
The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
well, well, well,

I thought george zimmerman was the posterboy for home security? Looks like he's about to be charged with manslaughter. He has fled, and his lawyers (the second ones to take his case) have dropped him as a client.

Zimmerman has failed to maintain contact with his lawyers and spoke to the special prosecutor despite being advised not to by his lawyers. Now his lawyers say they dont know where he is.

All I can say is "RUN FORREST, RUN".....

He will be found, but I believe he will shoot himself as most cowards do with their own handguns.

Time will tell.




Strength through joy
well, well, well,

I thought george zimmerman was the posterboy for home security? Looks like he's about to be charged with manslaughter. He has fled, and his lawyers (the second ones to take his case) have dropped him as a client.

Zimmerman has failed to maintain contact with his lawyers and spoke to the special prosecutor despite being advised not to by his lawyers. Now his lawyers say they dont know where he is.

Legal team drops Zimmerman in Florida shooting case - KCPQ

All I can say is "RUN FORREST, RUN".....

He will be found, but I believe he will shoot himself as most cowards do with their own handguns.

Time will tell.



Does that mean the NBPP has him ?


Strength through joy
Fla. Civil Rights Group Welcomes U.N. Official’s Call for Reparations in Trayvon Martin Case “In this particular case it was the family itself, their distress that became known to the general public – once again people pressure that has drawn attention to this case. It shouldn’t be so,” Pillay continued. “The law should operate equally in respect of all violations. So, like every other situation such as this, we will be urging an investigation, and prosecution and trial – and of course reparation for the victims concerned.”

So the UN now runs the USA ?


bella amicizia
well, well, well,

I thought george zimmerman was the posterboy for home security? Looks like he's about to be charged with manslaughter. He has fled, and his lawyers (the second ones to take his case) have dropped him as a client.

Zimmerman has failed to maintain contact with his lawyers and spoke to the special prosecutor despite being advised not to by his lawyers. Now his lawyers say they dont know where he is.

Legal team drops Zimmerman in Florida shooting case - KCPQ

All I can say is "RUN FORREST, RUN".....

He will be found, but I believe he will shoot himself as most cowards do with their own handguns.

Time will tell.


Where's the date/time stamp?

(my spoon is going back in the drawer now)

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Special Prosecutor to make announcement on Zimmerman case before friday.

After investigating the case and speaking to Trayvons girlfriend who was on the phone with Trayvon up to the moment he was shot, will make an announcement on the case. Its my belief that based on the circumstances of that night, zimmermans own words along with his actions, will result in a manslaughter charge for the unlawful killing of a human being while committing an illegal act.

The illegal act would be the brandishing of a weapon against an unarmed teenager. The use of lethal force was not justified.

Zimmerman placed himself into a position where he encountered a person who was more likely defending himself once seeing the handgun zimmerman was carrying. Zimmerman had NO AUTHORITY to stop, detain, question, interrogate, arrest, or in any other way interfere in the travel of Trayvon Martin.

If he felt Trayvon looked suspicious, his only obligation was to make the call to 911 and leave it at that. He had no other obligation to do anymore. He was NOT a part of a community recognized group of neighborhood watch people, and instead was a self appointed watchman without any FORMAL or INFORMAL training.

IN his phone call to 911, despite what you think you heard him say, HE CLEARLY says TWICE on the call that Trayvon was on drugs. He first tells the dispatcher "he's black, he's acting strange, he's on drugs", shortly after, he tells the dispatcher "he's running now, he's high"....

This goes to show the Zimmerman was capable of EXAGGERATING the circumstances to "FIT" his personal needs. Zimmerman has and had no training in making determinations of a persons drug use. If Zimmerman was willing to exaggerate the circumstances in the very 911 call, why wouldnt he exaggerate the circumstances of the shooting itself??

The case is pretty simple. An honest examination establishes these facts.

