

Strength through joy
care to explain this.......
“You will recall the incident of the beating of the black homeless man Sherman Ware on December 4, 2010 by the son of a Sanford police officer. The beating sparked outrage in the community but there were very few that stepped up to do anything about it. I would presume the inaction was because of the fact that he was homeless not because he was black. Do you know the individual who stepped up when no one else in the black community would? Do you know who spent tireless hours putting flyers on the cars of persons parked in the churches of the black community? Do you know who waited for the church-goers to get out of church so that he could hand them flyers in an attempt to organize the black community against this horrible miscarriage of justice? Do you know who helped organize the City Hall meeting on January 8, 2011 at Sanford City Hall??
That person was GEORGE ZIMMERMAN.” — from a letter to Turner Clayton of the Seminole County NAACP written by “a concerned Zimmerman family member”



Staff member
It's not a race issue. It is a justice issue. Why is that so hard to understand? It isn't...unless you WANT to muddy the waters.


Strength through joy
(Orlando Sentinel) — A tip to Crimeline has led to the arrests of two men in a brutal beating that occurred a week ago in the Midway community east of Sanford.
Julius Ricardo Bender, 18, and Yahaziel Isaac Israel, 19, face charges of attempted first-degree murder, burglary with assault or battery and armed burglary.
The victim, a 50-year-old Winter Springs man whose name has not been released, is on life-support at Orlando Regional Medical Center.
Deputies were called to the area of Lincoln Street and Beardall Avenue about 6:30 p.m. March 26 to investigate a report of a man being beaten, Seminole County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Heather Smith said.
They found the victim in the woods on the north side of Lincoln Street.
According to arrest affidavits:
A witness told deputies he heard someone screaming for help and saw two men pull the victim from his vehicle. He said he watched as one man held the victim and the other beat him in the head with a hammer.
After they dragged the victim into the woods, the men drove away in his sport utility vehicle, which was later found abandoned about a half-mile away on Garbo Jack Lane.
ALL THIS is a lot of YADDA YADDA YADDA. Nothing but pure spoon fed mis information. ON this very thread, I posted the actual 911 call that zimmerman made. All you have to do is listen to it. Some portions were redacted by the owner of the video, like addresses and the friend-ing coon part. The rest of the audio is 100% accurate.

Why do you continue to enter a discussion if you are not willing to examine all the facts? Why do you rely on having to be "told" what to think, because at the end of the day, thats what your telling us. You seem to want us to accept that you dont hav the wherewithall to form your own opinion and need to have "some" news channel give it to you.

As to the audio, its clear zimmerman intended on making something out of nothing. You seem OK with him making an assessment that Trayvon was suspicious just because he was black. You seem ok with zimmerman claiming he was suspicious because he was looking around. My question to you is simple: "Where is it illegal to be black and looking around?"

Zimemrman makes NO CLAIM that this kid did anything wrong, no car vandalism, no attempted break ins, no tagging, no littering, all he does is claim the kid is standing there looking around, but really TRP, its a residential neighborhood, what he suppose to look at? Is he suppose to walk staring at the sky in order to avoid suspicion? Do all persons standing on a residential street who are looking around become suspicious and deserve to have 911 called on them?

You say he didnt exaggerate the call, yet, you havent listened to it. How does that figure? How do you reconcile anything on the audio if you dont bother to listen to every word?

How many times does this have to be explained in order for you to get it? Why are you so dead set on defending the shooter?

On the audio, he tells the dispatcher that "the guy is black", "the guy is on drugs" ( not maybe on drugs, or possibly on drugs, or acting like hes on drugs) BUT "ON DRUGS". Zimmerman has no training whatsoever in drug behavior.

Second issue I have with you, is despite providing you on this very thread with the FACTS that Zimmerman was NOT A PART of ANY organized neighborhood watch, YOU continue to associate zimmerman with one.

""Zimmerman as part of a neighborhood watch saw what he deemed to be a suspicious person ""

Really? This is simply not true. He was a SELF APPOINTED vigilante driving around his neighborhood with a gun in his wasteband looking for trouble. According to the sheriff of florida, Zimmerman BROKE every single rule for a neighborhood watch person and would be kicked out of the neighborhood watch for doing what he did.

Zimmerman had no TRAINING that gave him the ability to determine that ANY PERSON was suspicious. Next you said "in Florida on a warm night""....wrong again. IT WAS A RAINY NIGHT and since when is wearing a HOODIE in the rain a part of suspicious clothing? Are you really this dense?

You also say there are witnesses who say this or that, but this is not true either. In all the reports taken by the police, there are no such reports that back up what you claim or what fox news claims. The witneses are AFTER THE FACT witnesses.

I do not dispute that zimmerman and Trayvon at some point got into a fight, but what has to be established is how that fight started and was trayvon fighting for his life. How you put Trayvon in the aggressors role is beyond comprehension. How you disregard the fact that zimmerman was told twice to avoid contact and did so anyway only to end up in a fight and then shooting the boy.

