

Für Meno :)
Well, personally I have been in many fights in my life, I guess I could have shot many people or be dead by now and someone shot me.


Staff member
Wow, so much ignorance and denial I don't know where to start. Perhaps I won't and allow you to save face on this subject. In fact that is exactly what I will do considering this isn't the topic of this thread, but just remember that you and this outlook of yours on the problems of the black community is exactly why the black community has so many problems in the first place. Thats all I have to say.
That's all you have to say? What a refreshing change, although I think it only because you realize how ridiculous you sound in defending racism. That's ok though. We'll take it for whatever reason you conjure.


Staff member
You seem pretty loose with the facts there. Zimmerman's story is Trayvon came up behind him, asked him if he had a problem, and when Zimmerman responded "no" Trayvon said "Now you do!" and began hitting him with the first punch being in the nose when Zimmerman went down. This story is corroborated by eye witness testimony collected by the Sanford Police department at the scene of the shooting. If this is the case then Zimmerman's case is much stronger and the defense claim has a lot more validity than once thought. I guess Zimmerman could have just waited till Trayvon stopped punching him, but how was he to know when that would be? Was it going to be after Zimmerman passes out from all the head trauma? Was it going to be after Zimmerman dies or is near death from the attack? Using his gun became is one and only option for self defense and he used it. I can't say I blame him.
Good thing Trayvon is dead or there could be another side to a story that has George getting his ass kicked.


golden ticket member
Good thing Trayvon is dead or there could be another side to a story that has George getting his ass kicked.
Don't worry, the dead can speak through their computer records & tweets!! We'll find out what the grand jury says around Easter time. They'll have the facts!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You seem pretty loose with the facts there. Zimmerman's story is Trayvon came up behind him, asked him if he had a problem, and when Zimmerman responded "no" Trayvon said "Now you do!" and began hitting him with the first punch being in the nose when Zimmerman went down. This story is corroborated by eye witness testimony collected by the Sanford Police department at the scene of the shooting. If this is the case then Zimmerman's case is much stronger and the defense claim has a lot more validity than once thought. I guess Zimmerman could have just waited till Trayvon stopped punching him, but how was he to know when that would be? Was it going to be after Zimmerman passes out from all the head trauma? Was it going to be after Zimmerman dies or is near death from the attack? Using his gun became is one and only option for self defense and he used it. I can't say I blame him.

FACTS?? WHAT facts have you presented?? There is no such witness who actually saw Trayvon come up behind zimmerman and stike him from behind. What you fail to recognize is that the LIAR is ZIMMERMAN.

We dont know what Trayvon has to say because he is dead. ZIMMERMAN has already established that he is a LIAR and yet you defend his actions like it was gospel to you. You should be ashamed of yourself.

You want to purport that ZIMMERMAN was acting in self defense? Seriously? Is this your first time on this planet?

When is LETHAL FORCE an equal measure against a kid with his fists and a bag of skittles? IS this your logic? If it is, would you support any person shooting anyone who uses his fists?

Where do you realize this kind of thought process? I seriously believe that you would support anyone who kills a black person, no matter how ridiculous the circumstances are.

In this case, the facts are only "SKETCHY" between the time Zimmerman hangs up on the police while chasing Martin and the time the police arrive and order him to put the gun down.

You want to say Zimmerman was merely walking back to his car, but leave out that he was ALREADY in a fist fight with TRAYVON. As TRAYVON came back towards Zimmerman, he shoots him in the chest.

I am sure Ballistics testing and Trajectory examinations will concur with my assessment.

What puzzles me about your thought process is how you discount the events that led to this tragedy? The 911 call was full of "negative inferences" and "distortions". The fact that on two occassions, the dispatcher tells zimmerman NOT TO CHASE or FOLLOW, and secondly, tells ZIMMERMAN to meet the deputies at the mailboxes. Both of these attempts to STOP Zimmerman from engaging the person he was following were given to PROTECT Zimmerman and he chose to IGNORE both requests and instead offered a third option.

That option? "how about you have the deputies call me and Ill tell them where I am"

Why is he so determined to get to the "suspicious person" who was earlier staring at him reaching for his wasteband?

This was the reason the dispatcher told him TWICE not to FOLLOW. Zimmerman himself raised the issue of safety when he said on tape "hes reaching for his wasteband, I cant see what he has but he has something in his hand and he is coming toward me"

This elevation in "FEAR" was phoney, just as phoney as Zimmerman himself. He tried hard on that call to ESCALATE the circumstances. BUT WHY?