Anyone should listen to the Actual unedited phone call and listen carefully to every sentence zimmerman makes on the call. You will see that I am CORRECT. Simply listening to any media outlets soundbites wont give you a clear understanding of what was actually said.


Special Prosecutor to make announcement on Zimmerman case before friday.

After investigating the case and speaking to Trayvons girlfriend who was on the phone with Trayvon up to the moment he was shot, will make an announcement on the case. Its my belief that based on the circumstances of that night, zimmermans own words along with his actions, will result in a manslaughter charge for the unlawful killing of a human being while committing an illegal act.

The illegal act would be the brandishing of a weapon against an unarmed teenager. The use of lethal force was not justified.

Zimmerman placed himself into a position where he encountered a person who was more likely defending himself once seeing the handgun zimmerman was carrying. Zimmerman had NO AUTHORITY to stop, detain, question, interrogate, arrest, or in any other way interfere in the travel of Trayvon Martin.

If he felt Trayvon looked suspicious, his only obligation was to make the call to 911 and leave it at that. He had no other obligation to do anymore. He was NOT a part of a community recognized group of neighborhood watch people, and instead was a self appointed watchman without any FORMAL or INFORMAL training.

IN his phone call to 911, despite what you think you heard him say, HE CLEARLY says TWICE on the call that Trayvon was on drugs. He first tells the dispatcher "he's black, he's acting strange, he's on drugs", shortly after, he tells the dispatcher "he's running now, he's high"....

This goes to show the Zimmerman was capable of EXAGGERATING the circumstances to "FIT" his personal needs. Zimmerman has and had no training in making determinations of a persons drug use. If Zimmerman was willing to exaggerate the circumstances in the very 911 call, why wouldnt he exaggerate the circumstances of the shooting itself??

The case is pretty simple. An honest examination establishes these facts.

Anyone should listen to the Actual unedited phone call and listen carefully to every sentence zimmerman makes on the call. You will see that I am CORRECT. Simply listening to any media outlets soundbites wont give you a clear understanding of what was actually said.


Well, bout providing a couple of links to the "unedited" 911 call and for the proof that Zimmerman was not part of a neighborhood watch?
Until you do that I will guess you are making crap up again.

April 11, 2012
11:02 am CDST

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Well, bout providing a couple of links to the "unedited" 911 call and for the proof that Zimmerman was not part of a neighborhood watch?
Until you do that I will guess you are making crap up again.

April 11, 2012
11:02 am CDST

THis is the second time I submitted this information to be posted, lets see if it makes it on this time.....

First, here is the story I tried to post last time.

George Zimmerman not a member of recognized neighborhood watch organization

Except from story:

""Now, through a statement released by the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) --
the parent organization of USAonWatch-Neighborhood Watch -- it has been revealed that
Zimmerman was not a member of any group recognized by the organization.
Zimmerman violated the central tenets of Neighborhood Watch by following Martin,
confronting him and carrying a concealed weapon.""

Now my friend, the only crap that has been spewed is the stuff you claim having NOT listened to the unedited version of the 911 call and then providing a denial for zimmerman as to what was said. I on the other hand have listened to the call several times, stopping after each sentence stated to know exactly what he was saying. Based on that examination I can conclude that zimmerman exaggerated his claims to the police.

Very Simple stuff.




Staff member
If the charges are coming, can Jackson and Sharpton go back under the rocks they crawled out from ???
Can you honestly say that if charges do come, the pressure brought by Jackson, Sharpton and others played no part in pushing the authorities into a true investigation?


golden ticket member
Can you honestly say that if charges do come, the pressure brought by Jackson, Sharpton and others played no part in pushing the authorities into a true investigation?

If, in fact, the NBPP gets charged with a federal crime with Holder down there....then I will gladly give credit to Sharpton for raising hell and brining those scum forward.

However, for the Zimmerman thing......the law may move slow, but they would've gotten to this same place regardless of who screams what!!

Too bad that the screaming inflamed some youth elsewhere to attack and kill does Uncle Al sleep with that on his head??????
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