

Staff member
If, in fact, the NBPP gets charged with a federal crime with Holder down there....then I will gladly give credit to Sharpton for raising hell and brining those scum forward.

However, for the Zimmerman thing......the law may move slow, but they would've gotten to this same place regardless of who screams what!!
Too bad that the screaming inflamed some youth elsewhere to attack and kill does Uncle Al sleep with that on his head??????

I think you are being willfully obtuse.


golden ticket member
I think you are being willfully obtuse.
The guy is getting charged. Isn't that what everybody wanted? Justice. Some people are never satisfied.
Blunt (obtuse) is a good in saying it like it is................ and not as in being dull.

If you don't think the NBPP were out of line issuing a kidnap & kill order, then there's something wrong with you.


golden ticket member
I would be very curious as to what her reaction would be had the shooter been black and the victim white.
Had that been the case, it would have never left the local news coverage news and made national news.
And regardless of what you might think Nancy.................Any color on any color is wrong !! And you are trying to race bait by just "wondering what she might think"'re so obvious, it's ridiculous!! Take another Sabbatical, you're worth it !


I would be very curious as to what her reaction would be had the shooter been black and the victim white.

Had it been the other way around, what few news articles that would have covered it would have omitted the skin colors of the victim and shooter.

I love the descriptions i see in crime stories that mention a suspect : 35- 40 years of age, 5' 8" -5" 10 , wearing a leather jacket, and no mention of skin color. You would think the eyewitnesses only noticed the jacket and not the skin color. By not mentioning it , the news articles are mentioning it nevertheless.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
However, for the Zimmerman thing......the law may move slow, but they would've gotten to this same place regardless of who screams what!!

This is the problem with your understanding of the events involving the Trayvon Martin shooting. The fact that we are where we are today is simply because there was PUBLIC PRESSURE to get a thorough investigation. Something, niether you or the initial defenders of Zimmerman wanted.

The case was closed when the DA rejected the case. There were SWORN charges filed against Zimmerman by the lead HOMOCIDE DETECTIVE involved in the case, and his conclusions and findings were rejected by the DA.

There was to be NO FURTHER investigation by local authorities, so, you are incorrect when you say "it would have got there anyways"... that is just untrue.

It was pure public pressure, regardless of the personalities involved that got the ball rolling to a special prosecutor and the federal goverment injecting itself into the case.

At the local level, there were NO BALLISTICS tests conducted and this key evidence was not discovered until the GOVERMENT got involved. The FBI has conducted all the necessary tests and we will see what charges will be filed.

The public made enough noise that the state and the federal goverment had to act.

Forget personalities, no matter what color of their skin, there voices have no RACE or SKIN COLOR.

Its 3pm, lets see what they bring to the table.



4/11/12 302pm

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Zimmerman has been arrested and charged with second degree murder. He is currently in custody and will probably not be released.

Being charged with second degree murder he faces severe jail time.

Second Degree

Second degree murder cases often involve a death that allegedly occurred
because of a heat of passion or act that was so dangerous is warrants a criminal
action be brought against the Defendant. The classic example is the spouse who
finds their partner having an affair with another person and immediately acts to
kill either the partner or the partner's lover. In order to convict a defendant
in Florida of Second-degree murder, the State of Florida must prove the
following three elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. The victim is dead;
  2. The death was caused by the criminal act of the defendant;
  3. There was an unlawful killing of the victim by an act imminently dangerous
    to another and demonstrating a depraved mind without regard for human life.

Understanding a second degree murder can be more confusing than the more
serious first degree murder. The "criminal act" reference in the statute must be
a single event or series of related actions arising from and performed pursuant
to a single design or purpose of committing the murder or creating the dangerous
condition that led to the death. Although second-degree murder can carry a
potential incarceration of up to life in prison, the death penalty cannot be
imposed on a person found guilty of second-degree murder.

Whether a Defendant's actions could have been reasonably foreseen as
endangering a human life to the point of warranting a prosecution is a question
for the jury and where a skilled defense lawyer can be most helpful. Examples
may include the negligent supervision of a child or of the elderly by an adult,
or other reckless behavior that led to the death of another person.

Unlike in a first degree or felony murder prosecution, a grand jury does not
need to indict the defendant before a prosecution may begin. Second degree
murders often are decided on the "common sense" of the jury. Whether a person's
actions amount to the requisite intent or recklessness to warrant conviction is
often left up to the jury's determination.

The defense of a second degree murder often comes from a defense's argument
that the death was justified, excusable, or was self-defense. A Board Certified
Criminal Trial Lawyer can help defend in your Florida Second Degree Murder


Like I said earlier, Zimmerman would be charged for the unlawful killing of a human being while committing an unlawful act.

I was correct.




Staff member
Had it been the other way around, what few news articles that would have covered it would have omitted the skin colors of the victim and shooter.

I love the descriptions i see in crime stories that mention a suspect : 35- 40 years of age, 5' 8" -5" 10 , wearing a leather jacket, and no mention of skin color. You would think the eyewitnesses only noticed the jacket and not the skin color. By not mentioning it , the news articles are mentioning it nevertheless.
You think that if 17you year old trayvon followed george around, shot him, claimed self defense, the cops would have let him walk out with his 9 mm? Really?


golden ticket member
White people! This is now your O.J. case.
Yeah, and when the verdict was announced for OJ, I was in the lobby of the Luxor watching with hundreds of others and when it was announced, there was a communal gasp......................nobody rioted, tipped over cars, burned stuff or anything like that. We all accepted the decision , went about our lives and prayed for Karma. Thank God, Karma came !!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and when the verdict was announced for OJ, I was in the lobby of the Luxor watching with hundreds of others and when it was announced, there was a communal gasp......................nobody rioted, tipped over cars, burned stuff or anything like that. We all accepted the decision , went about our lives and prayed for Karma. Thank God, Karma came !!

Ann Coulter wrote a book about this.. What was the name of it?

Oh yes now I recall... Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America Ann Coulter


Well-Known Member
What mob is that?

The one that doesn't agree with the "good people?"

As to Zimmerman being charged, I question if the 2nd degree murder is an overcharge (I thought manslaughter at the most) but I guess we'll see as the evidence comes out. I still think this should have gone through a grand jury and not via an information but that's mute now. Regardless of outcome, no winners here!


golden ticket member
I just listened to the parents on TV. No, it doesn't matter what channel because it was just them talking!!

They said all they wanted was an arrest and for justice to happen.

If by chance Zimmerman is found innocent are they gonna phone Uncle Al & Uncle Jessie and start this :censored2: all over again?

Me, I don't care if they find Z. guilty and put him in front of the firing squad.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I dont get it either. That lady rambled on for like 15 minutes about how they do their jobs. Why did one prosecutor team find nothing to charge him with and the second one did. Guess we will hear all the info someday, as of now, we the people still do not know all the facts.
Good luck finding a fair jury after the President interjected when he should not have.
Once again if he is guilty, he should pay. We have to trust the justice system, its all we have.


Well-Known Member
I dont get it either. That lady rambled on for like 15 minutes about how they do their jobs. Why did one prosecutor team find nothing to charge him with and the second one did. Guess we will hear all the info someday, as of now, we the people still do not know all the facts.
Good luck finding a fair jury after the President interjected when he should not have.
Once again if he is guilty, he should pay. We have to trust the justice system, its all we have.

Good point and the main reason I felt this should have been in the hands of a grand jury and a transparent process. One might well be able to make a case that the waters are so muddy, getting an impartial jury anywhere might be tough. And impartial goes both ways in this case.