Maybe now is the right time to organize


Well-Known Member
Except that McConnell blocked EVERYTHING- including appointments needed at the NLRB And McConnell will do the same with Biden whether what Biden wants is good for the country or not. Using the term 'demoncrat' is childish and makes you a part of the problem. You likely don't even see that.
Democrats completely controlled Congress 2009-2010. Don't try to pass it off on McConnell. Still controlled the Senate until 2015.


Well-Known Member
The passage of Dodd Frank was created by the recession not the other way around which reset banking law and regulation that was eliminated with the repeal of Glass Steagell which was part of the Banking Act of 1933. Among key provisions was the separation of merchant banking from investment banking.

The banking industry has no love for Dodd Frank including the "stress test" requirements . Regional banks on the other hand are exempt from the stress test because they're assets are below the minimum threshold.

Yes, there was strong bipartisan support for the repeal of Glass Steagell because there was big money waiting to be made by doing so. But, as it always is the innocent average American bears the pain resulting from unbridled greed.
Dodd and Frank put pressure on banks to approve mortgages for lower income people well before the recession. Led to the 2008 crisis because way too many people couldn't pay their mortgage and those mortgages were bundled and sold as derivative investments. When the mortgages started defaulting the whole banking/investment system about unraveled. They then passed Dodd-Frank to try to straighten out the mess that they were at least partly responsible for. That's the part you don't know because in your bubble Democrats do no wrong.


Well-Known Member
Dodd and Frank put pressure on banks to approve mortgages for lower income people well before the recession. Led to the 2008 crisis because way too many people couldn't pay their mortgage and those mortgages were bundled and sold as derivative investments. When the mortgages started defaulting the whole banking/investment system about unraveled. They then passed Dodd-Frank to try to straighten out the mess that they were at least partly responsible for. That's the part you don't know because in your bubble Democrats do no wrong.
The Graham Leach Bliley Act which repealed Glass Steagell and set the Bush Recession in motion was named after the 3 Republicans who introduced and campaigned for it passed the House with more than 2/3 of "yea" vote Republican and the Senate 55-44 with 54 of those votes Republican

Now what do you have to say about that?

Look Bud, who's fault is it that you obviously failed to emotionally prepare yourself for the possibility of Trump getting beat?

And if SCOTUS overturns the ACA between now and the Georgia runoff on 1-2 keeping those seats GOP is going to get a whole lot tougher.


Well-Known Member
You guys always try to blame the Republican. To their credit both the NY Times and USA Today put out extensive articles on who was to blame for the 2008 crisis. Yes the Bush administration was a player but there were a whole host of characters involved. Possibly none had as big an influence as Christopher Dodd and Barney Frank. 2008 was a testament to greed that we're still paying for. And things have gotten so polarized it's doubtful either of those papers would have written similar articles today.
Who had the presidential power to make changes between 2001-2009?????? The right always makes excuses for themselves but the buck stops at the presidents desk when a democrat is in power. Hypocrites live in the republican party, and don't even recognize it.


Well-Known Member
Democrats completely controlled Congress 2009-2010. Don't try to pass it off on McConnell. Still controlled the Senate until 2015.
McConnell literally vowed to stop Obama from any achievement, and republicans stopped the majority fighting Al Franken's win, and then Kennedy died. Your two full years is bs. NcConnell stated that it didn't matter even if he agreed with Obama, he was going to stop him. And while Dems had the majority, Everything was slowed to a crawl. And a couple democrats who would only be called democrats won in a couple states because the republicans are so far toward the right authoritarian side that an old style republican wins as a democrat.


Just telling it like it is
Democrats completely controlled Congress 2009-2010. Don't try to pass it off on McConnell. Still controlled the Senate until 2015.
McConnell is a power hungry weenie. People like him keep Fred and his precious RLA intact. Why are you defending him since you were screwed on your pay raises?


Well-Known Member
McConnell is a power hungry weenie. People like him keep Fred and his precious RLA intact. Why are you defending him since you were screwed on your pay raises?
Facts don't matter to MAGAts. They have been told by Trump and all the other ignorant residents in the trailer park that democrats are bad. It isn't even 'group think' because none of them think. They just follow. It is a cult. It started with Obama being a black man, who they think, maybe even suconsciously, is somehow inferior. When he proved them wrong, their little minds revolted against common sense and they elected a buffoon, and now they are so ties to him that they see nothing else.


Well-Known Member
McConnell is a power hungry weenie. People like him keep Fred and his precious RLA intact. Why are you defending him since you were screwed on your pay raises?
Just stating the obvious. McConnell wasn't in charge of the Senate until 2015. It was Democrats in 2010 who had complete control of the government yet screwed us over on not passing the Express Employees Relief Act that would have taken us off the RLA. So why do you support the Dems again? And now we have bigger fish to fry than FedEx employees pay raises.


Well-Known Member
Facts don't matter to MAGAts. They have been told by Trump and all the other ignorant residents in the trailer park that democrats are bad. It isn't even 'group think' because none of them think. They just follow. It is a cult. It started with Obama being a black man, who they think, maybe even suconsciously, is somehow inferior. When he proved them wrong, their little minds revolted against common sense and they elected a buffoon, and now they are so ties to him that they see nothing else.
If you say so.


