How's the view???........


bella amicizia
Cool. My yard is about 3 acres mowed and 4 acres woods. The deer hide in my woods during hunting season. They know i won't shoot them. Across the street is state land left and right. No neighbors, ever. Eventually, either Tim or I will have to leave. I don't want to give up, as I love where I live, but.........


Gone Fish'n
Guard dogs keeping the undesirables out.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This helicopter took off just as I was leaving the airport where I make my daily pickup. I park right by the helipad, and when the copter took off the wind from the rotor blew right thru the cab and I could smell the jet exhaust and feel the vibration and sound. Awesome!



Pees in the brown Koolaid
Yesterday I went down to Autzen Stadium in Eugene to see the Rose Bowl Champion Oregon Ducks play in their annual Spring Game. Over 40,000 fans attended. Admission was a can of food for the Oregon Food Bank. The game was dedicated to the men and women who serve our nation in the armed forces. There were military displays outside of the stadium, and at halftime they had a flag-folding ceremony and played "taps" in memory of our fallen heroes. Before the game the marching band unfolded this flag while playing the "Star Spangled Banner" and at the moment the flag unfurled, a pair of friend-15 Eagles from the Portland Air Guard base did a low level flyover of the stadium. They were going so fast they almost beat their own noise, so you didnt hear them until they were directly overhead and the stadium shook from the jet blast and the roar of 40,000 people. It was an amazing thing to see, hear and feel.

Richard Harrow

Almost stepped on this 2 1/2 foot copperhead in the middle of someone's driveway while delivering air this morning.

That is freakin' incredible. I have always loved snakes, have had a few, still have a 3 foot ball python upstairs.

While covering a route last summer, I came upon a 4 foot California King Snake that someone carelessly released into the wild. The whole neighborhood came out to watch the UPS driver try to capture this huge black and white serpent. I caught him after about 5 minutes, but because he was extremely nasty (I could tell it wasn't handled much) and because my wife would kill me if I brought another home, I called the local animal control and they took him.
I don't know what became of him, but a snake of that size poses a serious threat to small children and/or small domestic animals, so that's why I did what I did lol. Not sure I'd do the same with a copperhead, rattler, or cottonmouth. I've never had the guts to try and handle a venomous snake. I'm such a pansy lol.


Gone Fish'n
Wife said I should of killed it, I said with what, my DIAD? I would of told the owner to come kill it but as I said I was running air so I didn't have time and the driveway was pretty long. I don't take my package car down driveways unless I absolutely have no choice, I've seen to much bad stuff happen in driveways to risk my job over laziness.


Wife said I should of killed it, I said with what, my DIAD? I would of told the owner to come kill it but as I said I was running air so I didn't have time and the driveway was pretty long. I don't take my package car down driveways unless I absolutely have no choice, I've seen to much bad stuff happen in driveways to risk my job over laziness.

I don't go out of my way to kill the poisonous snakes. If they come to close to the house then I will. I have dogs in the yard and I don't need any vet bills for emergency visits. Other than that they have a place and a reason for being here. I let them be. I have been known to stop and 'chase' snakes off the road so they don't get run over.


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This guy is a Rhodesian Ridgeback that weighs about 130 lbs. I call him "the toll-keeper". He lives on a private, dead-end road and when I or FedEx or the Post Office come down the road he stands right in the middle and forces the vehicle to come to a complete stop before walking over to the drivers side and demanding his biscuit. His owners and their neighbors stand there and laugh. We all "pay the toll" to get by him. He looks mean and scarier than hell, but he is actually a very sweet and gentle dog and I always look forward to delivering to his house because then I get to feed him twice.



golden ticket member
That's what I see on my way to Pala Casino near Fallbrook/Temecula. There are 3 bison mixed in with a herd of cattle. I still think of nickels when I see one.