Somehow, zimmerman fires TWO shots. One of those shots hits the boy in the chest. No matter what the boy did, IT WAS NOT EQUAL FORCE. Zimmerman was probably getting his ash kicked and then became afraid after starting the fight and took out his gun and killed the kid.

As to the lead detective, how do you discount his trained professional opinion? You want to set aside the professional opinion of person trained to examine homocide scenes, yet accept an untrained self proclaimed neighborhood watchmens opinion on suspicious persons? Are you really this freakin serious?

You say the lead detective only provided his opinion, well, my friend, that detective spoke to all witnesses that night and subsequently and made his determination based on factors including zimmermans changing of his story TWICE.

You cant escape these words "ZIMMERMANS STORY JUST DOESNT ADD UP".

Of course it adds up for you and I believe its because the victim was black. Sorry, its the only thing your words point to.


The one and only fact is that YOU DO NOT KNOW ALL THE FACTS......none of us do. All YOU know is what you have read or heard from the MEDIA. There has been so much published about this incident that has been disputed, found to be inaccurate or modified in one way or another that for me or YOU to really know the facts of this case it near to impossible.
You claim falsely that I am defending Zimmerman, that is a bald face lie. I have never defended him, not one time. Every report I have read, most from ABC, Huffington Post and AP have stated that Zimmerman was a member of the neighborhood watch, some even say he was the captain. BTW, none of the articles I have read on this is from Fox News. So you can stick that where the sun don't shine. The sheriff of Florida? Really? Only one sheriff in Floria huh? LMAO.
So you think the only witnesses that matter are the ones talked to on the night of the shooting? Really? Many crimes have been solved with the help of witnesses that came forward after the fact.
How do I discount the lead detective's opinion? I said that it was his opinion and that is just what it is. I don't care if he talked to every person in the county, at the end of the day his report is HIS opinion formed from what he had been told and what evidence he had.
Tell me something old great sage, why did the DA not file the charges that night? Is the DA not a trained professional?
Here is another false statement (lie) from you:
Of course it adds up for you and I believe its because the victim was black. Sorry, its the only thing your words point to.

First I did not say anything added up for me, in FACT I have said repeatedly that I did not trust ANY of the reports that I have read and WHY I did not. Second, just where did I say ANYTHING that would lead to the victims race? Show me. You said that what my words point to that. What words? SHOW ME or prove yourself to be a bald face liar(again).
It's pretty clear to me that the only reason it all adds up for you is because you want Zimmerman to be guilty despite the FACT that you do not know all the facts. The truth is, you only know what you have read from your liberal left wing blogs and media. You want Zimmerman to be guilty because you oppose the " no retreat" law and that a gun was used. His being guilty of murder fits right into your narrative. All I want is for justice to be served and if found guilty of murder, I will be on the spot with a desire to see Zimmerman punished to the fullest extent of the law. Until then I will defer to the 5th,6th and 14th amendments to our Constitution. And that is where you and I differ.
It's not a race issue. It is a justice issue. Why is that so hard to understand? It isn't...unless you WANT to muddy the waters.
BS, this case has become a race issue, just ask Jesse, Al and TOS. I agree that this should, above all, be about justice.


Strength through joy
As any decent lawyer will tell you, they all like to have as many wins as possible, the higher success rate the better they look.
And that is why G.Z was allowed to walk. This case was not a slam dunk.


Strength through joy
TOS, this might deflate most of your thoughts about what was on those 911 call.

[h=2]CNN: On Second Thought, Zimmerman Did Not Use a Racial Slur On 911 Call…[/h]“Now it does sound less like that racial slur. … From listening in this room, and this is a state-of-the-art room, it doesn’t sound like that slur anymore. It sounds like … we‘re hearing the swear word at first and then the word ’cold.’ And the reason some say that would be relevant, is because it was unseasonably cold in Florida that night and raining.”
TOS, this might deflate most of your thoughts about what was on those 911 call.

CNN: On Second Thought, Zimmerman Did Not Use a Racial Slur On 911 Call…

“Now it does sound less like that racial slur. … From listening in this room, and this is a state-of-the-art room, it doesn’t sound like that slur anymore. It sounds like … we‘re hearing the swear word at first and then the word ’cold.’ And the reason some say that would be relevant, is because it was unseasonably cold in Florida that night and raining.”
Have ya noticed that when he is faced with facts he can't refute, he just disappears?? LOL



Ordered this hoodie


Strength through joy
Nice try TRP, but I have to be moderated and my posts are sometimes delayed for days.

You can thank yourself and the others who placed me in this position.



Here's thought for ya, TOS.
Why not post the date & time on every post yourself , between Peace & TOS.
That way everyone can see exactly how much of a delay the mods take.