
Pretty simple case to establish probable cause. From the jump, Zimmerman racially profiles Martin, in the afidavit, he is charged with FALSELY making claims ...( as I said ).... he makes TWO racially charged comments to dispatches and they are recorded. The afidavit supports what I said about Zimmerman exaggerating the circumstances to "fit" his needs. The afidavit states it has possession of all Witness statements and documents and recordings.

If there was a single witness who swore that they observed Martin attacking Zimmerman, there would be no charges. That information does not exist despite the repeating of that claim on television by pundits.

The criteria for second degree murder is INDEED met as outlined in the afidavit. There is plenty more evidence to this case than needs to be in the afidavit, it does not have to be included in the afidavit.

Mark Levins examination shows what a joke those people are who try to explain away this crime.



First of all I would to congratulate you for finally posting something besides media bias in relation to this case. Good job. I would like to also say that I do not have a problem with the affidavit, it does what is is supposed to do.

What I do have a problem with is you post on the matter. First on this you start out with a lie. The affidavit does not say that Zimmerman racially profiled Martin. What it did say was that Zimmerman "profiled" Martin, there is no mention of race. I believe if they thought this was racial profiling they would have included that in the affidavit.

There is no mention of racially charged comments, in fact they mentioned two comments from the 911 tape that Zimmerman said. According to the affidavit Zimmerman did use the words "*********s" and "friend$%&ing punks", neither of which are racially charged. The report does not say that Zimmerman exaggerated the circumstances to fit his needs nor does it say that gave false information or that Zimmerman is charged with making false claims. The one and only time the affidavit mentions the word false it said Zimmerman falsely assumed that Martin was trying to get away..

I'm not so sure that your claim of, "If there was a single witness who swore that they observed Martin attacking Zimmerman, there would be no charges. That information does not exist despite the repeating of that claim on television by pundits." is true. I know for a fact that one person came forward and was interviewed by media (ABC?) and his statement at the time Martin was that on top of Zimmerman's head on the ground. So, once again you are making stuff up. I'm not saying the guy was telling the truth but I do know he made a statement to the media. If I remember right he also stated that he had already talked to the police.

The affidavit does support probable cause for the charge of 2nd degree murder and a charge is exactly what is needed to bring this to trial and have facts come to light that are not in the affidavit. Facts from both sides of the story. Until ALL the facts are known, it's a tough call, there are two many facts unknown to you or me. What other evidence to this case needs to be in the affidavit and why does it not have to be in there?

My examination of your post here show very clearly you are incapable of telling the truth and are willing to make stuff up to show you know anything more that the media has edited. May justice prevail
for the truth.
Regardless of the shameful way others have used his name, do you now feel justified in making a mockery of the victim in what was at least a horrible accident? That sucks.
Was he making a mockery of Trayvon or of the people that were invoking his name while beating the crap out of someone?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If, if fact, the 3 things mentioned had an 'AND' between them, it means there must be all 3 for a 2nd degree murder conviction.....not just one OR the other OR the other. I think Z.'s been overcharged. We'll see. In the meantime I imagine Al & Jessie remain on call with beepers on their belts...........after all, it's business!

What you appear to mimick is the FOX news, Mark Levin position.

Unfortunately, all three have been met and thus the charge. Why dont you explain in detail what you believe has not been met in the afitdavit.

Ill hold my breath.




Strength through joy
let's go back to the statement made by his girlfriend , he had made it safely back to the townhouse, but turned back towards the guy following him.
Also why did his father not report him missing until the next day ?


Why I Don't Carry a Gun

I don't carry a gun as I don't feel the need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because where I live there is no need to do so.

I don't carry a gun because there are no real threats in my world.

I don't carry a gun because I have chosen to live in an area where guns are not needed.

I don't carry a gun because I don't want to spend the rest of my life living in fear.

I don't carry a gun because men know how to take care of themselves and the ones they love.

I don't carry a gun because I love life and the people who make it meaningful to me.

Some may call me naive, some may call me foolish, but I don't carry a gun, will never carry a gun, and I do not feel like I am less of a man or person for not doing so. I do feel sorry for those of you who live in areas where this is a concern in your lives. These beliefs are mine and, yes, they were formed as the result of a tragedy in my family. I do respect the rights of others in respect to firearms--I only ask that you respect mine. Dave.

I have no problem with people who don't carry guns...You have every right NOT to keep and bear arms if that is what you choose! My issue is with people who say "I don't need to carry a gun, SO NEITHER DO YOU"

I think there is a huge misconception around gun owners in America. People think we are all these wild irresponsible vigilantes that go out every day looking for trouble. Are there people like this? Sure. But they are a huge minority.

I carry a gun everyday, everywhere I go, besides at work. I know that the chances are pretty slim that I will ever have to use it, and I pray that I don't ever have to use it.....But I would rather have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


Are you saying he is innocent?

He defines vigilante.

No, I am not saying he is innocent and I am not saying he is guilty. I have seen evidence to prove innocence and I have seen evidence to prove guilt, both admittedly from biased sources. I am not his judge, or on his jury, and I do not believe in conviction by media.


golden ticket member
What you appear to mimick is the FOX news, Mark Levin position.

Unfortunately, all three have been met and thus the charge. Why dont you explain in detail what you believe has not been met in the afitdavit.

Ill hold my breath.


I'll wait for the court to find him either guilty, not guilty, or dismiss the charges. I give no credibility to your posts.


golden ticket member
As we have all experienced in the past, a sure thing somehow doesn't turn out that way.

Casey Anthony & OJ come to mind. Two killers who walked.

