How's the view???........


Pees in the brown Koolaid
This guy hears me coming from half a mile away and by the time I stop to open the customer's gate he is already there waiting to run circles around the package car while I inch it up their driveway. Rather than worry about running him over, I just lure him into the back of the car with a biscuit and then lock him up behind the bulkhead door until I can get safely turned around and parked. He loves to go for his daily ride in the brown truck!





Ran into this guy out at the ranch I was delivering to. Not a happy camper that I was disturbing his peace. About a 3 foot Diamondback.


Then this guy as I was leaving the ranch, about 100 yds apart. I wonder if he was looking for his dinner. About a 5 ft Gopher.


Staff member
The gas company came and marked where the gas line is thru the yard with those little yellow flags.

Yet another project. I now have 4 going at the same time.


golden ticket member
There's a "For Sale" sign on the truck. Nobody wants to buy a plow truck in the summer, what's with that?!?!?
Just like Obama saying today for us to buy a 'thingamajig' for our furnaces.......June, July August....hello!!! That's his plan for goosing the economy!!


Well-Known Member


Ran into this guy out at the ranch I was delivering to. Not a happy camper that I was disturbing his peace. About a 3 foot Diamondback.


Then this guy as I was leaving the ranch, about 100 yds apart. I wonder if he was looking for his dinner. About a 5 ft Gopher.

I saw 2 snakes in the last three days. One harmless, the other not.

Not matter what 99 % of males admit, both sightings made my unspoken area draw up into my body automatically.

Snakes are eerie. I then, after my initial reaction, have a macho male moment and say out
loud, blah blah, but deep down, snakes are not my favorite creation.


Retired 23 years
I see one of those snake worshiper preacher type dudes died yesterday after being bitten by a rattlesnake at the weekly services. The congregation pretty much just said "well -**** happens".