

Well-Known Member
Their a video of Zimmerman at the on night of the shooting at the police station. No visble blood on face or the back of head, no grass stains on back of clothing.


Strength through joy
The elderly couple now have a law firm on their side, so expect more fireworks.

[h=1]Spike Lee apologizes over tweeting wrong address[/h]Spike Lee
@SpikeLee I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address.It Was A Mistake.Please Leave The McClain's In Peace.Justice In Court

But, he left out one thing in that apology: he didn’t apologize for attempting to tweet George Zimmerman’s address, just for tweeting the wrong one. Basically, a half-apology.
Spike apologized to cover his own backside and nothing more. The original tweet is still up. As are all of his other tweets that are hate filled rants against 'white America'.
But, what more can you expect from a man so low to endanger another man without knowing the facts of the situation.


Well-Known Member
Their a video of Zimmerman at the on night of the shooting at the police station. No visble blood on face or the back of head, no grass stains on back of clothing.

Hush. Wait for the investigation to that they finally started it.

Let's now set the record straight from the night of Trayvon Martin's shooting, I'm sure within hours if not within an hour we can clearly see in the video at about the 1 minute mark, Zimmerman turns his back to the camera and you can clearly see the grass stains and more important, the bloody wound to the back of the head where that little thug Martin was slamming our hero's head into the pavement as he told investigators.

And we also know that the little thug turns out had a criminal record that was being kept on the hush-hush!


golden ticket member
The elderly couple now have a law firm on their side, so expect more fireworks.

Spike Lee apologizes over tweeting wrong address

Spike Lee
@SpikeLee I Deeply Apologize To The McClain Family For Retweeting Their Address.It Was A Mistake.Please Leave The McClain's In Peace.Justice In Court

But, he left out one thing in that apology: he didn’t apologize for attempting to tweet George Zimmerman’s address, just for tweeting the wrong one. Basically, a half-apology.
Spike apologized to cover his own backside and nothing more. The original tweet is still up. As are all of his other tweets that are hate filled rants against 'white America'.
But, what more can you expect from a man so low to endanger another man without knowing the facts of the situation.
Maybe next time he runs the sidelines at the Knicks game, someone will stick out a foot.


Well-Known Member

Let's now set the record straight from the night of Trayvon Martin's shooting, I'm sure within hours if not within an hour we can clearly see in the video at about the 1 minute mark, Zimmerman turns his back to the camera and you can clearly see the grass stains and more important, the bloody wound to the back of the head where that little thug Martin was slamming our hero's head into the pavement as he told investigators.

And we also know that the little thug turns out had a criminal record that was being kept on the hush-hush![/QUOTE]

You can see grass stains on blue jeans, and bloody wound in video. You got eyes like an owl. Every other site says they don't see anything.

If he had bloody wound the officers would be wearing gloves. To prevent bloodborne pathogens from contact with him.

Little thug Martin was slamming our hero's head into the pavement as he told investigators. (Zimmerman is a Hero) A hero does'nt get a restraining order for domestic violence against him. U.S. News - Zimmerman accused of domestic violence, fighting with a police officer If that happened you would think Zimmermans blood from his skull from the back of his skull would be on pavement? No mention of that at moment in the media.

Little thug had a criminal record? Empty marijuana bag?

I don't know what happened! However IMO this what I think happened Zimmerman had a gun on him which i think gave him instant courage to confront people, also Zimmerman has 100 pounds on Martin. Zimmerman sees a skinny black kid with a hoodie walking around in the community. Zimmerman is thinking I got a gun, I'm bigger than this skinny kid in the hoodie. Zimmerman I'm going to watch him, calls 911 tells operator there is a guy something is wrong with him. Operator are you following him? Zimmerman yes I'm following him. Operator we don't need you to that. Zimmerman hes walking towards me I don't know what has he in hands. If Zimmerman did attended law enforcement classes he would have just keep 5 feed distance between him and Martin with the gun drawn. Waiting for SPD to arrive. But I'm thinking Zimmerman( his ego) was thinking I got gun, I'm bigger than this skinny kid I'm going to confront this kid. What can he do? Somekind of confrontation happened Martin got shot.

