

Für Meno :)
Of course I have. And I have also seen some very respectable blacks. Can you honestly tell me that there are just as many lowlife whites as there are blacks, per capita?

You can blame that on former USA policies.
You still had apartheid when I was born (seperate drinking fountains, busses, etc, for black people).
It's only been 50 years (give or take) since Blacks have been given basic rights.

Do you really expect them to develope that quickly, with most of them growing up with poor parents, because they had no rights to a good paying job ?


golden ticket member
Some do and some don't. Now don't tell me you've never seen little white punks , either !
I saw 4 white punks in a Taco Bell being loud and using the 'friend' word right & left.
I went over to their table and told them to watch the language.

They were civil after that. When they were done, they left the restaurant except this one who came over to me and apologized for his behavior. That made me think....maybe there's some hope. I think that kid's parents raised him right but he was influenced by the peers acting cool & swearing.

Years ago, people used to correct other's kids and were thanked for it.


You can blame that on former USA policies.
You still had apartheid when I was born (seperate drinking fountains, busses, etc, for black people).
It's only been 50 years (give or take) since Blacks have been given basic rights.

Do you really expect them to develope that quickly, with most of them growing up with poor parents, because they had no rights to a good paying job ?

Other races come here and flourish within years.


golden ticket member
You can blame that on former USA policies.
You still had apartheid when I was born (seperate drinking fountains, busses, etc, for black people).
It's only been 50 years (give or take) since Blacks have been given basic rights.

Do you really expect them to develope that quickly, with most of them growing up with poor parents, because they had no rights to a good paying job ?
So you give them no credit whatsoever. They can't possibly climb out of the hole they find themselves in? Plenty of people grow up with poor parents and the weight of the world against them.

You can sit and cry, "Poor me" or you can do well in school and work any job you can find and better yourself. It's choices. There's plenty of programs out there for youth. Boys & Girls clubs will keep you off the streets.
If blacks want to stop being profiled and start being treated as equals then they should start acting like equals.

If races want to stop being profiled and start being treated as equals then they should start acting like equals.

Fixed it for you. None of us can cast a stone about having bad apples in another group.


Für Meno :)
Other races come here and flourish within years.

I'm not going to argue with you anymore, but you are more than welcome to visit the Asian and Mexican, Columbian, Cuban gang neighborhoods.
See if you feel safer there then in "the hoods" .
Of course I have. And I have also seen some very respectable blacks. Can you honestly tell me that there are just as many lowlife whites as there are blacks, per capita?

What area are you talking about? The south side of Chicago or the hills of W. Virginia?


I'm not going to argue with you anymore, but you are more than welcome to visit the Asian and Mexican, Columbian, Cuban gang neighborhoods.
See if you feel safer there then in "the hoods" .

Already covered this. There are white gangs too. Doesn't mean that overall white, Asian, Mexicans etc cause as many problems as blacks.

Deny it all you want, but it is the truth. Who would you rather come across in the middle of the night, Richie Cunningham or 50 Cent?


Für Meno :)
Maybe Bing Cosby, Oprah, the late Sammy jr, Louis Armstrong, or even Obama !
I do like Maraih Carey, too, also liked Whitney Houston, just to name a couple.
Already covered this. There are white gangs too. Doesn't mean that overall white, Asian, Mexicans etc cause as many problems as blacks.

Deny it all you want, but it is the truth. Who would you rather come across in the middle of the night, Richie Cunningham or 50 Cent?

Gee, a white teenager on god knows what or a black millionaire. Mmmm.......I'll hang with the guy who can make it rain.
What I find truly amazing is the fact that so many are trying to take RACE out of this situation. Why is it so hard to accept that RACE played the largest part of the events that night? Has it not been for RACE, Zimmerman would have never made the call or followed this kid.
My attempts to take race out of the situation is no different than your attempts to interject race into the situation. Why would anyone just assume race is a large part of this despite any proof that it was even a factor for the 911 call? TOS, from transcript of the edited audio clip posted on here(by you I believe) the only time Zimmerman referenced race was AFTER the 911 operator asked for the race.

