
The day we got a new center manager I was out on the road. I'm doing about 60 (I mean 55) and I saw a bird coming straight at me from 100 yds or so. It veared off and hit my passenger side mirror. It swung around and busted the mirror right out. That night when I got in I told the new center manager (yes...he was still there....I told you he was new) and he asked "Is that what really happened" He was bound and determined to charge me with it. So never let it be said that I don't learn my lesson. Later that same year, I hit a pheasant that flew out of the ditch right into the grill of my package car (ironically, it was opening day of pheasant season) so I stopped and threw the bird into the back of the car. By God, I was going to have proof this time. Worked like a charm. So if you hit any animal that causes damage to the car.....make sure you take it back with you. You'll thank me!!!

I heard a story very similar to this a while ago... You don't work in the NE Ohio district do you? :lol:


Raw Member
have any drivers on this board ever broke a mirror on the package car while driving and what did you do.
In my 20 years I`ve had numerous broken mirrors. One was on a narrow bridge a work truck came too close and took off my mirror and even the whole mirror stand ( LOL ), a couple times while adjusting and a couple times a tree limb hanging over or too near the side of the road. None of them over the years was ever a big deal, I reported them immediately and mechanic replaced them. Never a mark against safe driving record nor anything negative. It`s normal driving hazards.

Dirty Savage

Paranoid Android
The only time I've broken a mirror is when I was adjusting it. Especially when you are covering someone else's route and their mirrors have been set the way they want it for some time. Just wrote it up, replaced the next day.

Another time I was driving down a gravel road and a car coming the other way threw up rock and it smashed my side window out. Glass flew all over me and I had several tiny cuts on the left side of my body. Scared the crap out of me and the people at the pick up stop I was going to. Just wrote that up too, and a week later the window was replaced.

Harry Manback

Robot Extraordinaire
Interesting this thread came about on the very day a rogue tree limb reached out and broke my mirror... The common sense part of me said, "Write it up and don't worry about it." Then I remembered who I work for. The last thing I wanted was to come, put under the hot lamp, and interrogated on why I am liar, thief and scoundrel over a $5.00 mirror. Best just to call it in, besides, I could use a few days off with this heat. :sweatdrop