You say there are corroborating witnesses, but where? Indeed, there was a fight between the two, but who started it? OBVIOUSLY ZIMMERMAN. How can you see it otherwise?

Lets leave out color for a second and get you to use some logic.

Lets say person one is following another person. The other person sees the person following him. The other person does not know the first person who is following him and starts to walk faster. While walking faster, the first person exits his car and starts to follow on foot. The other person starts to run and the person following starts to run now chasing him. They meet on a property and the other person has no where to go (walls, buildings) and is cornered. The first person who is chasing is yelling and giving orders and the second person sees that the first person is brandishing a weapon. A fight breaks out and fists are thrown.

Who is responsible for the fight? Who initiated the action? Who would be the aggressor?

Then, a gun is used to shoot the innocent "other person". HOW DO YOU BLAME THE OTHER PERSON?





golden ticket member
"Heated statements in the absence of evidence..." That's what Charles K. said and it describes things very well!

I would like to know how is this kid different from the young baby shot dead or the 6 yr. old shot dead within this past week? Where's the outrage for these children? It was black on black and that's the difference or else the pres. and the entourages would have visited those grieving parents too. One was just a about innocence personified!

The fault will eventually be decided.


Staff member
"Heated statements in the absence of evidence..." That's what Charles K. said and it describes things very well!

I would like to know how is this kid different from the young baby shot dead or the 6 yr. old shot dead within this past week? Where's the outrage for these children? It was black on black and that's the difference or else the pres. and the entourages would have visited those grieving parents too. One was just a about innocence personified!

The fault will eventually be decided.
I don't know. Why is this the first time you brought it up?


golden ticket member
I don't know. Why is this the first time you brought it up?
I brought it up when we first started talking about this Florida shooting.
I mentioned the drive-by (ak47) shot into a house killing an infant.Also a drive by killing a 5 or 6 yr old...I think both were in Chicago.

Post 1407 was the 5 or 6 yr old
# 1394 was an 8 yr old Jewish girl.......killed by a radical islam in France and a horrible story


golden ticket member
Does this woman know that there are lots of unsolved killings ? What if Justice is that nobody is charged?

Rep. Frederica Wilson (D-Florida): This is Treyvon Martin. Trayvon Martin’s murderer is still at large. It’s been one month, thirty days, with no arrest. I want America to see this sweet young boy who was hunted down like a dog, shot in the street, and his killer is still at large.

Not one person has been arrested in Treyvon’s murder. I want to make sure that America knows that in Sanford, Florida, there was a young boy murdered. He is buried in Miami, Florida, and not one person has been arrested even though we all know who the murderer is.

This was a standard case of racial profiling. No more! No more! We will stand for justice for Treyvon Martin.


Strength through joy
The mass dissemination of the address on Edgewater Circle in Sanford--the Florida city where Martin was shot to death last month--took flight last Friday when director Spike Lee retweeted a tweet containing Zimmerman’s purported address to his 240,000 followers.
The original tweet was sent to Lee (and numerous other celebrities like Will Smith, 50 Cent, and LeBron James) last Friday afternoon by Marcus Davonne Higgins, a 33-year-old Los Angeles man who uses the online handle “maccapone.” Higgins included the direction, “EVERYBODY REPOST THIS.”
Higgins’s dissemination of Zimmerman’s purported Edgewater Circle address was not, however, limited to cyberspace. At a protest rally last Thursday in an L.A. park near his Crenshaw home, Higgins held a sign containing Zimmerman’s name, address, and phone number.
Except, of course, none were accurate.

The man who shot Martin is George Michael Zimmerman. Higgins has repeatedly identified him as “George W. Zimmerman.”
A check of Zimmerman’s residential history shows no connection to the Edgewater Circle property, which is about four miles from his actual home in Sanford.
Elaine McClain identified William George Zimmerman as her son, noting that he has not lived at the Edgewater Circle residence for seven years.
When told that Twitter posts containing her address continued to pour in this evening, an exasperated Elaine McClain remarked, “Maybe we should get a lawyer and send a cease and desist letter to Spike Lee.”


Well-Known Member
George Zimmerman's 911 Call History

Will Grigg at Pro Libertate blog on why Zimmerman might have been extended a courtesy that most of us mere mundanes might not have enjoyed as well as Trayvon Martin might just be another rather than a first and yet the community mouths have been silent. Why?


Staff member
Then why is the DOJ and others sticking their noses into just this case ?
Surely there are far more serious crimes that warrant some attention , but won't because everyone who could help is somewhere else .
Because for whatever reason, people won't let this one go. People rightly see that a "shoot first and make up a story later" law is messed up in practice and probably in theory as well.