


You think that if 17you year old trayvon followed george around, shot him, claimed self defense, the cops would have let him walk out with his 9 mm? Really?

I didn't mention what the cops would do, I stated how the news coverage would have taken place. I am getting sick and tired of having to explain things that don't need explaining.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I dont get it either. That lady rambled on for like 15 minutes about how they do their jobs. Why did one prosecutor team find nothing to charge him with and the second one did. Guess we will hear all the info someday, as of now, we the people still do not know all the facts.
Good luck finding a fair jury after the President interjected when he should not have.
Once again if he is guilty, he should pay. We have to trust the justice system, its all we have.

I can understand the confusion you may have if you havent followed the case thoroughly. I can explain it for you to clear up the confusion.

After Zimmerman was taken into custody following the shooting, he was questioned by uniformed police officers. After that, the case was transferred to the homocide detectives for investigation. The lead investigator interviewed Zm and any and all "witnesses". Upon concluding the investigation, the lead investigator submitted a Sworn Afidavit charging Zm with murder. Unfortunately, the detective did not do any ballistics tests or trajectory testing, powder testing or scene re-creating.

The district attorney rejected the case for a lack of evidence.

This outraged the parents of trayvon, and the public got involved. Once involved, pressure grew and the case was re-opened and the district attorney who denied the case withdrew from the case and it was turned over to a special investigator.

The special investigator launched a massive investigation, along with the FBI crime lab and the justice department. Upon the conclusion of all the evidence involved, and micro examining of all the facts, the special investigator charged ZM with a lesser murder charge.

She didnt need a grand jury for a second degree charge. If she was going to pursue a first degree charge, she would have taken the case to the grand jury.

This isnt a tough case. Pretty basic.

Hope this helps you out.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Good point and the main reason I felt this should have been in the hands of a grand jury and a transparent process. One might well be able to make a case that the waters are so muddy, getting an impartial jury anywhere might be tough. And impartial goes both ways in this case.

Get serious. The doctor who treated and eventually killed michael jackson got more publicity than OJ simpson, and he was able to get a fair trial.

Lets not get in over our heads with speculation of juries. Not everyone has concerned themselves with this case.




Strength through joy
The prosecutors must prove Zimmerman's shooting of Martin was rooted in hatred or ill will and counter his claims that he shot Martin to protect himself while patrolling his gated community in the Orlando suburb of Sanford. Zimmerman's lawyers would only have to prove by a preponderance of evidence -- a relatively low legal standard -- that he acted in self-defense at a pretrial hearing to prevent the case from going to trial.
There's a "high likelihood it could be dismissed by the judge even before the jury gets to hear the case," Florida defense attorney Richard Hornsby said.

Prosecutors Face Hurdles in Charging Zimmerman With Murder |


Staff member
I didn't mention what the cops would do, I stated how the news coverage would have taken place. I am getting sick and tired of having to explain things that don't need explaining.

That may be, but it is what the cops and prosecutors failed to do that sparked the outrage. I too am tired of explaining. It's not the media or hoodies, or Jackson, or Sharpton, it is the justice system in question. It iis with that backdrop that I will ask again. Would poliice have let 17 year old Trayvon walk out of the station claiming self defense with his 9mm? Highly doubtful.


Well-Known Member

Get serious. The doctor who treated and eventually killed michael jackson got more publicity than OJ simpson, and he was able to get a fair trial.

Lets not get in over our heads with speculation of juries. Not everyone has concerned themselves with this case.



Make no mistake, I was being completely serious!


Well-Known Member
That may be, but it is what the cops and prosecutors failed to do that sparked the outrage. I too am tired of explaining. It's not the media or hoodies, or Jackson, or Sharpton, it is the justice system in question. It iis with that backdrop that I will ask again. Would poliice have let 17 year old Trayvon walk out of the station claiming self defense with his 9mm? Highly doubtful.


I don't think for one moment that had the roles been reversed that Trayvon would have enjoyed the same degree of consideration of innocence. That said I...... pardon me one moment:

TOS I'm being completely serious again in case you want to enlighten us. I mean IMO you and Moreluck tend to be on the same level when it comes to really deep thinking so like Moreluck, I do await your posting that so often makes me feel like a genius when it comes to intelligence.

My apologies bbsam for that delay but what I was going to add, I've always questioned Zimmerman's father being a retired magistrate judge, if this was a reason this case might have been given special consideration. How does one prosecutor say the evidence proves innocence for Zimmerman and the other sez the evidence justifies a murder charge?

