
THis is the second time I submitted this information to be posted, lets see if it makes it on this time.....

First, here is the story I tried to post last time.

George Zimmerman not a member of recognized neighborhood watch organization

Except from story:

""Now, through a statement released by the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA) --
the parent organization of USAonWatch-Neighborhood Watch -- it has been revealed that
Zimmerman was not a member of any group recognized by the organization.
Zimmerman violated the central tenets of Neighborhood Watch by following Martin,
confronting him and carrying a concealed weapon.""

Now my friend, the only crap that has been spewed is the stuff you claim having NOT listened to the unedited version of the 911 call and then providing a denial for zimmerman as to what was said. I on the other hand have listened to the call several times, stopping after each sentence stated to know exactly what he was saying. Based on that examination I can conclude that zimmerman exaggerated his claims to the police.

Very Simple stuff.


Point one:
You are still relying on articles from the media. The link you finally provided is from an obviously prejudiced site. Despite that the article from the link has inaccuracies that are easily suspect. Here is an insert from the article.
Carmen Caldwell, the Executive Director of Citizens' Crime Watch of Miami-Dade, told theGrio. "Every city and municipality has their own policies. Here in Miami-Dade we train people only to be the eyes and ears of their communities. Not to follow and most definitely not to carry a weapon."
Point two:
I checked the organizations data base for Sanford, Fl, the only watch group in this area that is part of their program is overseen byOviedo Police Department, in Miami-Dade County. Sanford is in Seminole county. Sanford's police dept seems to maintain their own neighborhood watch program. their wbsite makes no mention of USAonWatch-neighborhood watch. If Sanford's watch group is not affiliated with USonWatch, why would they have Zimmerman on their list?
Point three:
If the author of the article wanted to tell the real truth, she would have talked to the police in Sanford or the sheriff in Seminole county to inquire about Zimmerman's claimed association with a neighborhood watch.
Point three:
Still no link to the unedited 911 tapes. A search for such does not bring up an unedited tape.
Point four:
The one and ONLY thing I have denied is that you know any facts other than those provided by the media. The only spewing I have done is in response of your biased claims of superior knowledge.
Point five:
I am not now saying, nor have I EVER said that Zimmerman is not guilty of wrong doing. All I have said, time after time, is that all we know of this case is from the media and some of the media has twisted the truth, omitted part of the truth and down right lied about the supposed facts.
The only time I insinuated that Zimmerman was innocent was in the fact that he has not yet been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt.

These above statements are the real "simple stuff".
Alan DORKOWITZ needs to keep his mouth shut. Remember MORELUCK, alan spent his career at HARVARD and if you think OBAMA spent too much time there (3 years) I can only imagine what you think of ALAN spending an eternity there.

You wouldnt want to come off as a hypocrite, right?

You said yourself that being from harvard was an OBAMA credential and it didnt mean much.



OHMYGOSH! This is too funny.
"Alan DORKOWITZ needs to keep his mouth shut."
Really TOS? How about Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? The New Black Panther Party? Even Zer0bama?
By what standard do you measure if someone's opinion needs to kept silent?

Here's some more "simple stuff" for ya. You put so much credit on Zer0's time at Harvard that it should point that you would value to opinions of anothe Harvard Professor. Or is it you that is the hypocrite?


Strength through joy
[h=1]Alan Dershowitz,[/h]A political liberal sees himself as a "lawyer of last resort"—someone to turn to when the defendant has few other legal options—and takes those cases that are what he calls "the most challenging, the most difficult and precedent-setting cases."
Dershowitz is strongly opposed to firearms ownership and the
Second Amendment, and supports repealing the amendment, but he vigorously opposes using the judicial system to read it out of the Constitution because it would open the way for further revisions to the Bill of Rights and Constitution by the courts. "Foolish liberals who are trying to read the Second Amendment out of the Constitution by claiming it's not an individual right or that it's too much of a public safety hazard don't see the danger in the big picture. They're courting disaster by encouraging others to use the same means to eliminate portions of the Constitution they don't like."
As a criminal appellate lawyer, he has won 13 of the 15 murder and attempted murder cases he has handled.