As the indictment states, "zimmerman profiled Trayvon Martin". From this point on, its the states case to prove. The charge has been made and it matters not what anyone thinks. That charge isnt going away. RACE had everything to do with Zimmermans actions that night and unfortunately, thats what got him into trouble.

It seems obvious that you have a very limited and incomplete definition of the word profile as it applies to criminal profiling. Profiling includes many areas of consideration including body language, clothing, gender and sometimes race is a factor as well. I'm sure there other factors too.

Had he not been an over zealous vigilante, Trayvon would be alive today. With NO TRAINING and NO expertise in crime handling, Zimmerman put himself into a bad situation and panicked causing him to shoot an unarmed teenager in the chest.
This may be true, however I have not seen or heard any evidence that Zimmerman was not a member of the Sanford Police Department neighborhood watch group. I've already dispelled your so called proof on that matter. As far as I know the Sanford police department that operates their own "watch group" have not disavowed Zimmerman's membership. If you can prove otherwise, please do.

Zimmerman had NO RIGHT to follow, interupt, pursue, capture, corner, engage, fight or SHOOT Trayvon Martin for ANY reason.

Trayvon had the right to free travel regardless of how he looked, what he was wearing or the color of his skin. Zimmerman on the other hand took those rights away from Trayvon with is false 911 call profiling Trayvon as a potential criminal.
Isn't observation and determination of suspect behavior and reporting of such what neighborhood watches do? Zimmerman's 911 call was not false, incorrect possibly but not false.

Im not sure whats so hard to understand about this case, and why people are rallying for an innocent verdict, but I would lean my thoughts to the fact that Trayvon was black and in some peoples mind, its ok to eliminate them for any reason that can be justified.
I'm not sure what is so hard for you to understand that there is ZERO evidence to this point that Zimmerman RACIALLY profiled Martin. NONE...ZERO. What is easy to understand is why you are pushing so hard on this. Yes, I have profiled you and it has not one damn thing to do with your race.



It is very hard to argue with any of the points offered by TOS in post #1962. The affidavit stated that "Zimmerman profiled Martin" but for all intents and purpose should have added the word "racially". GZ saw a young, black punk who clearly didn't "belong" there and took matters in to his own hands. His fate was sealed the moment he pulled the trigger.

See Upstate, it's not that hard to argue with that post. I don't know if you are only taking what TOS posted into consideration or what, but there is no evidence presented that Zimmerman's actions were based on race other than TOS' unfounded claims. Why would Zimmerman think that a young black male didn't belong in that neighborhood? The 2010 US Census reports that the racial makeup of of Sanford, Fl is almost 30 % black to 57% white to 13% other. It has been stated that "The Retreat" reflected the same %s so it should not be uncommon for blacks to be seen there. In interview one of Zimmerman's friends stated that their group of friends included several blacks. While this doesn't prove anything, it would suggest he had no predisposed prejudice toward blacks.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
If blacks want to stop being profiled and start being treated as equals then they should start acting like equals.

This is the kind of racist sentiment that still exists in america today. Again, implying the same logic as G zimmerman. Inferring that "BLACKS" are already guilty of something and that "they" should change who they are to fit some kind of "WHITE" standard in order to be treated as equals.

Please, here in california, Ive seen MORE white kids with pants below their ashes, gold chains, sidewards hats, tattoos, knuckle dragging as they walk, hoodies and talking with "ghetto slang" and thats in an upscale surburban neighborhood!

But you say blacks have to start acting like equals?

As if Trayvon was doing anything wrong that night? He went to a store, paid for some items, walked home, used his cell phone to talk with a girl-friend, walked down a sidewalk, didnt bother a car, home or clubhouse, intended on going home to watch the rest of a basketball game and yet zimmerman decided to interupt those plans because he was black.

The only perception that needs to be changed is the one shared by G Zimemrman and people like you who still believe blacks are inferior to society because of the way they look.

You appear to hold the entire black race to one standard, as if some havent assimilated into society properly. Thats like calling all white people white trash because some trailer park contains a majority of them in it.

PLease rethink your post.