So it's not a cut & dried case.....and no one is sure of the outcome especially those that only consider one outcome....that's he's guilty, no matter what ,just because they were able to read some words on an affadavit. I figure lawyers write all that stuff and they are the worst.....worse than the reputations of used car salesmen.

So anyone who says it's a clear cut case of 2nd degree off their rocker!


Staff member
This post was originally going to say, "Regardless of the shameful way others have used his name, do you now feel justified in making a mockery of the victim in what was at least a horrible accident? You suck." I thought that went too far but would like clarification from moderators and or Cheryl.

"You suck" works for me.

Jeesh, you two gotta cut down on the coffee.

Was he making a mockery of Trayvon or of the people that were invoking his name while beating the crap out of someone?
Exactly. Thanks Trp.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll

I dont know what you were hoping to gain from this article? The author CLEARLY SUPPORTS a manslaughter charge. And during the trial, one of outcomes the jury could find is a manslaughter charge, so whats your point?

Again, he is critical of the afidavit because of its writing. This document only is a charging document. At his pretrial, the state will have to put on evidence and a judge will then WEIGH that evidence and see if there is enough to move forward with the charges.

This is where you will hear ALL the evidence in the case.

As for anyone who cant understand the word "profiled", its amazing how the english language escapes you. Profiling is simple. The right wing supporters on this very board PROFILE people and support profiling when it comes to passengers getting on aircraft. There are many posts that say that MUSLIMS should be "PROFILED" before they get on airplanes.

They dont have to say "muslim profiling" in order to intend racial profiling. Just "profiling".

IN Zimmermans case, CLEARLY and WITHOUT A DOUBT, he selected MARTIN because he was BLACK. The intent from that point on was racially motivated. Zimmermans OWN WORDS to police indicated that "he" did not believe Martin belonged in that gated community. Because he was BLACK, Zimmerman made a decision to call the police instead of leaving him alone. IN addition, he made a claim TWICE that Trayvon was on drugs and suggested through inference that Trayvon was somehow connected to recent break ins.

This is RACIAL PROFILING. In his other 911 calls, he says the same thing in every call involving black males. "there have been alot of break ins in the area recently"....Really? Only black males are burglars? WHY hasnt he made ONE single call involving a white person walking down the street alone at night?

Get serious folks.

And moreluck, stay away from right wing pundits. They dont know what potential evidence exists or are about to speculate properly on what it could be, they can only attempt to say what it isnt to avoid talk about gun control.




Strength through joy
Roles Reversed One of Obama’s Harvard professor buddies, the racist demagogue Charles Ogletree, has been encouraging blacks to shoot whites because,
“I want to see the first white victim of the stand your ground by a black defendant and see if it works.”
Ogletree might want to read up on the death of Daniel Adkins here in Phoenix:
In a case that is being compared to the Trayvon Martin shooting, a black man who shot and killed an unarmed man outside an Arizona restaurant is claiming self-defense.
On Tuesday, April 3, 2012, around 7:30 p.m., 29-year-old Daniel Adkins, who appears to be a white male Hispanic, was killed outside a Laveen, Arizona, Taco Bell at 7233 South 51st Avenue, near Baseline Road, said Phoenix police.
Authorities said the shooter, a 22-year-old black man, was pulling out of the Taco Bell drive thru when he crossed paths with Adkins, who was walking his dog on the sidewalk.
Unsurprisingly the shooter, who almost ran over the apparently developmentally challenged Adkins before shooting him, has not been charged. Still less surprisingly, most media reports do not mention that he is black. No comment from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Eric Holder, Barack Hussein Obama, et al.


golden ticket member
Al Sharpton is saying he deserves the credit for the 2nd degree murder charge on Zimmerman.

Just a hypothetical......will he still claim responsibility if it turns out to be an overcharge?


Well-Known Member
I dont know what you were hoping to gain from this article? The author CLEARLY SUPPORTS a manslaughter charge. And during the trial, one of outcomes the jury could find is a manslaughter charge, so whats your point?

Again, he is critical of the afidavit because of its writing. This document only is a charging document. At his pretrial, the state will have to put on evidence and a judge will then WEIGH that evidence and see if there is enough to move forward with the charges.

This is where you will hear ALL the evidence in the case.

As for anyone who cant understand the word "profiled", its amazing how the english language escapes you. Profiling is simple. The right wing supporters on this very board PROFILE people and support profiling when it comes to passengers getting on aircraft. There are many posts that say that MUSLIMS should be "PROFILED" before they get on airplanes.

They dont have to say "muslim profiling" in order to intend racial profiling. Just "profiling".

IN Zimmermans case, CLEARLY and WITHOUT A DOUBT, he selected MARTIN because he was BLACK. The intent from that point on was racially motivated. Zimmermans OWN WORDS to police indicated that "he" did not believe Martin belonged in that gated community. Because he was BLACK, Zimmerman made a decision to call the police instead of leaving him alone. IN addition, he made a claim TWICE that Trayvon was on drugs and suggested through inference that Trayvon was somehow connected to recent break ins.

This is RACIAL PROFILING. In his other 911 calls, he says the same thing in every call involving black males. "there have been alot of break ins in the area recently"....Really? Only black males are burglars? WHY hasnt he made ONE single call involving a white person walking down the street alone at night?

Get serious folks.

And moreluck, stay away from right wing pundits. They dont know what potential evidence exists or are about to speculate properly on what it could be, they can only attempt to say what it isnt to avoid talk about gun control.



A manslaughter charge is a much more reasonable charge in this case, and can probably warrant a conviction. As Mark Levin and his 30+ years of attorney experience points out the prosecution has a weak case for 2nd degree murder, and the Casey Anthony trial is one that highlights exactly what occurs when the prosecution has a weak case for stiff charges.