How's the view???........


Well-Known Member
If you just drop the can in from the top it will blow out. You have to bend it a little and put it in in from the side, below the level of the floor. I will take a picture of mine on monday, its a simple trick that will keep it from blowing out.

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I have an even simpler trick----secure all garbage in the cargo area and dispose of it accordingly. Letting it blow all over the highway is not disposing of it accordingly.


Box Monkey
All of our newer trucks have a little clip on a hinge that slips down over the trash can to hold it in place. The can itself doesn't blow out but the contents of the can still vacate quickly when the doors are open.


Man of Great Wisdom
I was lucky enough to get the first power steering diesel in our building back in 1995. I realized that first day that the garbage can wasn't meant for garbage. Lost the can on the interstate. Mine now stores snow chains and diesel additives. DR bags work much better for garbage.


Well-Known Member
I love when I fill in for a regular driver that requires me to go down the interstate...

And the regular driver leaves little surprises throughout the cab that the wind catches and blows all over before finally vacating the car.



Well-Known Member
What I CANT garbage and clutter and food wrappers stuffed into every nook and cranny and blowing around in the cab as I drive.

Every car in our fleet has a wastebasket and there are garbage cans to dump them into sitting next to each fuel pump. There is no reason at all for trash to be piling up in a package car.

We've got a driver here that's a complete slob...

Center manager went out with him one day.

Before they even left, they spent an HOUR cleaning his package car free of food wrappers, cups, trash, half-eaten food, etc.

I laughed my ass off.


That’s Craptacular
That is important for people to learn. Have your ever tried to drive a package car when the seat smelled like :censored2:?
Leave a vermont coffee company box in the truck....or some of my drivers are nice enough to have febreeze in their pc's. Anything to cover the smell of day old "floor urine" or the general truck ass I realize some odors come with the job but how hard is it to piss in a gatorade bottle and not spill it?? lol
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Staff member

Started yesterday giving my long guns an extra good cleaning and a better coating of oil. Don't use them much (really ever) anymore.
Might bury some in the backyard to keep hidden for when Obama comes to take them all away...


nowhere special

Started yesterday giving my long guns an extra good cleaning and a better coating of oil. Don't use them much (really ever) anymore.
Might bury some in the backyard to keep hidden for when Obama comes to take them all away...

I did mine a couple of weeks ago. Used too much oil but most of those guns are just going to sit in back of safe so I over oiled them.


Oh Yeah
If you just drop the can in from the top it will blow out. You have to bend it a little and put it in in from the side, below the level of the floor. I will take a picture of mine on monday, its a simple trick that will keep it from blowing out.

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That's why you don't put trash in the idiotic spot them idiots put the trash can. You grab a box by the clerk station and put a dr bag in it and put it on floor behind drivers seat. DUH IT AINT ROCKET SIENCE LKE I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW INCREDIBLY STUPID PEOPLE ARE ol.


nowhere special
If you are a cover driver don't bother throwing out trash all week. Just let it pile up on every shelf. The regular driver can take care of it next week. And you can save time by just pissing in the truck too. Just try to use the same corner as much as possible.


That’s Craptacular
If you are a cover driver don't bother throwing out trash all week. Just let it pile up on every shelf. The regular driver can take care of it next week. And you can save time by just pissing in the truck too. Just try to use the same corner as much as possible.
Ahhhh...I just love the smell of floor urine at 3am!


Oh Yeah
If you are a cover driver don't bother throwing out trash all week. Just let it pile up on every shelf. The regular driver can take care of it next week. And you can save time by just pissing in the truck too. Just try to use the same corner as much as possible.
I know some drivers are just idiots and slobs with no cooth. Im just like really dude, your a total :censored2: bag jackazz lol.