There alot of question that need to answered. Zimmerman claims Martin went for gun. Does that mean Zimmerman had the gun his waistband? If Martin did go for the gun and their was struggle for control of the gun Martin prints would be on Zimmermans gun? Zimmerman claims Martin was slaming the back of his against the pavement. Was Martin using two hands or one hand? Zimmerman was getting the back of his head pounded on the pavement with one hand? Did Martin palm Zimmermans face like a basketball to pound his head? Zimmerman has no hair on head No hair to grab to use as leverage to slam on the pavement. Either two hands or palm to the face grip was used by Martin to slam the back of Zimmermans head on the pavement? Zimmerman claims Martin broke his nose with a punch? If that happened was Zimmermans blood from his nose would be on Martin fists, inside his palms, and forearms. The blood from a broken nose would splatter from getting your the back of your head slammed against the pavement repeatedly. That blood has to go somewhere either on Martin or the pavement. Also Zimmermans claims the punched stagged him. Blood from his nose would have fell on the pavement becausee Zimmerman is still vertical. Also Broken noses don't heal quick. Did the police report have a note the following Mr. Zimmerman has a broken nose, Mr Zimmerman nose is crooked. Notable swelling to nose of Mr. Zimmerman. Mr Zimmerman is breathing through his mouth due to the swelling of his nose is restricting o2?

Zimmerman he walking towards me? So was Zimmerman in front of Martin while watching him? Or did Zimmerman follow from behind then Martin turned around and confront Zimmerman?


Zimmerman has problems. Some of you, want to not only justify the killing of Trayvon, but also to kill his reputation. ......................

More of your crap. I don't think there is one person here that wants to 'justify' the killing of Martin. No one has said that. MOST (except the few that have already deemed Martin to be completely innocent of any wrong doing) everyone is waiting to see what the investigation is going to show and what the Grand Jury is going to do with it.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
More of your crap. I don't think there is one person here that wants to 'justify' the killing of Martin. No one has said that. MOST (except the few that have already deemed Martin to be completely innocent of any wrong doing) everyone is waiting to see what the investigation is going to show and what the Grand Jury is going to do with it.

I havent seen ONE post from YOU showing anything NEGATIVE about Zimmerman. He has an arrest record, he has a record of bogus 911 calls, he has a history of violence, he has a history of NONPAYMENT of bills including his rent, he has a history of arguing with landlords when they come to collect rent from him, he has a history of violence with roommates, where have you posted ANY of this information when you were VILIFYING the young black man who lost his life???

I get it, he was black and "some" of you dont care that he lost his life. I get it, "some" of you dont think he had any RIGHTS like the rest of us, I get it, Because he was black he was probably guilty of something therefore justifying his killing.

Its no surprise.

But lets be clear where "I" stand. I look at ALL the FACTS, I look at the matter from a perspective of humanity and civil justice. To me, its clear Zimmerman "profiled" this kid because he was B L A C K and this B L A C K kid wasnt going to get away from him like all the others had.

There isnt much to wait for. COMMON SENSE spells out everything we need to know.

If Zimmerman simply stays in his car and lets the police make contact with Martin, NOBODY dies.

We dont need a Grand Jury to make that determination.

You call it CRAP because I call it as it is and that disturbs you. Sorry the facts get in the way.

I wont make excuses for a maroon with a GUN with an overactive imagination. This shooting death of Trayvon Martin is another reason why GUN CONTROL is a necessity in this country and ANY ATTEMPTS to deflect the responsibility to Trayvon Martin are merely trying to deflect away from the GUN.

YOU call what I say crap? Then tell me WHAT Trayvon did that justified his death prior to Zimmerman exiting his car after being told not to?




Well-Known Member
Eyewitnesses month later. Right.

They were there before. Do you really think the media was interested in releasing all the facts at once, and not just the ones that got so many people riled up?

It is rather pathetic on your part that you would accept the facts that support your POV on this matter at face value, and not accept the ones that don't agree with you and your rush to judgement. Then again, you don't even know the proper meaning of the term racism, so I guess I am not surprised.