I did the unthinkable


Strength through joy
It is not an unthinkable act.
Many have set their own dates when they plan on leaving.
Some for a new job, moving away or retiring.
Some will do it today, tomorrow or when the police escort them from the building.


an absolute *ing disgrace of a human being.
....today, tomorrow or when the police escort them...


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Not many things you can do to replace a $100K job unless you have a very good skill or some amazing idea or niche business to run. After being a driver for 17 years, those odds are that much more against you as you likely don't have other fresh skills.

May get the "money isn't everything" mantra and that's all fine and good until you find yourself stressed out about money all the time.
If you need a $100K job to be able to not stress about money you've made some pretty bad financial decisions.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
I hope you had something good lined up before you quit. Every person I know who quit later regretted it. Most of them are still working while I’ve been retired for close to 20 years.
They dont use clipboards and pencils anymore