
Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Define Holocaust. Did Whites round up Native Americans and systematically slaughter them? I'm not talking of certain massacres that happened. Massacres of Whites happened too. I'm talking about concentration camps, forced labor, gassing. Didn't happen. Whites did terrible things. Indians did terrible things. A lot of whites intermarried with natives. A half Native American served as Vice President. It's not as cut and dried as some would make it in order to beat whites over the head with it.
They can only beat you over the head if you let them.
Obviously you know one way to do that.
Perhaps there are other ways as well.


Well-Known Member
Did We Sell Each Other Into Slavery: Misconceptions About the African Involvement in the Slave Trade | HuffPost
There are many misconceptions about African history and nowhere is this more true than the topic of the slave trade. Very often I see comments by people who argue that Africans sold each other into slavery. There is some element of truth to this, but to speak of the slave trade solely as Africans selling each other t is a gross oversimplification of what was a complex historical event. This also seems to be an attempt to shift the burden of the slave trade on the victims of that very trade. In How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, Walter Rodney mentions how the white author of a book on the slave trade admitted that he was encouraged by other scholars to blame the slave trade solely on the Africans. This narrative helps to lessen European guilt by making Africans seem just as or even more guilty of being involved in the slave trade. This piece is not an attempt to ignore the African role in the slave trade or to absolve those that were involved, but to to provide a more complete picture of the African involvement in slave trade.

In the first place, the Portuguese initiated what eventually became the Trans-Atlantic slave trade mainly through slave raids along the coasts of Africa. The first of these raids came in 1444 and was led by Lançarote de Freitas. The problem with raiding for slaves was that it was extremely dangerous. For instance, the slave trader Nuno Tristão was killed during an ambush. Slave raiding proved to be an extremely dangerous way to obtain slaves, but buying slaves was much safer and took less effort on the part of the Europeans. Therefore, the first phase of the slave trade began not with a trade, but with a series of raids. This point is especially important because although the slave trade was on some levels based on a partnership between European buyers and African traders, the slave trade did not begin as such.

an attempt by a huffington post author to deflect on the point that Africans captured and sold Africans into slavery.


Well-Known Member
You know I wasn't the one who brought up slavery in this thread. But I will respond to ignorance when warranted. When it comes to this country's brutal past ( and present ) there sure is a lot of ignorance.

will you provide your own brand of ignorance to the discussion? This subject is politically very volatile and strongly rooted in ones own biases.


Well-Known Member
If there were no buyers of those captured Africans the slave market would have shut down. White plantation owners don't get a pass.

The author is not deflecting on that point. Africans historically captured and kept their own into slavery . at some point European buyers got into the action on a practice that already existed. Some Africans still engage in slavery of their own in todays world. What many
liberals tend to do is to try to maintain the focus of this horrific act on the white buyers only.

Slavery in Africa - Wikipedia


Well-Known Member
If there were no buyers of those captured Africans the slave market would have shut down. White plantation owners don't get a pass.
That's the same sort of logic that says cartels wouldn't smuggle drugs if there was no market. White plantation owners don't get a pass. Neither do the Blacks who attacked their enemies, subdued them, hauled them off to slave ships. It wasn't some slick salesman promising a bright future, sign here please. It was brutal coercion, and they damn well knew what they were doing.


Bad Moon Risen'
That's the same sort of logic that says cartels wouldn't smuggle drugs if there was no market. White plantation owners don't get a pass. Neither do the Blacks who attacked their enemies, subdued them, hauled them off to slave ships. It wasn't some slick salesman promising a bright future, sign here please. It was brutal coercion, and they damn well knew what they were doing.
I am in no way defending Africans who sold other Africans to the slave traders. They are pieces of :censored2: also. However, no one coerced our plantation owners into purchasing another human being. Greedy bastards just didn't want to pay the prevailing wages at the time.


Well-Known Member
I am in no way defending Africans who sold other Africans to the slave traders. They are pieces of :censored2: also. However, no one coerced our plantation owners into purchasing another human being. Greedy bastards just didn't want to pay the prevailing wages at the time.
At the time cotton farming was extremely labor intensive. Paying wages would've made it not feasible due to the size of the workforce needed. It was the invention of the cotton gin and other machinery that got the ball rolling towards abolition. Not talking about the rightness or wrongness. Of course it was wrong. By the way people often talk about how Europe abolished slavery long before the U.S. did. Who do you think was buying all that cotton for their mills? Particularly in England.


Bad Moon Risen'
At the time cotton farming was extremely labor intensive. Paying wages would've made it not feasible due to the size of the workforce needed. It was the invention of the cotton gin and other machinery that got the ball rolling towards abolition. Not talking about the rightness or wrongness. Of course it was wrong. By the way people often talk about how Europe abolished slavery long before the U.S. did. Who do you think was buying all that cotton for their mills? Particularly in England.
Plantation owners should have paid the prevailing wages and charged more for their product.
Slaves should have unionized.


Well-Known Member
I am in no way defending Africans who sold other Africans to the slave traders. They are pieces of :censored2: also. However, no one coerced our plantation owners into purchasing another human being. Greedy bastards just didn't want to pay the prevailing wages at the time.

your focus is way too narrow. humans have been capturing and enslaving other humans for eternity.