

Well-Known Member
Already covered this. There are white gangs too. Doesn't mean that overall white, Asian, Mexicans etc cause as many problems as blacks.

Deny it all you want, but it is the truth. Who would you rather come across in the middle of the night, Richie Cunningham or 50 Cent?

Fallacy. I could just as easily repose the question using the example of Charles Manson and Martin Luther King and then where is your conclusion?

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
This is the kind of racist sentiment that still exists in america today. Again, implying the same logic as G zimmerman. Inferring that "BLACKS" are already guilty of something and that "they" should change who they are to fit some kind of "WHITE" standard in order to be treated as equals.

Please, here in california, Ive seen MORE white kids with pants below their ashes, gold chains, sidewards hats, tattoos, knuckle dragging as they walk, hoodies and talking with "ghetto slang" and thats in an upscale surburban neighborhood!

But you say blacks have to start acting like equals?

As if Trayvon was doing anything wrong that night? He went to a store, paid for some items, walked home, used his cell phone to talk with a girl-friend, walked down a sidewalk, didnt bother a car, home or clubhouse, intended on going home to watch the rest of a basketball game and yet zimmerman decided to interupt those plans because he was black.

The only perception that needs to be changed is the one shared by G Zimemrman and people like you who still believe blacks are inferior to society because of the way they look.

You appear to hold the entire black race to one standard, as if some havent assimilated into society properly. Thats like calling all white people white trash because some trailer park contains a majority of them in it.

PLease rethink your post.



You know exactiy what Tray was doing. uh how?...You were there.?..There are 3 sides to every story..This one is no exception..There is Tray's alledged story..Zimm's alledged story...and then there is thr truth..Somewhere in between..Let the courts have it and decide..


Well-Known Member
I'm sure thankful we don't have white politicians and white community leaders who near use racial fears to manipulate the white voters like they do in the African American community.

BTW: His points in the video were very valid.


This is the kind of racist sentiment that still exists in america today. Again, implying the same logic as G zimmerman. Inferring that "BLACKS" are already guilty of something and that "they" should change who they are to fit some kind of "WHITE" standard in order to be treated as equals.

Please, here in california, Ive seen MORE white kids with pants below their ashes, gold chains, sidewards hats, tattoos, knuckle dragging as they walk, hoodies and talking with "ghetto slang" and thats in an upscale surburban neighborhood!

But you say blacks have to start acting like equals?

As if Trayvon was doing anything wrong that night? He went to a store, paid for some items, walked home, used his cell phone to talk with a girl-friend, walked down a sidewalk, didnt bother a car, home or clubhouse, intended on going home to watch the rest of a basketball game and yet zimmerman decided to interupt those plans because he was black.

The only perception that needs to be changed is the one shared by G Zimemrman and people like you who still believe blacks are inferior to society because of the way they look.

You appear to hold the entire black race to one standard, as if some havent assimilated into society properly. Thats like calling all white people white trash because some trailer park contains a majority of them in it.

PLease rethink your post.



Blacks do not act as equals. The reason has nothing to do with clothing or tattoos.

They contribute more to the crime rate and less to the economy..........And also, not acting as equals means segregating themselves, such as with the NAACP, UNCF etc..................


Pees in the brown Koolaid
Blacks do not act as equals. The reason has nothing to do with clothing or tattoos.

They contribute more to the crime rate and less to the economy..........And also, not acting as equals means segregating themselves, such as with the NAACP, UNCF etc..................

I have some white sheets I dont need any more that would probably fit you perfectly. They have a few sh%t stains on them, but once you wore them for a day or two nobody would even notice the smell.
This is the kind of racist sentiment that still exists in america today. Again, implying the same logic as G zimmerman. Inferring that "BLACKS" are already guilty of something and that "they" should change who they are to fit some kind of "WHITE" standard in order to be treated as equals.

Please, here in california, Ive seen MORE white kids with pants below their ashes, gold chains, sidewards hats, tattoos, knuckle dragging as they walk, hoodies and talking with "ghetto slang" and thats in an upscale surburban neighborhood!

But you say blacks have to start acting like equals?

As if Trayvon was doing anything wrong that night? He went to a store, paid for some items, walked home, used his cell phone to talk with a girl-friend, walked down a sidewalk, didnt bother a car, home or clubhouse, intended on going home to watch the rest of a basketball game and yet zimmerman decided to interupt those plans because he was black.

The only perception that needs to be changed is the one shared by G Zimemrman and people like you who still believe blacks are inferior to society because of the way they look.

You appear to hold the entire black race to one standard, as if some havent assimilated into society properly. Thats like calling all white people white trash because some trailer park contains a majority of them in it.

PLease rethink your post.


Glad you found a post you can twist around to your personal message instead of replying to me.You have yet to show where George Zimmerman said or did anything that was racist. All you did was twist what was said in the media that may well have been already twisted and in the indictment affidavit. Bottom line you got NOTHING.



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Blacks do not act as equals. The reason has nothing to do with clothing or tattoos.

They contribute more to the crime rate and less to the economy..........And also, not acting as equals means segregating themselves, such as with the NAACP, UNCF etc..................

Whites do not act as equals. The reason has nothing to do with white sheets or Confederate flags.

They contribute more to hate crimes and domestic terrorism, and less to the economy....and also, not acting as equals means segregating themselves, such as with the KKK, the Aryan Nations, etc................

Pretty idiotic statement, isnt it?


Staff member
Being black, I hope I hold myself to some higher standards than come of my countrymen no matter what their color. We got some straight up bastards in this country.


Staff member

Damn, I haven't fired it in 8 months. Very comfy gun, grip's great, all rounded edges.
Have to join a range now, I guess.
Being black, I hope I hold myself to some higher standards than come of my countrymen no matter what their color. We got some straight up bastards in this country.

Not trying to be insulting in this but why does your race figure in? Everybody should do as you say. Myself included. The fact that your trying is good enough.


Staff member
It doesn't really, and your point is exactly the point I was trying to make but since some here seemed to think we of the black race would be incapable of such nuanced thought, I thought I'd help them along.
It doesn't really, and your point is exactly the point I was trying to make but since some here seemed to think we of the black race would be incapable of such nuanced thought, I thought I'd help them along.

I think they would have to look up the meaning of "nuanced" first.