Can't prove it obviously but if one prosecutor was locally connected and the other wasn't? Just sayin!


golden ticket member

Get serious. The doctor who treated and eventually killed michael jackson got more publicity than OJ simpson, and he was able to get a fair trial.

Lets not get in over our heads with speculation of juries. Not everyone has concerned themselves with this case.



I was glued to my TV from Nov. 3, 1994 every weekday 'til Oct. 3 1995. I met my friend for coffee everyday to discuss the case.

That stupid doctor that took care of MJ DIDN"T get near the attention that OJ did. Get serious! You post stuff so non-chalantly and it's just not true.

Every one involved in that trial became a household name for awhile. Who didn't see the famous chase with his friend A.C. Cowlings driving the low speed chase? You had to have lived in a cave not to have seen that.

Remember, Tom Lange, Johnnie Cochran, Bob Kardashian, friend. Lee Bailey, Mark Fuhrman, Bob Shapiro, Marcia Clark, Chris Darden, Judge Ito, Bundy, San Vicente Blvd, Kato Keilin , Mezzaluna Restaurant??

How many people involved in the MJ doctor trial can you name ??

No comparison whatsoever !


Well-Known Member
It was one of those I remember where I was when.....

"If it doesn't fit, you must acquit" Classic line.

My wife's sister worked in a callcenter at the time. I remember her sharing years later how all the phones went dead
on the day and hour of the verdict. No one was calling to her place for what ever she sold or did.

They thought the main phone circuit went dead until they realized it was the verdict being read on TV.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I don't think for one moment that had the roles been reversed that Trayvon would have enjoyed the same degree of consideration of innocence. That said I...... pardon me one moment:

TOS I'm being completely serious again in case you want to enlighten us. I mean IMO you and Moreluck tend to be on the same level when it comes to really deep thinking so like Moreluck, I do await your posting that so often makes me feel like a genius when it comes to intelligence.

My apologies bbsam for that delay but what I was going to add, I've always questioned Zimmerman's father being a retired magistrate judge, if this was a reason this case might have been given special consideration. How does one prosecutor say the evidence proves innocence for Zimmerman and the other sez the evidence justifies a murder charge?

Can't prove it obviously but if one prosecutor was locally connected and the other wasn't? Just sayin!


There is no proof that zimmerman cannot get a fair trial. Lets look at FOX NEWS coverage of the John Edwards case, EVERYDAY bombardment of discussion of his case and yet, they are seating a jury as we speak. FOX news talking heads coming on everyday convicting Edwards before he even gets his trial.

But where is the talk about him getting a fair trial?

Same with michael jacksons doctor. CONRAD MURRAY was a household name before his trial and yet, a jury was seated and judged him fairly. OJ simpson had tons of media coverage and people said he didnt face justice from a contaminated jury.

Not everyone is following the martin case. There are millions of people in this country WK, dont sell them short.

As to morelucks claim, apples to oranges missy. We are not talking about naming lawyers, we are talking about naming defendants and getting a fair trial.




Well-Known Member

There is no proof that zimmerman cannot get a fair trial. Lets look at FOX NEWS coverage of the John Edwards case, EVERYDAY bombardment of discussion of his case and yet, they are seating a jury as we speak. FOX news talking heads coming on everyday convicting Edwards before he even gets his trial.

But where is the talk about him getting a fair trial?

Same with michael jacksons doctor. CONRAD MURRAY was a household name before his trial and yet, a jury was seated and judged him fairly. OJ simpson had tons of media coverage and people said he didnt face justice from a contaminated jury.

Not everyone is following the martin case. There are millions of people in this country WK, dont sell them short.

As to morelucks claim, apples to oranges missy. We are not talking about naming lawyers, we are talking about naming defendants and getting a fair trial.




If you'll actually read my post to which you initially responded, I said getting a jury would be "tough" I never said it would be impossible as you seem to want to imply. And for the record, my wife works in law and I've spoken with several attorneys over the last several weeks on what they thought and one issue they raised should it go forward would be seating a jury in and around that locale. I'm sure one could take that case to the middle of North Dakota and seat a jury but jurisdictionally not likely to happen outside the state of Florida. So now we're back to Florida and a jury pool likely heavily bombarded with news coverage so again, seating a jury will be tough!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Alan DORKOWITZ needs to keep his mouth shut. Remember MORELUCK, alan spent his career at HARVARD and if you think OBAMA spent too much time there (3 years) I can only imagine what you think of ALAN spending an eternity there.

You wouldnt want to come off as a hypocrite, right?

You said yourself that being from harvard was an OBAMA credential and it didnt mean much.


