Big Babooba
Well-Known Member

Faux Fawns? It says invalid something or other when I click on your pic attachments.
Brown Cafe
Here's some pictures from the roof of my house.View attachment 4419View attachment 4417View attachment 4418
well shoot, they show up for me!?
Well, yeah, they were in your side yard.
Tried 1 more time.
Finally. Fawns in my side yard; they were there long enough to get a few pics.
LOL, a couple, at best. I wonder what the term would be for young venison. I mean young beef is Veal, correct?
Anyways, here's my "new" pkg car, and it's parked in front of one of my favorite places.
View attachment 4420
Anyways, here's my "new" pkg car, and it's parked in front of one of my favorite places.
View attachment 4420
LOL, I'll give you a hint.Steve, what are you hidiing in the driver's seat. Taking pics of the kids in the truck? I think UPS knows we have all done that at least once.
I win the bet.[/B]
On the wrong side of the street?
Very good pic of the fawns Emercond421. I couldn't get them to pull up either in the first post you attempted. How do you get them to show up in the post like they used to?
Steve: I bet you like that long boat compared to the 800 you had for so long. Watch that tail swing though. Id be takin down alot of mailboxes on my route, too many cul de sacs.
You ain't kidding there.Here's some pics from today. I actually got home at a decent hour.The trouble with "larger" trucks is - UPS tends to fill them up. I spent my whole career working at gettig a "smaller" truck.
LOL, I know, and I also dropped my shoulder, but it was still a lot of fun.Steve, you'll never hit a round tripper with your weight on the back foot. Lean into that swing.