Well-Known Member
Who had the presidential power to make changes between 2001-2009?????? The right always makes excuses for themselves but the buck stops at the presidents desk when a democrat is in power. Hypocrites live in the republican party, and don't even recognize it.
We actually had an attachment to an FAA bill, which I mentioned above, that if passed would have taken us out of the RLA. Everyone knows the Republicans are against unions. If it was going to happen the Democrats had to do it. They had their chance and turned their back on us.


Just telling it like it is
Just stating the obvious. McConnell wasn't in charge of the Senate until 2015. It was Democrats in 2010 who had complete control of the government yet screwed us over on not passing the Express Employees Relief Act that would have taken us off the RLA. So why do you support the Dems again? And now we have bigger fish to fry than FedEx employees pay raises.
I’ll support who’s ever the best regardless of affiliation. And it sure as hell ain’t McConnell and Trump.


Engorged Member
Just stating the obvious. McConnell wasn't in charge of the Senate until 2015. It was Democrats in 2010 who had complete control of the government yet screwed us over on not passing the Express Employees Relief Act that would have taken us off the RLA. So why do you support the Dems again? And now we have bigger fish to fry than FedEx employees pay raises.
"Express Employee Relief Act"? WTF are you talking about. Do you mean the Express Carrier Exemption, which was a gift TO Fred so he could keep the RLA?


Well-Known Member
"Express Employee Relief Act"? WTF are you talking about. Do you mean the Express Carrier Exemption, which was a gift TO Fred so he could keep the RLA?
You don't remember? Attached to the FAA bill that the Democrats kept kicking down the road until the Republicans took over the House in 2011. Something that suspiciously happened after Fred contributed millions to the campaign coffers of a bunch of Democrats.

Edit: I remembered the name wrong. It was the Express Carrier Employee Protection Act. A 232 word provision of the FAA bill inserted by Congressman James Oberstar of Michigan.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
You don't remember? Attached to the FAA that the Democrats kept kicking down the until the Republicans took over the in 2011. Something that suspiciously happened after Fred contributed millions to the campaign coffers of a bunch of Democrats.

Edit: I remembered the name wrong. It was the Express Carrier Employee Protection Act. A 232 word provision of the FAA inserted by Congressman James Oberstar of Michigan.
According to what I can find the bill you speak of was introduced and sponsored by Democrats in both the 108th and 109th Congress . Both of whom were controlled by Republicans. Twice the bill was referred to committee and by the looks of things both times it never made it out of committee never making it to the floor for a vote. And given that GOP controlled both houses of Congress during both sessions it only stands to reason that the committees that the was referred to would be controlled by Republicans. I can can find no record of it ever being introduced after 109th Congress in 2006.


Well-Known Member
The Graham Leach Bliley Act which repealed Glass Steagell and set the Bush Recession in motion was named after the 3 Republicans who introduced and campaigned for it passed the House with more than 2/3 of "yea" vote Republican and the Senate 55-44 with 54 of those votes Republican

Now what do you have to say about that?

Look Bud, who's fault is it that you obviously failed to emotionally prepare yourself for the possibility of Trump getting beat?

And if SCOTUS overturns the ACA between now and the Georgia runoff on 1-2 keeping those seats GOP is going to get a whole lot tougher.
And signed into law by William Jefferson Clinton. Both sides at fault, because they are on the same team.


Well-Known Member
According to what I can find the bill you speak of was introduced and sponsored by Democrats in both the 108th and 109th Congress . Both of whom were controlled by Republicans. Twice the bill was referred to committee and by the looks of things both times it never made it out of committee never making it to the floor for a vote. And given that GOP controlled both houses of Congress during both sessions it only stands to reason that the committees that the was referred to would be controlled by Republicans. I can can find no record of it ever being introduced after 109th Congress in 2006.
No sir. The provision was attached to the FAA bill in 2009. The FAA bill was repeatedly tabled without a vote because Fred S passed out reportedly 32 million in campaign donations to Democrats. UPS at the time was lobbying hard to get it passed as they felt it would level the playing field. The Democrats controlled the presidency and both houses 2009-2010. When the Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011 they not only removed that provision but they also made it required to force a union vote you now need 50% of a craft signing union cards instead of 35%. Democrats in the Senate went along with that. This was discussed on this forum extensively back then. We had high hopes that we'd finally get the Teamsters in but saw that dashed.


Well-Known Member
No sir. The provision was attached to the FAA bill in 2009. The FAA bill was repeatedly tabled without a vote because Fred S passed out reportedly 32 million in campaign donations to Democrats. UPS at the time was lobbying hard to get it passed as they felt it would level the playing field. The Democrats controlled the presidency and both houses 2009-2010. When the Republicans took over the House of Representatives in 2011 they not only removed that provision but they also made it required to force a union vote you now need 50% of a craft signing union cards instead of 35%. Democrats in the Senate went along with that. This was discussed on this forum extensively back then. We had high hopes that we'd finally get the Teamsters in but saw that dashed.
How come you failed to mention the fact that the same legislation twice failed to get out of committee in the Republican controlled 108th and 109th congress?

Your party twice had the opportunity to pass that legislation but instead blocked it from even getting on the floor for a vote.

What is quite obvious here is that you are blaming the Democrats for their inability to protect you from your beloved GOP.

The fact that your party refused to even bring the bill out of committee and up for a vote is something that just have to accept just as you're going to have to accept the fact that Trump LOST the election.