Gee TOS, why are you making fun at one of your own ?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
OHMYGOSH! This is too funny.
Really TOS? How about Jesse Jackson? Al Sharpton? The New Black Panther Party? Even Zer0bama?
By what standard do you measure if someone's opinion needs to kept silent?

Here's some more "simple stuff" for ya. You put so much credit on Zer0's time at Harvard that it should point that you would value to opinions of anothe Harvard Professor. Or is it you that is the hypocrite?

TRP TRP TRP.. you try so hard, but fail so miserably. There are plenty of links that have the unedited audio recording of the 911 call. If you cant find it, then Im sorry, but I cant hold your hand through the process.

As for Zimmerman, my conclusions were based upon the objective data available to us in the public, minus the forensic evidence that in my opinion would back up my claims. Seeing that he was charged with a crime (second degree murder), then I would say that I am closer to the truth than you are.

I dont care about Television pundit claims, especially those spewed on FOX news. As I told you from the jump, all you have to do, is listen to the tape, listen to what zimmerman says SENTENCE BY SENTENCE, stopping the recording each time to digest what he says, and then ask yourself, "if zimmerman is willing to exaggerate the claims on the call, why would he tell the truth about the circumstances of the shooting?"

It was the perfect storm for zimmerman. He was a hot head (with his record of previous arrests and restraining orders), and he needed a victim to bully in the neighborhood. Trayvon provided him with two elements of that storm. First, being black, second, being on the street alone. With these two factors, Zimmerman could "create" the circumstances for his heroic actions. In addition, what fueled his haste was the fact that he was carrying a gun for NO APPARENT reason.

He jacks himself up following Trayvon, his addrenalin pumping, he makes the call, exaggerates everything he says and convinces himself that they are true, follows the kid on foot despite being told not to TWICE and ends up in a confrontation where he has to take out a gun and apply lethal force.

This is a pretty easy case to digest.

When the evidence is presented in court, I am guessing that the ballistics report will show that Zimmerman shot Trayvon while he was on the ground. This will be the reason for the murder aspect of the charge.

Give it some thought.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll


LEVINS examination is pure nonsense. Its the reason why there is community outrage over the interpretation of this case. HE reads the afidavit and REJECTS the states case in order to defend zimmerman.

He completely disregards the afidavits inclusion of statements of witnesses, police reports, police afidavits and the fact that the special prosecutor spells out TWO racially motivated claims on the 911 tape.

LEVIN is clearly biased on his conclusions based on his need to satisfy the right wing listening base of his radio show, but what he is really doing is deepening the divide between americans on this case.

Read the afidavit yourself, leave out your emotions and simply understand the charges.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Pretty simple case to establish probable cause. From the jump, Zimmerman racially profiles Martin, in the afidavit, he is charged with FALSELY making claims ...( as I said ).... he makes TWO racially charged comments to dispatches and they are recorded. The afidavit supports what I said about Zimmerman exaggerating the circumstances to "fit" his needs. The afidavit states it has possession of all Witness statements and documents and recordings.

If there was a single witness who swore that they observed Martin attacking Zimmerman, there would be no charges. That information does not exist despite the repeating of that claim on television by pundits.

The criteria for second degree murder is INDEED met as outlined in the afidavit. There is plenty more evidence to this case than needs to be in the afidavit, it does not have to be included in the afidavit.

Mark Levins examination shows what a joke those people are who try to explain away this crime.




golden ticket member
If, if fact, the 3 things mentioned had an 'AND' between them, it means there must be all 3 for a 2nd degree murder conviction.....not just one OR the other OR the other. I think Z.'s been overcharged. We'll see. In the meantime I imagine Al & Jessie remain on call with beepers on their belts...........after all, it's business!


Staff member
I'll have to consult with Cheryl, but I believe if you swear but cover yourself with a well placed "Trayvon", all is forgiven.
Regardless of the shameful way others have used his name, do you now feel justified in making a mockery of the victim in what was at least a horrible accident? That sucks.


Staff member
Regardless of the shameful way others have used his name, do you now feel justified in making a mockery of the victim in what was at least a horrible accident? That sucks.

This post was originally going to say, "Regardless of the shameful way others have used his name, do you now feel justified in making a mockery of the victim in what was at least a horrible accident? You suck." I thought that went too far but would like clarification from moderators and or Cheryl.