NOT ZIMMERMAN.

Martin had a right to "stand his ground" and protect himself from Zimmerman. The real question that has to be answered is WHEN did Zimmerman brandish the weapon. He had a holster in his "WASTEBAND" that was visible and if Zimmerman approached Martin with the gun out, then ZIMMERMAN will be charged with a FELONY.

Then, after that FELONY, he could be charged with a NEGLIGENT HOMOCIDE for Martins death just for taking out the GUN. The GUN is the key to this case. The fight between them is not.

Zimmerman IGNORED 2 commands to stop chasing MARTIN. He ultimately corners Martin while brandishing a gun and MARTIN had every right to fight for his life. MARTIN had no way of knowing the intent of Zimmerman. We have NO WAY of knowing (short of a confession by Zimmerman) what Zimmerman was yelling at the kid. Was he threatening him? Was he threatening to use the gun if Martin didnt comply with him?

These are the questions only Zimmerman knows.

I have absolutely ZERO compassion for Zimmerman and hope the FBI concludes what is clearly obvious.

This self appointed vigilante used his own racist animous to intiate a scenario that he probably dreamt of for months. This was his "ideal" scenario. He got to take his gun, chase a suspect, take him down and if armed, he would ultimately shoot the suspect. This is something he had been waiting for all his life. He had the demeanor, he had the opportunity, he had his gun. He layed down the foundation with the "mis information" in his 9/11 call and all he needed was a black person to carry this out on.

He got his wish and killed an innocent kid holding a drink and a bag of skittles. Zimmerman has made 46 calls to police and all you have to do is read how many calls are on suspicious black males. This guy clearly has problems emotionally and is the LAST PERSON who should be allowed to own a GUN. He is overzealous and obsessed with solving ridiculous petty crimes. He used the same line a year ago with another black male "there have been alot of burglaries recently in our area" when reporting another suspicious black male. He didnt get his chance that time and Trayvon provided him the opportunity he was perfecting with his calls.

Fantasies and gun owners DONT MIX.



You seem pretty loose with the facts there. Zimmerman's story is Trayvon came up behind him, asked him if he had a problem, and when Zimmerman responded "no" Trayvon said "Now you do!" and began hitting him with the first punch being in the nose when Zimmerman went down. This story is corroborated by eye witness testimony collected by the Sanford Police department at the scene of the shooting. If this is the case then Zimmerman's case is much stronger and the defense claim has a lot more validity than once thought. I guess Zimmerman could have just waited till Trayvon stopped punching him, but how was he to know when that would be? Was it going to be after Zimmerman passes out from all the head trauma? Was it going to be after Zimmerman dies or is near death from the attack? Using his gun became is one and only option for self defense and he used it. I can't say I blame him.