
You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
I can't see myself ever bidding a route until I'm older and a "retirement" route comes open for bid. I would get bored doing the same thing every day. Going out blind is pretty fun unless it's a rural route in the snow lol.
I used to the think the same way then I won a long term disability bid and ran the same route for almost 2 years. It was awesome.

Orion inc.

I like turtles
Bitch.. I've posted mine 3 different times you tard!!!
you posted your auto zone check.

Not ups.

Try again princess.

Let's see that 60 hours paycheck that beats FT full rate.

Even though you are only at 80% TCD rate.

You really don't understand the contract, ups or actual math.

Better save well buttercup. I don't think you'll do any better in life than you are with your intelligence

dookie stain

Cornfed whiteboy
In town is no sweat because our town isn't very big. But going out blind on a rural route always gets me a little nervous, but as long as I have maps I am good to go. There's only 3 routes in my center I haven't done so I'm close to being done with the "blind" phase.
I don't think I've ever actually used a map...only a few rural routes here...most routes I've done if you drive for more than a minute you'll end up on a street where you've got a stop

Rack em

Made the Podium
I don't think I've ever actually used a map...only a few rural routes here...most routes I've done if you drive for more than a minute you'll end up on a street where you've got a stop
HA! Some of the routes in our center you can drive over 30 minutes before you get to your next stop. Tons of stops where you have to drive 20+ miles one way for one stop and have to turn around and drive 20+ miles back.


Well-Known Member
HA! Some of the routes in our center you can drive over 30 minutes before you get to your next stop. Tons of stops where you have to drive 20+ miles one way for one stop and have to turn around and drive 20+ miles back.

Whats your highest mileage route? ours is 200, but our stops arent spread out like what you're describing

dookie stain

Cornfed whiteboy
HA! Some of the routes in our center you can drive over 30 minutes before you get to your next stop. Tons of stops where you have to drive 20+ miles one way for one stop and have to turn around and drive 20+ miles back.
One of the on road sups here used to do a route where he'd drive three hours to the route..40 stops...then drive three hours back

Orion inc.

I like turtles
No, I posted my deposit into my bank account!! After taxes.. and it shows more then you make gross.. idiot!

Here's some math idiot. If a FT full rate driver makes $35/hr and you make $29/hr as aPT TCD and ypu both get the same hours and OT, guess what?

You aren't making more than a FT full rate driver who gets the same or more hours than you.

You do know that right?

If you're not sure, read the pay rates in the southern supplement and get a calculator because you obviously aren't all that bright with numbers.

@UpstateNYUPSer is correct. Your constantly having to tell everyone how much you make as a TCD and bragging about working Saturdays (when we are all off) is getting old.

If you're this arrogant and cocky in your center as you are here, I can promise you that every senior driver is making fun of you behind your back.

You've become a comical joke on here just with this thread. I'm sure you're a joke in real life as well

walk it off

Well-Known Member
So in talking with a pretty savvy, seemingly pretty smart center manager, told me he believes the main purpose of Orion is so that if the union decides to strike again, they'll have the software in place to just hire off the streets for half of what they pay us, and then tell the union to take a hike eventually.. o asked where he got that from, and he said the next contract top rate FT driver pay will more then likely be cut by $7-$8 an hour unless you're grandfathered in because ups has to make up their losses somewhere. Something about they hardly show profit on shipping now, and they've been buying up other companies just to stay afloat right now.. anyone have any insight on this,?
"Seemingly smart manager"? hmmmmm..... For those who remember the '97 strike is mgmt. will never allow that to happen again. Losses for UPS? since when did UPS not make a profit. Hire off the street and........ Are you serious? I know very few people as in 1 out of 100 who can do this job
well and do it well for a career. Software does not come with experience included. Give this off the street person 125 delivery and 30 pickups and you will have massive service failures. They don't have the physical conditioning or the mental toughness to do this job. How many wanna be drivers haven't made their 30 days under normal conditions? a lot is the answer. Plus the manager now has to interview for his raises, bonus's and stock. This smart guy will tell you and anyone who will listen about "tellin the union" to go take a hike. How original; heard the same thing as a new hire before contract in '89. I've heard similar since then but unfortunately the people who said that no longer work for UPS. You see it comes around to giving b.s. its rightful
due. Pay no attention because even though you are replaceable the replacing of a entire work force is nonsense. Best regards to that seemingly smart mgr.